Mentally Challenged Man Unintentionally Shoots and Kills Sister with a Golden Gun


But here's the thing. When mommy punishes everyone, everyone's behavior improves, doesn't it? Because the kids start self-policing.

Not usually.

The problem isn't that you responsible gun owners are doing anything bad, it's that you fight TOOTH AND FUCKING NAIL for the rights of the Loughner, Holmes, Cho and Lanza to get guns.


If you are a responsible gun owner, a background check shouldn't present a problem. Neither should a waiting period.

Bullshit. You have no interest in any of that,m your sole interest is banning guns. Again: STOP FUCKING LYING!

normal families, yeah, the kids watch each other if they know the rules are enforced. Certainly was the case in mine.

But the NRA has opposed every sensible gun law out there, even ones supported by Republicans.

Which is why we need to get everyone out of the pool. If you guys won't police your own, we WILL police you.

Being 'batshit crazy' is not something your bar can determine, unless those people had already hurt another, in which case they would not have been allowed to legally purchase a firearm. Of course, all those felons out there can never possibly obtain firearms illegally...:doubt:

HORSESHIT. The one thing we fing out after EVERY one of these gun incidents is that the person who did it was batshit crazy. Cho had been banned from classes because he scared the shit out of other students. Loughner was banned from his community college. They were in the process of throwing Joker Holmes out of school. Guess what. People knew they were crazy.

Just no one selling guns asked anyone.


Your attempts to impose ridiculous restrictions on law abiding citizens does nothing to stop the increasingly rare circumstances of mass killings nor the felon thugs that are already prevented from legally purchasing guns.

The only thing that is rare is you gun whacks ever stopping a crime. It never really happens all that much.

You don't like firearms, we get it. Feel free to defend yourself with a stick, nobody cares. But please, leave those of us that have never harmed nor taken from another alone. Your assurances that you know what's best for everyone else are simply not true.

again- every other industrialized country either BANS private gun ownership, or severely limits it.

And every other industrializzed country has NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have.

I know what's best- BECAUSE IT WORKS WHEN TRIED.
Anti gun nutheads continue to provide false information. Actually.....their information is total nonsense.

Who says?

Harvard University's Journal of Law and Public Policy does........April of 2013:D:D The data is a humongous ball kick to the gun grabbing k00ks.

What does Harvard conclude with 100% certainty?

more guns = less crimes



Nation Murder Rate Rate of Gun Ownership

Russia 20.54 [2002] 4,000
Luxembourg 9.01 [2002] c. 0
Hungary 2.22 [2003] 2,000
Finland 1.98 [2004] 39,000
Sweden 1.87 [2001] 24,000
Poland 1.79 [2003] 1,500
France 1.65 [2003] 30,000
Denmark 1.21 [2003] 19,000
Greece 1.12 [2003] 11,000
Switzerland 0.99 [2003] 16,000
Germany 0.93 [2003] 30,000
Norway 0.81 [2001] 36,000
Austria 0.80 [2002] 17,000

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Marcus Anderson, Alicia Anderson: Mentally challenged man shoots and kills sister with a golden gun.

Several readers have sent me this tragic story from the St. Louis area, about a mentally challenged 20-year-old man named Marcus Anderson who reportedly shot and killed his 15-year-old sister with a loaded shotgun he found behind a dresser. The shotgun, which belonged to a family friend, had been spray-painted gold, and Anderson apparently thought it was a toy. He has been arrested and charged with second-degree involuntary manslaughter. The owner of the gun, as far as I know, has not been charged with anything; nor has Anderson's mother, who, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, told police that she was the one who hid the gun behind the dresser.

The mother and the owner of the gun should be charged. What kind of retard thinks that hiding a gun behind a dresser is a good idea?
I'm sure you found that funny, Corky.... but the short bus will be around for you shortly...

So what law would you propose that would have prevented this?

a ban on painting guns gold?

A ban on privately owned guns would be nice, as if you aren't a cop or a soldier, you have no real valid reason to own one.

Failing that, we should treat gun ownership the way Germany does. You can have a gun, but ONLY after you have been registered, trained, background checked and monitored.

Damn! That pesky Constitution is in JoeB666's way again.

Thank GOD!
What law do you propose that would have prevented this?

Ban shotguns?

And gold spray paint! It made the gun look like a toy.

My kids all had toy guns and were taught how to safely handle a weapon. All 3 are licensed to carry a concealed weapon in a very Liberal state.
So what law would you propose that would have prevented this?

a ban on painting guns gold?

A ban on privately owned guns would be nice, as if you aren't a cop or a soldier, you have no real valid reason to own one.

Failing that, we should treat gun ownership the way Germany does. You can have a gun, but ONLY after you have been registered, trained, background checked and monitored.

Damn! That pesky Constitution is in JoeB666's way again.

Thank GOD!
Yep that and those who own firearms will flat out refuse to turn in their firearms just hope joe leads the charge in front of everybody.
A ban on privately owned guns would be nice, as if you aren't a cop or a soldier, you have no real valid reason to own one.

