Men surrounded for exercising Second Amendment rights.

ok you don't feel like you need to carry a long gun on you that's fine but the Constitution is not based on what you feel is needed it's sole purpose is RIGHTS
I don’t believe in Rights. I thought I’d made that exceptionally clear around here for quite a while.

Feel free to carry the rifle. Just don’t complain when you are expected to deal with the consequences of breaking the law against it.
You don't believe in rights?
pknopp neither did LaVoy Finicum but he was a target and he was shot all to shit as he tried to make it to a friendlier law enforcer in the next county over.

He was with Ammon Bundy who was found not guilty correct? With that being the case, clearly this persons death was unjustified.
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I'm missing an important aspect here. What did they do that was illegal to start with?
It’s illegal in Massachusetts to open-carry firearms, in a vehicle or not.

No it isn't.
Yes, it is:

‘Mass State Police Col. Christopher Mason said the suspects surrendered after police tactical teams used armored vehicles to tighten the perimeter around them.
“You can imagine 11 armed individuals standing with long guns slung on an interstate highway at 2 in the morning certainly raises concerns and is not consistent with the firearms laws that we have in Massachusetts,” Mason said.’

No it isn't, Nothing you posted states it is.
bigrebnc1775 I'm certainly a believer in forgiveness but forgiving and forgetting are two different cats. I would say it all depends on the circumstances of previous behavior along with current behavior and what laws were broken.

Some slimeballs are still just slimebags years later. Others just simply make mistakes and don't return to do the same again as they mature.
You don't believe in rights?
Nope. I am a believer in a system of Privileges granted to those who have proven their willingness and ability to live a proper life. Remember I’m an Authoritarian, not a supporter of Democracy.
Nothing they did as far as we know was unconstitutional. Are you going to say "well it's the law:", when someone makes guns illegal?

Where do we find "unlawful possession of a firearm" in the COnstitution?
The Constitution is not a defense so far as I’m concerned. Until and unless they were willing to engage in armed Revolution, which they weren’t since the Trooper is alive and they’re in custody, the Constitution is a moot point. Has been since 1865.
pknopp if that was the case in everything then why can't anyone in the pursuit of their own happiness just do whatever they want? Are drug laws unconstitutional? Murder, rape, etc...?

BTW, I always carried a loaded pistol in the car and on my person when I was younger. It saved me more than once from would be rapist but I may have been in a hell of a lot of trouble in some areas I traveled through if the vehicle had been searched.
if a felon has paid his dues for his crime and the government allowed them out of prison shouldn't they have all their rights back?
A person convicted of a felony loses many of their rights.
Even if after a few years they get a Pardon and some rights are restored. Legal ownership of a firearm is still denied them for life.
Unless they go through an expensive court process and have their criminal record expunged by a judge. But that's only for non violent crimes. People convicted of violent crimes can never legally own a gun. ... :cool:
These people hurt no one.
No one said they did.

It’s not a situation where the guns were hidden or concealed in the cars; where law enforcement went rooting and digging around in the cars looking for contraband; the occupants were open-carrying firearms in violation of state law.
Nothing they did as far as we know was unconstitutional. Are you going to say "well it's the law:", when someone makes guns illegal?

Where do we find "unlawful possession of a firearm" in the COnstitution?
The Constitution is not a defense so far as I’m concerned. Until and unless they were willing to engage in armed Revolution, which they weren’t since the Trooper is alive and they’re in custody, the Constitution is a moot point. Has been since 1865.

Getting laws overturned IMO is a better solution. I don't support anyone taking the life of another outside of direct self defense.
if a felon has paid his dues for his crime and the government allowed them out of prison shouldn't they have all their rights back?
A person convicted of a felony loses many of their rights.
Even if after a few years they get a Pardon and some rights are restored. Legal ownership of a firearm is still denied them for life.
Unless they go through a court process and have their criminal record expunged. But that's only for non violent crimes. People convicted of violent crimes can never own a gun. ... :cool:
yes they lose their rights So they also lose their right to life when they leave prison don't you agree?
These people hurt no one.
No one said they did.

It’s not a situation where the guns were hidden or concealed in the cars; where law enforcement went rooting and digging around in the cars looking for contraband; the occupants were open-carrying firearms in violation of state law.

If you support laws that violate a persons Constitutional rights, so be it. I don't.

If they had nothing to hide why did they run off into the woods?
Don't know but I'd say these Black men stopped along the side of the road and the officer calling for more police may have gotten them a little nervous about a massacre.

The cop just stopped to see if he could help and most of em ran off into the woods.
There was no call for backup.
Not what local reporting is saying.
C'mon man. No cop is stepping out of his car to confront a group of armed men at 1:30 AM without calling for backup.

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