Mentally Challenged Man Unintentionally Shoots and Kills Sister with a Golden Gun

Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.


  • $50 yards_1.JPG
    $50 yards_1.JPG
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Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”

None of which supports your flat out lie that the UK has "NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have"...ESPECIALLY when you consider the UK doesn't count any crime unless someone is convicted, whereas the US counts all incidents of crime, whether a conviction is made or not.

You've been called out as the lying sack of shit you are. Deal with it.

No, guy, what you are playing is "how to lie with statistics".

the fact is, the UK has a really low murder rate, and they only lock up about 80,000 of their citizens compared to the 2 million we have to lock up.

If Guns and Prisons made us safer, then why don't any of us feel particularly safe?

I feel perfectly safe........I check the load on my weapons at least once a week....Yep they're loaded, I feel safe...
We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

If that guy even entered the grounds of a shooting range, he'd be on 10 North of the local hospital about 90 minutes later.:lol:

Actually, I was in the Army for 11 years, and qualified on the M16, M60, and M1911A1.

I just don't think Joker Holmes should have access to the same weapons the Army made sure I was only operating under very safe conditions.

I'm not sure why you think he should.

In fact, I'm going to start a thread on this.

War is safe? When did you serve?
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.

Nice...If I had that I wouldn't have a new unfired pistol for a year.....Just haven't had time to get to a range....
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.

Excellent bro, wish I had something like that!
We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.

Nice...If I had that I wouldn't have a new unfired pistol for a year.....Just haven't had time to get to a range....
Just a 100 yard walk from the back door.

Going to have to put a video up that I took up there.

You didn't say "murder rate" you lying fuck. You said "crime rate", which the UK clearly has a bigger problem with than the US.

My God have you no moral compass?

And this isn't about 'feelings', it's about facts. No one gives a shit how you feel. The US crime rate, murder rate and mass killings rate has been dropping for decades. You're full of shit to suggestion none of us feel safe.

You've been called out once again as the lying and bias shit that you are.

No, the US and UK have different methods of counting.

Which makes any other statistic BESIDES murder totally pointless. (And, really, honestly, who gives a fuck about assaults. Man up.)

The US Crime rate is falling because demagraphically, we are getting older. It is STILL way too high for an industrialized country compared to other industrialized countries.

If you felt safe, you wouldn't keep something in your house that is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a crook.
If that guy even entered the grounds of a shooting range, he'd be on 10 North of the local hospital about 90 minutes later.:lol:

Actually, I was in the Army for 11 years, and qualified on the M16, M60, and M1911A1.

I just don't think Joker Holmes should have access to the same weapons the Army made sure I was only operating under very safe conditions.

I'm not sure why you think he should.

In fact, I'm going to start a thread on this.

War is safe? When did you serve?

1981-1985 in the reserves, 1986 to 1992 active duty. And, no, was never deployed to shoot brown people to make oil companies richer.

You didn't say "murder rate" you lying fuck. You said "crime rate", which the UK clearly has a bigger problem with than the US.

My God have you no moral compass?

And this isn't about 'feelings', it's about facts. No one gives a shit how you feel. The US crime rate, murder rate and mass killings rate has been dropping for decades. You're full of shit to suggestion none of us feel safe.

You've been called out once again as the lying and bias shit that you are.

No, the US and UK have different methods of counting.

Which makes any other statistic BESIDES murder totally pointless. (And, really, honestly, who gives a fuck about assaults. Man up.)

The US Crime rate is falling because demagraphically, we are getting older. It is STILL way too high for an industrialized country compared to other industrialized countries.

If you felt safe, you wouldn't keep something in your house that is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a crook.

I'm a qualified range Safety Officer at Ft Bragg (well I was)....Must have ran about 100 ranges over the years. I doubt that any gun in my house is 43 times more likely to shoot anyone I don't want it to.
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.

Just because the above post got negged by the anti-Christ, I figured I'd add this video. Forgive the shakiness, but I was 50 yards away with no tripod.

[ame=]bang - YouTube[/ame]

That is a completely legal exploding target.
I am required to get my car re-registered every year, and requalify for my driver's license ever four years, even though I've owned the same car for 11 years. Oh, yeah, and my car isn't specifically designed to kill people.

No, you're lying AGAIN, boy! That needs to stop! You do NOT have to "requalify" for your license...just renew it! You do NOT have to retake a road test every 4 years...and please don't say you do, because I know you do not!

In IL, they make you take a written test every four years and take an eye test.

No, dimbulb...READ THE FUCKING POST, think really hard until you COMPREHEND it, then and ONLY then reply! God and goddess, bitch-boy, are you really THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

But here's the thing. When mommy punishes everyone, everyone's behavior improves, doesn't it? Because the kids start self-policing.

Not usually.


If you are a responsible gun owner, a background check shouldn't present a problem. Neither should a waiting period.

Bullshit. You have no interest in any of that,m your sole interest is banning guns. Again: STOP FUCKING LYING!

normal families, yeah, the kids watch each other if they know the rules are enforced. Certainly was the case in mine.

But the NRA has opposed every sensible gun law out there, even ones supported by Republicans.

Which is why we need to get everyone out of the pool. If you guys won't police your own, we WILL police you.

No, bitchboy, you are LYING AGAIN!
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

He lives on a shooting range...but that's because he's dumb enough to live in Shit-cago.
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit. berm to rest the rifle on? :D
I am required to get my car re-registered every year, and requalify for my driver's license ever four years, even though I've owned the same car for 11 years. Oh, yeah, and my car isn't specifically designed to kill people.

No, you're lying AGAIN, boy! That needs to stop! You do NOT have to "requalify" for your license...just renew it! You do NOT have to retake a road test every 4 years...and please don't say you do, because I know you do not!

In IL, they make you take a written test every four years and take an eye test.

I'm sure they do flag people they think may come unglued at any moment.
I didn't live on a shooting range until I built my own.
I have somewhat limited space, but I do have a 75 yard clear lane that ends in a 20 foot high embankment. The area is an old clay pit.

Nice...If I had that I wouldn't have a new unfired pistol for a year.....Just haven't had time to get to a range....
Just a 100 yard walk from the back door.

Going to have to put a video up that I took up there.

Geez...and I was in 'Bama a couple years ago. Wish I'd known, I might have brought my Model 29. :D You got a backstop that will stop a hot .44 Magnum? :)
No, you're lying AGAIN, boy! That needs to stop! You do NOT have to "requalify" for your license...just renew it! You do NOT have to retake a road test every 4 years...and please don't say you do, because I know you do not!

In IL, they make you take a written test every four years and take an eye test.

No, dimbulb...READ THE FUCKING POST, think really hard until you COMPREHEND it, then and ONLY then reply! God and goddess, bitch-boy, are you really THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

They make sure my eyesight hasn't gone bad and I know what the latest regulations are.

Again, sounds pretty reasonable.

If we handled gun ownership like car ownership, we'd probably get a lot less assholes shooting eachother over domestic arguments, blasting kids who were ought buying candy, or shooting up a theatre full of people.
No, you're lying AGAIN, boy! That needs to stop! You do NOT have to "requalify" for your license...just renew it! You do NOT have to retake a road test every 4 years...and please don't say you do, because I know you do not!

In IL, they make you take a written test every four years and take an eye test.

I'm sure they do flag people they think may come unglued at any moment.

Well, since you are still running around uncommitted, I'd say they probably don't.

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