Mentally Challenged Man Unintentionally Shoots and Kills Sister with a Golden Gun


That's it? Looks like you are out of ammo. I don't think any such thing, never espoused that opinion, however keep trying to label me. The 2nd Amendment is clear, it is a right, in this country. If you don't like it get the right appealed instead of trying to misinterpret it.

I know lots of liberals that own guns and are against gun ownership for everyone, other than themselves. Talk about stupid people.

If you accept gun ownership as a "right", you advocate the insane having access to them.

Don't try to wiggle out of it now.

Show me where I said, I believe the insane should have gun rights. The 2nd amendment is what it is, you don't like it, tough shit! I and many people don't feel the need to have guns to protect us from the government. That is just liberal bullshit. I don't even own a gun, I don't care for them, however, if a person wants a gun and follows the laws, then let them have a gun. If it really bothers you, go and work on changing the amendment, instead of trying a bullshit interpretation because you are to lazy to do the work to change an amendment.
Here is the deal right wingers, America said they don't agree with your crazy ideology. Twice. Obama kicked your ass and this means so much. We don't agree with your right wing nuttiness. Bush was HORRIBLE. Go obama.

Here's the deal, the 2nd amendment allows gun ownership, if you don't like it, get off that fat ass and go repeal the amendment instead of trying to manipulate the Constitution.

Show me where I said, I believe the insane should have gun rights. The 2nd amendment is what it is, you don't like it, tough shit! I and many people don't feel the need to have guns to protect us from the government. That is just liberal bullshit. I don't even own a gun, I don't care for them, however, if a person wants a gun and follows the laws, then let them have a gun. If it really bothers you, go and work on changing the amendment, instead of trying a bullshit interpretation because you are to lazy to do the work to change an amendment.

What is wrong with finding an interpretation that applies a little common sense.

The first Amendment does not allow you to sacrifice babies to C'Thulhu or post kiddie porn on the internet. There are limits to the principle that most people find to be common sense.

The Second Amendment should not allow crazy people to buy small arsenels.
Here is the deal right wingers, America said they don't agree with your crazy ideology. Twice. Obama kicked your ass and this means so much. We don't agree with your right wing nuttiness. Bush was HORRIBLE. Go obama.

Here's the deal, the 2nd amendment allows gun ownership, if you don't like it, get off that fat ass and go repeal the amendment instead of trying to manipulate the Constitution.

he can always move to another country
Less then 800 accidental deaths a year due to shootings. How many people are in this Country? 340 million? Do the math.

As for this particular case the shooter should not be charged for anything. His mother and the family friend are the ones that caused it. But depending on State law they may not be able to charge them.

Sometimes an accident is just an accident.

The fact that they painted the gun gold where a child or someone with a child's mind might think it was a toy, borders on negligence.

And, yes, 800 accidental gun deaths are too many.

Negligence because they painted a gun something other than black? You people are nuts.
Convicted felons can own and operate a car........

I was going to say something, but when you deal with a statement as stupid as his...I think, what's the point, he'll comeback with something dumber than before and then think he is brilliant. Tough to reason with the stupid ones.

Folks who think that we should let crazy people buy guns because they might have to fight the mean old gummit some day are hardly ones to call anyone stupid.

Mostly joe, we don't trust you and your progressive friends to assess who's crazy.
If you accept gun ownership as a "right", you advocate the insane having access to them.

Don't try to wiggle out of it now.

Insane people can have kids so where do you want to start ?

Face it the vast majority of gun owners are sane law abiding people who will never shoot anyone.

Yet you want to control everyone because of a fraction of a percent of people might do something stupid.

It's you with the problem here.

Yes, but they take kids out of a home with an insane person in it... so that argument doesn't wash.

Because the sane parents will report the crazy ones.

The problem with you gun whacks is that you actually ADVOCATE for Joker Holmes to get a gun.

A simple investigation into his background would have raised all sorts of red flags.

To hell it would! Holmes had a clean arrest record and had never been declared insane. In order to discover that his grip on reality was rather tenuous, the government would have had to spend money and man hours interviewing dozens of people, most of whom were unqualified to assess his mental state.

