Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Obama needs new bodies to help pay for his Socialist vision, ObamaCare..not enough kids that voted for him I guess
Are you trying to say that the luster has fled the pearl? That Hopey-Changey rang hollow after all? That Fearless Leader isn't the Messiah after all? That support for him and his policies began to tank and that we were back to voting-for-the-lesser-of-two-weevils again by the time of the last election? Golly-gosh gee-willickers... who'd-a thunk it? :razz:
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I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows

More like 12,000,000 invaders who snuck across our borders or who overstayed their visas, who were allowed to stay by a cowardly government enthralled to the Corporatists, whose ruling members became vote-whores and undertook such measures in order to help ensure their favorable perception by a modest portion of the electorate, at the great expense of their fellow countrymen and against the long-term interests of an already overburdened nation with little room for such new numbers.
of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows

More like 12,000,000 invaders who snuck across our borders or who overstayed their visas, who were allowed to stay by a cowardly government enthralled to the Corporatists, whose ruling members became vote-whores and undertook such measures in order to help ensure their favorable perception by a modest portion of the electorate, at the great expense of their fellow countrymen and against the long-term interests of an already overburdened nation with little room for such new numbers.

They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows

AMERICANS? if they were they wouldn't need AMNESTY now would they
but hey, who cares about the LEGAL citizens can't find JOBS already..they can become Obama JULIAS..look it up it looks like fun
of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows

AMERICANS? if they were they wouldn't need AMNESTY now would they
but hey, who cares about the LEGAL citizens can't find JOBS already..they can become Obama JULIAS..look it up it looks like fun

Mexicans can become Americans just like you. Only difference is they are more intelligent and work harder
12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows

More like 12,000,000 invaders who snuck across our borders or who overstayed their visas, who were allowed to stay by a cowardly government enthralled to the Corporatists, whose ruling members became vote-whores and undertook such measures in order to help ensure their favorable perception by a modest portion of the electorate, at the great expense of their fellow countrymen and against the long-term interests of an already overburdened nation with little room for such new numbers.

They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

More like 12,000,000 invaders who snuck across our borders or who overstayed their visas, who were allowed to stay by a cowardly government enthralled to the Corporatists, whose ruling members became vote-whores and undertook such measures in order to help ensure their favorable perception by a modest portion of the electorate, at the great expense of their fellow countrymen and against the long-term interests of an already overburdened nation with little room for such new numbers.

They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution

Temporary work visas are
The "New Racism" believing the Law should be enforced.

I shudder to think you people are raising children that like you, have no morality, no integrity and no ability for linear thinking.
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

Seems that closing the border is always a big hang up. Nobody is really serious about that. Until that happens we will never get control and will keep having amnesty every 20-30 years.
Just close the door
They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution

Temporary work visas are

ah yes, wanting outsiders to OBEY our laws make you Americans, HATE FILLED

didn't you know that
"...Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution. Temporary work visas are."
There is nothing hateful about wanting our borders to be secure and in grieving over a relaxing of our guard and our collective will to surrender to an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegals, although it is a common tactic of Ethnic Stakeholders in this and of World-Without-Borders types to attempt to portray it as hateful in an effort to beat-down and suppress and discredit opposing opinion. Such disingenuous and unprovoked and unwarranted labeling is, itself, akin to an act of hatred.
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They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution

Temporary work visas are

Temporary visas helped get us to where we are today, they are the mechanism to get into this country......they aren't the mechanism to get them back out of this country.
The "New Racism" believing the Law should be enforced.

I shudder to think you people are raising children that like you, have no morality, no integrity and no ability for linear thinking.

If we had workable borders, you would have a point, but both parties did really nothing about it until the last few years, and they are still porous.

It is not 'racism', it is 'nativism'.
Sorry no, the kook Left has decided its "racism".

As to "workable" borders...securing them is as easy as pie.

The "will" of the people is to seal them, unfortunately there i no "political will" to DO the "will" of the people.

We could solve the problem very quickly if our "elected employees" would do what we wanted them to.

The "New Racism" believing the Law should be enforced.

I shudder to think you people are raising children that like you, have no morality, no integrity and no ability for linear thinking.

If we had workable borders, you would have a point, but both parties did really nothing about it until the last few years, and they are still porous.

It is not 'racism', it is 'nativism'.
Then the left is wrong, when the classic narrative defines resistance to immigrants as "nativism". The bill should be written to make those borders non-porous as well as to ensure reform and economic business sanctions.

If any of the three are not included, then the bill should be shot down.

Sorry no, the kook Left has decided its "racism".

As to "workable" borders...securing them is as easy as pie.

The "will" of the people is to seal them, unfortunately there i no "political will" to DO the "will" of the people.

We could solve the problem very quickly if our "elected employees" would do what we wanted them to.

The "New Racism" believing the Law should be enforced.

I shudder to think you people are raising children that like you, have no morality, no integrity and no ability for linear thinking.

If we had workable borders, you would have a point, but both parties did really nothing about it until the last few years, and they are still porous.

It is not 'racism', it is 'nativism'.
They are here and have been working here

Pretending they don't exist is not a plan
Pretending you can round them up and send them home is not a plan

Give them work Visas. Those who work hard and pay taxes are on the path for eventual citizenship.
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution

Temporary work visas are

Won't temp work visas make it even easier for employers to hire workers top get paid a pittance, helping drive wages down even more?
Practicality of deportation is not a defense for what they did and for the plague-of-locust -caliber damage that they have done to the economy and various trades and our blue collar folk.

Surrender should not be an option.

Had we the courage, we would make them self-deport.

Make it illegal to give them a job or to rent or sell them housing or automobiles or to provide them with schooling or social services or medical services or financial services or international wire-transfer services and a variety of other things... and put teeth into the legislation... even giving the Illegals six months notice prior to implementation... and suddenly you've got the better part of 12,000,000 falling all over each other scrambling for the borders at their own expense, with all due haste, and not a penny spent rounding anybody up or detaining or processing them...

But we won't.

Having a Sovereign Nation of our own was nice while it lasted.

Living in your hate filled fantasy land is not a solution

Temporary work visas are

Won't temp work visas make it even easier for employers to hire workers top get paid a pittance, helping drive wages down even more?

They get paid a pittance now because they are illegal. If they had legal status, they could demand a competitive wage and pay taxes
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.


Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day.

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