Failing that, we should treat gun ownership the way Germany does. You can have a gun, but ONLY after you have been registered, trained, background checked and monitored.

Damn! That pesky Constitution is in JoeB666's way again.

Thank GOD!
Yep that and those who own firearms will flat out refuse to turn in their firearms just hope joe leads the charge in front of everybody.

Shooting at government agents. Why don't you ask David Koresh how well that works out.

Has anyone gotten into a shootout with the government and it turned out really well?
Damn! That pesky Constitution is in JoeB666's way again.

Thank GOD!
Yep that and those who own firearms will flat out refuse to turn in their firearms just hope joe leads the charge in front of everybody.

Shooting at government agents. Why don't you ask David Koresh how well that works out.

Has anyone gotten into a shootout with the government and it turned out really well?

All I can say is let them go against the constitution see what happens.
Yep that and those who own firearms will flat out refuse to turn in their firearms just hope joe leads the charge in front of everybody.

Shooting at government agents. Why don't you ask David Koresh how well that works out.

Has anyone gotten into a shootout with the government and it turned out really well?

All I can say is let them go against the constitution see what happens.

Guy, the constitution says what people think it says.

"Well-regulated militia"... Means government can make gun laws. Done.
Shooting at government agents. Why don't you ask David Koresh how well that works out.

Has anyone gotten into a shootout with the government and it turned out really well?

All I can say is let them go against the constitution see what happens.

Guy, the constitution says what people think it says.

"Well-regulated militia"... Means government can make gun laws. Done.

Repeating an argument that I have beaten is still repeating a defeated argument.

Whereas, the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"; and
Whereas, Section 30 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina provides: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; and, as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they shall not be maintained, and the military shall be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. Nothing herein shall justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons, or prevent the General Assembly from enacting penal statutes against that practice"; and
Whereas, the United States Supreme Court in recent years has twice upheld the Second Amendment as applying to an individual's right to keep and bear arms in District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008), and McDonald v. City of Chicago, 130 S. Ct. 3020 (2010); and
Whereas, the President and Vice President of the United States, as well as members of Congress, have proposed adopting laws, regulations, or actions that would have the effect of infringing on the right of Americans to keep and bear arms; and
Whereas, in the past, reasons offered in support of these infringements such as registering guns, banning certain kinds of weapons and accessories, requiring extreme background checks, and restricting concealed carry permits have not been shown by the substantial weight of scientific evidence to have been effective in accomplishing the stated objectives of such restrictions as compelling necessities for government action to protect the public safety; Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:
SECTION 1. The House of Representatives expresses support of the constitutional right of the people of this State to keep and bear arms and opposes any infringement by the federal government of the right of the people of this State to keep and bear arms.
SECTION 2. The Principal Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this resolution to each member of North Carolina's congressional delegation.
SECTION 3. This resolution is effective upon adoption.
Um... if the issue is so clear, then why would the inbred NC Legistlature need to pass a resolution?
And every other industrializzed country has NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have.

As has been pointed out numerous times, the UK has far worse crime rates than the US, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.

The rest of little rant was nothing more than illogical and unsubstantiated bullshit.
Shooting at government agents. Why don't you ask David Koresh how well that works out.

Has anyone gotten into a shootout with the government and it turned out really well?

All I can say is let them go against the constitution see what happens.

Guy, the constitution says what people think it says.

"Well-regulated militia"... Means government can make gun laws. Done.

Your delusion, and propensity to lie through your teeth, knows no bounds. But I'm sure you know more than the Supreme Court about these things...:cuckoo:
And every other industrializzed country has NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have.

As has been pointed out numerous times, the UK has far worse crime rates than the US, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.

The rest of little rant was nothing more than illogical and unsubstantiated bullshit.

No, they don't.

We had 15,000 murders, 11,101 with guns.

They had 258 murders, 48 with guns.

The problem is the UK reports crime differently. Every bar fight is counted as an "assault", while the US only counts when someone presses charges.

Your delusion, and propensity to lie through your teeth, knows no bounds. But I'm sure you know more than the Supreme Court about these things...:cuckoo:

Uh, sorry, when the vote is 5-4, they are just expressing an opinion.

Scalia dies of a heart attack, and guess what, "Well-Regulated Miitia" means exactly that.

Your delusion, and propensity to lie through your teeth, knows no bounds. But I'm sure you know more than the Supreme Court about these things...:cuckoo:

Uh, sorry, when the vote is 5-4, they are just expressing an opinion.

Scalia dies of a heart attack, and guess what, "Well-Regulated Miitia" means exactly that. would be hard pressed to identify more of a weenie than you on this whole forum!!!

I notice too that you disappear into think air for a long time after I post up..........

THIS >>>>

Newly released Harvard University study ( Journal of Law and Public Policy 4/13) concludes with 100% certainty.........

m o r e g u n s = l e s s c r i m e s

Here is the actual paper with factual data ( not opinion crap )

What does it conclude?

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

People who want to see the way the gun grabber k00ks think really need to watch this video!!!!!

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

As one can see in the video.........these people are seriously fcukked!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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