Mensa offers to host Trump/Tillerson IQ test...

No, I don't care about trump's college credentials because he's not promoted as anything brilliant. OTOH, this entire thread is inspired by pretentious condescending left wing hypocrisy by people who make no effort to expose Obama's credentials.
Phony and dishonest.

Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

Actually the media [invented and] drove all those stories. Trump merely replied to their bullshit.
No, I don't care about trump's college credentials because he's not promoted as anything brilliant. OTOH, this entire thread is inspired by pretentious condescending left wing hypocrisy by people who make no effort to expose Obama's credentials.
Phony and dishonest.

Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

In real life the smartest, richest, most attractive people never bring it up.

Because they don't NEED to.
Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

Actually the media [invented and] drove all those stories. Trump merely replied to their bullshit.


Inauguration Pants on Fire
Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

Actually the media [invented and] drove all those stories. Trump merely replied to their bullshit.

Drove the stories?

Is replaying video of the President speaking..."Driving the story"?
Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

In real life the smartest, richest, most attractive people never bring it up.

Because they don't NEED to.

It all revolves around our Presidents intense insecurity
He knows inside, he is not as good as other people and it eats him alive

Look how beautiful my wife is compared to yours
Of course trump the boor is responsible for what he says and media has a responsibility to not propagate and you have a responsibility to vet media.
So, Trump -- the sitting POTUS -- says TO THE MSM that he could beat his SoS Tillerson in an IQ test, and the media should not report it? He opens his fat mouth and it's the media's fault? Is that what you're saying?
And the media run with the story, fake or not. When did media do any research into Obama's college transcripts?
It's not fake. The Orange One challenged Tillerson to an IQ test. That's just a fact. So, the media should ignore that?

Are you retarded?
Trump is the one continually comparing his intelligence to others. But the word "intelligence" is not in his vocabulary, so he uses "I am smart"
Trump continually uses his attendance at Wharton as proof that he is "smart" but he doesn't bring up that his brothers connections with the admittance officer got him in as a transfer. He also doesn't mention he only has a BS degree in Economics not the prestigious Wharton MBA
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

In real life the smartest, richest, most attractive people never bring it up.

Because they don't NEED to.

No, I don't care about trump's college credentials because he's not promoted as anything brilliant. OTOH, this entire thread is inspired by pretentious condescending left wing hypocrisy by people who make no effort to expose Obama's credentials.
You don't care about Trumps college transcripts, but you're unhealthily obsessed with Obama's. Sorry, chump, you can't have it both ways. Anyway, this thread is about Trump challenging his SoS to an IQ test. It has nothing to do with Obama.
You didn't answer the question. Let me help:

They would call the university and ask for them, and the university would say "fuck off, that's private information of a private citizen". Investigation over.

There, I just investigated. Happy now?
No. We're talking about a president and his qualifications. No problem accessing most other presidents' credentials. Obama, not so much. If you excuse that, you're just as dishonest.
"No problem accessing most other presidents' credentials."

Completely false. No university would give out anyone's college transcripts. Remember Trump's college transcript? Me either, because he has not given permission for their release. Sorry buddy, you are holding an empty bag. Time to move on to the next shiny object of fake outrage.
No one really cares about trump's transcripts because media have already determined he's a moron. Obama has been propagated as brilliant but the burying of his credentials is beyond conspicuous. Except for dishonest Obama worshipers like you.
"o one really cares about trump's transcripts because media have already determined he's a moron. "

haha, embarrassing deflection. No, it is you who doesn't care about Trump's transcripts, which is why you don't care that he has not released them. Who DO you think you are fooling?
No, I don't care about trump's college credentials because he's not promoted as anything brilliant. OTOH, this entire thread is inspired by pretentious condescending left wing hypocrisy by people who make no effort to expose Obama's credentials.
Phony and dishonest.

.Pogo's Law strikes again.

