Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

"...They get paid a pittance now because they are illegal. If they had legal status, they could demand a competitive wage and pay taxes"
And if they were gone, unemployed Americans could take those jobs and afterwards demand a competitive wage and pay taxes.
Then the left is wrong, when the classic narrative defines resistance to immigrants as "nativism". The bill should be written to make those borders non-porous as well as to ensure reform and economic business sanctions.

If any of the three are not included, then the bill should be shot down.

Sorry no, the kook Left has decided its "racism".

As to "workable" borders...securing them is as easy as pie.

The "will" of the people is to seal them, unfortunately there i no "political will" to DO the "will" of the people.

We could solve the problem very quickly if our "elected employees" would do what we wanted them to.

If we had workable borders, you would have a point, but both parties did really nothing about it until the last few years, and they are still porous.

It is not 'racism', it is 'nativism'.

Not really sure how much more you want done in relation to the Porous borders.

The electrified fence and alligator filled moat was shot down as too expensive.

Other than that..the Obama administration has been pretty busy in that department. Even sending the military to help out.
"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...
"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...

You guys want to piss on Hispanics.

Well, that's going to have consequences.
"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...

You guys want to piss on Hispanics.

Well, that's going to have consequences.
Better than surrendering to attempted bullying, methinks... consequences be damned...
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"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...

You guys want to piss on Hispanics.

Well, that's going to have consequences.

oh, so if we don't bend over for their demands we will PAY for it..

what a lovely people we are dealing with huh?

but hey, they will vote fitting
Then the left is wrong, when the classic narrative defines resistance to immigrants as "nativism". The bill should be written to make those borders non-porous as well as to ensure reform and economic business sanctions.

If any of the three are not included, then the bill should be shot down.

As to "workable" borders...securing them is as easy as pie.

Not really sure how much more you want done in relation to the Porous borders.

Let's get two things straight: neither the far left nor the far right speak for the great majority.

One, the reactionaries do not get to define terms for the far left, and the otherwise as well.

Two, the borders must be tightened to reduce illegals to a small trickle.

Otherwise, the Hispanics will make the Dem party very conservative, marginalizing the far left and the far right to a pitiful sliver.
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Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

Hispanics vote for Democrats to get free stuff. Most of them don't give a crap about our immigration policy unless they are illegal.

Reagan's amnesty didn't win any Hispanic votes.
Then the left is wrong, when the classic narrative defines resistance to immigrants as "nativism". The bill should be written to make those borders non-porous as well as to ensure reform and economic business sanctions.

If any of the three are not included, then the bill should be shot down.

Sorry no, the kook Left has decided its "racism".

As to "workable" borders...securing them is as easy as pie.

The "will" of the people is to seal them, unfortunately there i no "political will" to DO the "will" of the people.

We could solve the problem very quickly if our "elected employees" would do what we wanted them to.

Not really sure how much more you want done in relation to the Porous borders.

The electrified fence and alligator filled moat was shot down as too expensive.

Of course, we all know that's absolute horseshit. The cost of an effective barrier is far lower than the cost of all the illegals pouring over the border. If the Israelis can afford to build a wall around the west bank, then we can afford a similar wall along our Southern border.

Other than that..the Obama administration has been pretty busy in that department. Even sending the military to help out.

They have been ordered to do nothing.
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill
Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.
You have a strange definition of the 'right' thing.
Maybe they can make a deal behind closed doors like they did with Obama Care...
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill
Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.
You have a strange definition of the 'right' thing.

he's the biggest partisan hack he accuse others of being
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

12 million more hard working Americans paying taxes instead of hiding in the shadows
This is nothing more than a vote purchase, and you know it.

If the GOP votes to accept this bill, they really WILL become extinct.

If you seriously care about bringing these people out of the shadows, show them the road home (to whatever home they hail from), or amend the bill so that any amnesty given now, forfeits any right to vote for the rest of their lives.
"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...

You guys want to piss on Hispanics.

Well, that's going to have consequences.

And, you guys piss on America and it's laws.
Americans have finally figured out that the far right and the libertarians have been pissing on American laws and citizens.

Those days are over. (1) The bill passes or (2) it doesn't, and the Hispanics turn the GOP into a minority party and (3) the far right and the libertarians into a distant memory, for they will never have any power again.
Americans have finally figured out that the far right and the libertarians have been pissing on American laws and citizens.

Those days are over. (1) The bill passes or (2) it doesn't, and the Hispanics turn the GOP into a minority party and (3) the far right and the libertarians into a distant memory, for they will never have any power again.

You have got to be singing to your left wingnut choir, Jake.
The Bill passes and we'll have another amnesty in 20-30 years.
If the Bill doesn't, get one that will actually close the border so we don't get another 15-20 million illegals. It really IS that simple.
You seem to think that the illegals are here legitimately.....they're not, they broke the law, Jake. Wake up, dude.
"...Every no vote should be a badge for Republicans. And it should be shown to Hispanics each and every day."
Yeah... that's it... let's create even more racial and ethnic division in the country... right up to an including the inevitable en masse White Backlash should you succeed in the interim...

Vote "No", House, and have the balls to stand up to such bullying and race-baiting...

You guys want to piss on Hispanics.

Well, that's going to have consequences.

Actually I want to piss on anyone who is here illegally only.. Anyone who is here legally, including Hispanics, I want to greet them with open arms and a handshake, welcoming them to this wonderful country of ours.

Only you Partisan Democrats would think otherwise.
Americans have finally figured out that the far right and the libertarians have been pissing on American laws and citizens.

Those days are over. (1) The bill passes or (2) it doesn't, and the Hispanics turn the GOP into a minority party and (3) the far right and the libertarians into a distant memory, for they will never have any power again.

You have got to be singing to your left wingnut choir, Jake.
The Bill passes and we'll have another amnesty in 20-30 years.
If the Bill doesn't, get one that will actually close the border so we don't get another 15-20 million illegals. It really IS that simple.
You seem to think that the illegals are here legitimately.....they're not, they broke the law, Jake. Wake up, dude.

As usual, Meister, you are absolutely wrong. Your time on the far right and libertarian wings have come and passed.


If the bill is not passed with all three components, no one is going to allow the borders to be sealed more than what is status now.

And the Hispanic population, growing larger and growing frustrated with your type of nonsense, will elect legislators to represent their needs.
Americans have finally figured out that the far right and the libertarians have been pissing on American laws and citizens.

Those days are over. (1) The bill passes or (2) it doesn't, and the Hispanics turn the GOP into a minority party and (3) the far right and the libertarians into a distant memory, for they will never have any power again.

You have got to be singing to your left wingnut choir, Jake.
The Bill passes and we'll have another amnesty in 20-30 years.
If the Bill doesn't, get one that will actually close the border so we don't get another 15-20 million illegals. It really IS that simple.
You seem to think that the illegals are here legitimately.....they're not, they broke the law, Jake. Wake up, dude.

As usual, Meister, you are absolutely wrong. Your time on the far right and libertarian wings have come and passed.


If the bill is not passed with all three components, no one is going to allow the borders to be sealed more than what is status now.

And the Hispanic population, growing larger and growing frustrated with your type of nonsense, will elect legislators to represent their needs.

The last time we passed a bill with all three components, the Democrats refused to fund the border security. Why should we trust them to fund something now they have refused to properly fund for 30 years?

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