Do you really want government deciding who is sane and who is not?

You seem to judge all 2nd Amendment supporters to be gun nuts and would outlaw guns for civilians. I sure as hell wouldn't be trusting you to judge my sanity, just as you wouldn't trust me to judge yours.

barack obama will not be President forever. Suppose a Conservative administration decided that insane people should be barred from voting.

Do you really want ME assessing YOUR sanity?
Convicted felons can own and operate a car........

I was going to say something, but when you deal with a statement as stupid as his...I think, what's the point, he'll comeback with something dumber than before and then think he is brilliant. Tough to reason with the stupid ones.

Folks who think that we should let crazy people buy guns because they might have to fight the mean old gummit some day are hardly ones to call anyone stupid.

You are one over the top fucking basket case ain't ya there skippy... holy shit... you got meds to help control that wild ass thinking or what?



Show me where I said, I believe the insane should have gun rights. The 2nd amendment is what it is, you don't like it, tough shit! I and many people don't feel the need to have guns to protect us from the government. That is just liberal bullshit. I don't even own a gun, I don't care for them, however, if a person wants a gun and follows the laws, then let them have a gun. If it really bothers you, go and work on changing the amendment, instead of trying a bullshit interpretation because you are to lazy to do the work to change an amendment.

What is wrong with finding an interpretation that applies a little common sense.

The first Amendment does not allow you to sacrifice babies to C'Thulhu or post kiddie porn on the internet. There are limits to the principle that most people find to be common sense.

The Second Amendment should not allow crazy people to buy small arsenels.

What is there to interpret?
The ACA may need interpretation, but the wording of the 2nd Amendment is pretty simple and written in a way that even poorly educated 18th century folks could interpret.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Again, I have no problem prohibiting convicted felons and the legally insane from possessing firearms. My problem is with Government deciding who is insane.

To hell it would! Holmes had a clean arrest record and had never been declared insane. In order to discover that his grip on reality was rather tenuous, the government would have had to spend money and man hours interviewing dozens of people, most of whom were unqualified to assess his mental state.

Do you really want government deciding who is sane and who is not?

You seem to judge all 2nd Amendment supporters to be gun nuts and would outlaw guns for civilians. I sure as hell wouldn't be trusting you to judge my sanity, just as you wouldn't trust me to judge yours.

barack obama will not be President forever. Suppose a Conservative administration decided that insane people should be barred from voting.

Do you really want ME assessing YOUR sanity?

Guy, you've already proved yourself crazy by stalking me, even after I put your sorry ass on ignore.

You are not a sane person. And I guess that is what you gun nuts really fear.

But back to Holmes. The media found out within ONE DAY he was batshit crazy.

one day. Had everything on his ass.

Because they actually bothered to look.
I was going to say something, but when you deal with a statement as stupid as his...I think, what's the point, he'll comeback with something dumber than before and then think he is brilliant. Tough to reason with the stupid ones.

Folks who think that we should let crazy people buy guns because they might have to fight the mean old gummit some day are hardly ones to call anyone stupid.

You are one over the top fucking basket case ain't ya there skippy... holy shit... you got meds to help control that wild ass thinking or what?



Guy, that picture is of winners in a war killing losers.

They aren't even of the same nationality.

The Second Amendment was designed because the states didn't want to give up their militias to a federal military. Has nothing to do with gun ownership, which wasn't even all that common in 1787.