But as long as you're leaning on the move-the-goalposts crutch, perhaps you can link us to where O'bama challenged (anybody) to an IQ test.

Or waddled around insisting "I'm very smart".
Or whined about how he went to Wharton (or wherever).
Or twitted how his IQ is "higher than all of you, it's not your fault".
Or babbled incoherently that "I know more than the generals".

Perhaps not.
I think his intelligence assertions are backlash. Corrupt media has trashed him even more than they did W Bush.

His intelligence assertions reflect insecurity

It's but one more manifestation following the patterns of melting down whenever anybody mentions his bankruptcies, denying he masqueraded as "John Miller" and "John Baron" to fluff up his own media sex image, defending his dick on stage in a presidential debate, whining about Megyn Kelly's pointed questions, blurting out "I'm very humble -- I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand" and "I know more than the generals", pretending Rump Water and Rump Steaks still exist, on and on and on ad nauseum.

All classic manifestations of Narcissistic Personalty Disorder. This freak is the most mentally fucked-up entity that's ever set foot in the White House, ever.

Trump's insecurity is mind boggling

Have you ever heard a truly intelligent person constantly declare how smart they are?
What rich person constantly declares how much money they have?
Has any other President obsessed about how big their inauguration crowd was to the point they ordered their press secretary to lie about it?
Everything with Trump revolves around "the best" "the biggest" "the most"

Actually the media [invented and] drove all those stories. Trump merely replied to their bullshit.

Drove the stories?

Is replaying video of the President speaking..."Driving the story"?

Reporting on his actual words is where Rump wants to "open up libel laws".

Because Rump be all like

Actual photo ^^ of His Orangeness, circa 1951​
RE my post #81 - It's called deception kids. If you ever slip your collars you should be able to see it almost immediately (if you have any intelligence and intellectual honesty left in you anyway)

The mainstream media does it every single day, and have been doing it for years. In order to meet their 24 hour news cycle they kind of have to "invent" stories... "manufacture" them in a way. For example, the crowd size shit came out of the 2000 Bush vs Gore election, when the left leaning media realized that they'd won the popular vote - ever since, they made a point to post at least one article about how popular "their" candidate is.

In the case of 2016, the "deplorable's" pretty bluntly said they didn't give a shit about CNN's popular vote bullshit, so instead of being honest with their original pictures (which they later updated to the actual photos taken /during/ Trump's speech - without comment mind you) they posted bullshit and told the sheep that Trump's crowd was small. Of course, the reality is that doesn't matter how many showed up to it, you know it, I know it, we all know it. Most of the nation doesn't give a shit how many actually show up at the mall, especially not anymore, with online live coverage, etc. But the media needs to run /something/ so they make bullshit into fools gold for their little sheep's eyes.

I mean it wasn't even Trump who had made the first comment about the size of the crowd. In fact it was the National Park Service who "accidentally" posted tweets unfavorably comparing Trumps crowd size to Obama's, then someone 'accidentally' gave Spicer incorrect numbers on that crowd size. (hmmm coincidence? I'll let you decide) Trump merely noted that the media was posting bullshit images of it (again that they later quietly replaced with real ones) and forwarding a story that he had a tiny crowd. It was bullshit by any reasonable persons standards, but not the petulant children who will try to play that "WTF" comment off as "Trump's insecurity," meanwhile overlooking the astounding ability of the media to keep obtaining leaked information that harms President Trump's standing... I mean... there's no way there could be hostile forces within the White House working against President Trump right? Or there couldn't possibly be people in the White House working to "create" news for their media holders? Nooooo, not possible...

In any event, after Trump's comment, the media wouldn't let it go, for months they hounded and harassed about it - even while the President and his staff tried to move on to things that actually mattered to this nation; NOPE the press had their golden ticket and they're /still/ running with it lol

Hopefully some day ya'll will get off your leashes, if not whatever, it's your wool covered eyes you'll follow off the proverbial cliff. I'm a live and let die type so have at ya :)
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