(Incidently, the Continental Army got most of its guns from FRANCE.)
My bet is that nearly every family owned at least on long gun.........Many of them lived off what they could hunt....
Along similar lines, Gloria L. Main studied the relative frequency with which inventories in six tidewater Maryland counties contained particular items, from 1656 to 1719.22 Most of her data were presented in
terms of what 604 younger fathers owned, which she approximately generalizes to 1863 male heads of household.' She presents a hierarchy of items of personal property based on how commonly they were listed in the estates of young fathers:

1. Beds (listed in 97% of estates),

2. Iron cooking utensils (96%),

3. Pewter (88%),

4. Arms (78%),

5. Brass (70%),

6. Chairs (63%),

7. Hand Mills (53%)
Marcus Anderson, Alicia Anderson: Mentally challenged man shoots and kills sister with a golden gun.

Several readers have sent me this tragic story from the St. Louis area, about a mentally challenged 20-year-old man named Marcus Anderson who reportedly shot and killed his 15-year-old sister with a loaded shotgun he found behind a dresser. The shotgun, which belonged to a family friend, had been spray-painted gold, and Anderson apparently thought it was a toy. He has been arrested and charged with second-degree involuntary manslaughter. The owner of the gun, as far as I know, has not been charged with anything; nor has Anderson's mother, who, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, told police that she was the one who hid the gun behind the dresser.

In 1983, a bouncer, Jimmy Ferrozzo, and a dancer, Theresa Hill, at the The Condor Bar in San Francisco had sex after hours atop a white baby grand piano. Their passionate sex iniated the hydraulics that lifted the piano up to a trapdoor in the ceiling. Ferrozo was crushed to death between the piano and the ceiling, while Hill was trapped below her partner's dead body until the morning hours when the janitor discovered the incident.

Toby and Kirsten Taylor were a couple from Pennsylvania that liked to mix electricity into their sex. In 2008, Kirsten was killed by an electrical appliance while they were having sex.
Toby accidentally electrocuted her with a lethal shock from the power cord of a hairdryer they were using during sex.

Sandy Orellana and her boss, Robert Salazer, were having sex on the eighth floor balcony of a Los Angeles hotel when Orellana died. They switched sex positions, and Orellana lost her balance and fell over the railing. She fell eight stories to the concrete below and died.

Romanian football star Mario Bugeanu and his girlfriend had sex in his Mercedes Benz after pulling up to the house on a night out. They were so consumed by the desire for sex that they didn't turn off the ignition even though they made it to the garage. The door was closed, and they were both dead by morning due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

What's the point of the above? That people die doing the ridiculous and the mundane. There is no way to prevent accidental death and your arguments do nothing but inform the world of your inadequacy...
Folks who think that we should let crazy people buy guns because they might have to fight the mean old gummit some day are hardly ones to call anyone stupid.

You are one over the top fucking basket case ain't ya there skippy... holy shit... you got meds to help control that wild ass thinking or what?



Guy, that picture is of winners in a war killing losers.

They aren't even of the same nationality.

The Second Amendment was designed because the states didn't want to give up their militias to a federal military. Has nothing to do with gun ownership, which wasn't even all that common in 1787.

(Incidently, the Continental Army got most of its guns from FRANCE.)

As usual you're full of shit. Gun ownership was commonplace in America. That's what set us apart. You are no doubt referencing that book from a few years ago that made the claim that accounts of gun ownership were greatly overstated but when is methodology was examined it was found he was only looking at a very small portion of the records available to other words he committed ACADEMIC FRAUD.

Something you must be very familiar with...

Oh yes your claim about the French guns is likewise BS. Here is a scholarly treatise on American Gunsmiths during the colonial period, the author is able to identify 2,400 gunsmiths who worked in the time frame of 1607-1840.
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To hell it would! Holmes had a clean arrest record and had never been declared insane. In order to discover that his grip on reality was rather tenuous, the government would have had to spend money and man hours interviewing dozens of people, most of whom were unqualified to assess his mental state.

Do you really want government deciding who is sane and who is not?

You seem to judge all 2nd Amendment supporters to be gun nuts and would outlaw guns for civilians. I sure as hell wouldn't be trusting you to judge my sanity, just as you wouldn't trust me to judge yours.

barack obama will not be President forever. Suppose a Conservative administration decided that insane people should be barred from voting.

Do you really want ME assessing YOUR sanity?

Guy, you've already proved yourself crazy by stalking me, even after I put your sorry ass on ignore.

You are not a sane person. And I guess that is what you gun nuts really fear.

But back to Holmes. The media found out within ONE DAY he was batshit crazy.

one day. Had everything on his ass.

Because they actually bothered to look.

Stalking you??? I participate in just about all 2nd Amendment threads, you fool.

That was the media, joe. Hundreds of people spending thousands of man hours to find out about him. Do you propose we devote as resources to every prospective gun buyer?

Get real son! 17 or 18 million gun purchases/year? You're talking $billions.

To hell it would! Holmes had a clean arrest record and had never been declared insane. In order to discover that his grip on reality was rather tenuous, the government would have had to spend money and man hours interviewing dozens of people, most of whom were unqualified to assess his mental state.

Do you really want government deciding who is sane and who is not?

You seem to judge all 2nd Amendment supporters to be gun nuts and would outlaw guns for civilians. I sure as hell wouldn't be trusting you to judge my sanity, just as you wouldn't trust me to judge yours.

barack obama will not be President forever. Suppose a Conservative administration decided that insane people should be barred from voting.

Do you really want ME assessing YOUR sanity?

Guy, you've already proved yourself crazy by stalking me, even after I put your sorry ass on ignore.

You are not a sane person. And I guess that is what you gun nuts really fear.

But back to Holmes. The media found out within ONE DAY he was batshit crazy.

one day. Had everything on his ass.

Because they actually bothered to look.

Had Holmes been adjudicated as a mental defective, or committed to a mental institution, or had been found by a court, board, or other lawful authority to be a danger to himself or others, then he could have been prohibited from purchasing a firearm or ammunition.

Absent the due process noted above, however, it would have been unlawful for the state of Colorado, or any of its jurisdictions, to disallow Holmes to purchase a firearm.

The issue is not that it was ‘known’ Holmes to be mentally ill, but whether or not that determination was made in the context of due process.

Any anger, therefore, should be directed at a society unable or unwilling to comprehensively address the issue of mental illness, not at those who legally sold Holmes the firearms.

It is true that no right is absolute, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, and that rights may be subject to reasonable restrictions by the government. Those restrictions must be rationally based, motivated by a legitimate legislative end, and predicated on objective evidence. Laws disallowing persons adjudicated as a mental defective to own a firearm clearly pass Constitutional muster, but with the additional requirement of due process to justify the prohibition.

As usual you're full of shit. Gun ownership was commonplace in America. That's what set us apart. You are no doubt referencing that book from a few years ago that made the claim that accounts of gun ownership were greatly overstated but when is methodology was examined it was found he was only looking at a very small portion of the records available to other words he committed ACADEMIC FRAUD.

Something you must be very familiar with...

Oh yes your claim about the French guns is likewise BS. Here is a scholarly treatise on American Gunsmiths during the colonial period, the author is able to identify 2,400 gunsmiths who worked in the time frame of 1607-1840.

Yawn, guy, we still had to get quality, military grade muskets from the French, because the rusty old varmit gun wasn't getting the job done...

Fact is, pre-industrial revolution, guns weren't easy to make, and few people had them.

As usual you're full of shit. Gun ownership was commonplace in America. That's what set us apart. You are no doubt referencing that book from a few years ago that made the claim that accounts of gun ownership were greatly overstated but when is methodology was examined it was found he was only looking at a very small portion of the records available to other words he committed ACADEMIC FRAUD.

Something you must be very familiar with...

Oh yes your claim about the French guns is likewise BS. Here is a scholarly treatise on American Gunsmiths during the colonial period, the author is able to identify 2,400 gunsmiths who worked in the time frame of 1607-1840.

Yawn, guy, we still had to get quality, military grade muskets from the French, because the rusty old varmit gun wasn't getting the job done...

Fact is, pre-industrial revolution, guns weren't easy to make, and few people had them.

Actually, the Kentucky Rifles many colonists had were simply not suited for the mass-volley tactics of the day. While much more accurate than a smoothbore infantry musket, they were much slower to reload...and in that era, rate of fire was everything! Regular soldiers didn't get rifles until the advent of the Minie bullet, which made loading a rifle as fast as a smoothbore.

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