Mentally Challenged Man Unintentionally Shoots and Kills Sister with a Golden Gun

And every other industrializzed country has NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have.

As has been pointed out numerous times, the UK has far worse crime rates than the US, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT.

The rest of little rant was nothing more than illogical and unsubstantiated bullshit.

No, they don't.

We had 15,000 murders, 11,101 with guns.

They had 258 murders, 48 with guns.

The problem is the UK reports crime differently. Every bar fight is counted as an "assault", while the US only counts when someone presses charges.

And the lies continue. The UK only counts a crime in their official statistics WHEN SOMEONE IS CONVICTED of that crime. It's the US that counts a hypothetical bar fight as an official 'assault'. My God you just lie with every post. Incredible!

Further, while the US does have more murders, you said the UK had worse "crime rates", which is a flat out lie, as has been pointed out to you numerous times:

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online


England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study - Telegraph

You really are a PATHOLOGICAL liar. You should seek help for that.
Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”
Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”

Thankyou for exactly making our point.......:2up:

This is the thinking you get from the bubble dwellars!!! That a safe society is a disarmed society!!!!

Like I the video here!!! This is how these mental cases think >>>>>

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Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.
Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”

None of which supports your flat out lie that the UK has "NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have"...ESPECIALLY when you consider the UK doesn't count any crime unless someone is convicted, whereas the US counts all incidents of crime, whether a conviction is made or not.

You've been called out as the lying sack of shit you are. Deal with it.
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I think that when I go to a movie, and before I can enjoy my movie, I have to watch a short presentation on "What to do if someone starts shooting up the place", because the theater owner is trying to cover his ass in case the next crazy person picks his theatre to shoot up, yeah, guy, we really are living in a shooting range.

There was a gun death not 50 feet from where I am sitting right now.

And, no, before we go into a "Well, that's Chicago", for the record, I live in a suburb that is run by Republicans and has million dollar houses.
Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”

None of which supports your flat out lie that the UK has "NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have"...ESPECIALLY when you consider the UK doesn't count any crime unless someone is convicted, whereas the US counts all incidents of crime, whether a conviction is made or not.

You've been called out as the lying sack of shit you are. Deal with it.

No, guy, what you are playing is "how to lie with statistics".

the fact is, the UK has a really low murder rate, and they only lock up about 80,000 of their citizens compared to the 2 million we have to lock up.

If Guns and Prisons made us safer, then why don't any of us feel particularly safe?
Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

If that guy even entered the grounds of a shooting range, he'd be on 10 North of the local hospital about 90 minutes later.:lol:
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Guns Don't Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do -- The Chicago Edition

Only mental cases think banning guns will stop mass shootings with guns!!

If the government ever tries to ban guns, everything we've ever known will change permanently. This is the necessary tradeoff the k00ks never consider. You want to see death statistics? Let the government try banning guns. is about and has always been about accepting suck vs suckier. Its just some mental cases don't realize it.......because they have the inability to think on the margin. They simply cannot perceive necessary tradeoffs when it comes to public policy. The "good intentions" assholes take fucked up situations and just fuck them up worse.
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Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

I think that when I go to a movie, and before I can enjoy my movie, I have to watch a short presentation on "What to do if someone starts shooting up the place", because the theater owner is trying to cover his ass in case the next crazy person picks his theatre to shoot up, yeah, guy, we really are living in a shooting range.

There was a gun death not 50 feet from where I am sitting right now.

And, no, before we go into a "Well, that's Chicago", for the record, I live in a suburb that is run by Republicans and has million dollar houses.

I don't care where you choose live. I've been to movie, haven't seen your ad, maybe your owner is a paranoid gun loving nut. Maybe you should hide under a stairwell.

I move about freely with no fear, drama queen.
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Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

We are all living on a shooting range?

It think you are a drama queen.

If that guy even entered the grounds of a shooting range, he'd be on 10 North of the local hospital about 90 minutes later.:lol:

Actually, I was in the Army for 11 years, and qualified on the M16, M60, and M1911A1.

I just don't think Joker Holmes should have access to the same weapons the Army made sure I was only operating under very safe conditions.

I'm not sure why you think he should.

In fact, I'm going to start a thread on this.
If Guns and Prisons made us safer, then why don't any of us feel particularly safe?


Some things are just worth repeating

Awww... don't like the idea that some of us are just sick of living on a shooting range because you guys can't police yourself?

You guys abused the privilage. You abused it when the first crazy person went on a mass shooting, and you guys didn't say, "Hey, how do we keep that from happening again."

Move out of Shit-cago, stupid! Go somewhere that ISN'T infested with gangbangers fighting over "turf"! Offhand, Vermont--but wait, they have some of the LOOSEST gun laws in the country! (Offhand: concealed carry is legal with no permit.)

Or we can just ban guns in the entire country and enforce the laws.. like Japan does, and they have 11 gun deaths a year.

This isn't Japan, Britain, or Austrailia. Guns are not going to be banned in this country. You need to get over that, we can talk about background checks, a ban on so-called assault weapons, waiting period etc. But a wholesale ban on guns will NEVER happen in this country.

I don't care where you live. I've been to movie, haven't seen your ad, maybe your owner is a paranoid gun loving nut. Maybe you should hide under a stairwell.

I move about freely with no fear, drama queen.

Of course you do. That's why you insist on owning a gun, because you live totally without fear.

I don't own a gun, i don't like guns. I will never own a gun, I could not pull a trigger and take another's life.

If you want one, go ahead, it is your Constitutional right.
Elfie, you guys really need to learn critical thinking skills.

Here's one for you..

Fact-Checking Ben Swann: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US? | The Skeptical Libertarian

In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate of 466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

Some advice for Mr. Swann: when you see statistics that look unbelievable, you probably shouldn’t believe them, at least until you dig deeper into the data. Based on these figures, it appears that Britain is over 4 times more violent than the US, and since this is all he gives you, that is exactly what he leads his viewers to believe.

What Swann either doesn’t know, or simply doesn’t bother to tell his viewers, is that the definitions for “violent crime” are very different in the US and Britain, and the methodologies of the two statistics he cites are also different. (He probably simply doesn’t realize this: it appears that he lifted his data wholesale from a story in the Daily Mail, without checking it–something you might expect a fact checker to have done.)

First, it should be noted that the figures Swann gives are out of date: in 2010, according to the FBI, the reported rate of violent crime in the US was 403 incidents per 100,000 people–the 466 figure comes from 2007. Second, and more importantly, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports defines a “violent crime” as one of four specific offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

The British Home Office, by contrast, has a substantially different definition of violent crime. The British definition includes all “crimes against the person,” including simple assaults, all robberies, and all “sexual offenses,” as opposed to the FBI, which only counts aggravated assaults and “forcible rapes.”

None of which supports your flat out lie that the UK has "NOWHERE NEAR the crime rates we have"...ESPECIALLY when you consider the UK doesn't count any crime unless someone is convicted, whereas the US counts all incidents of crime, whether a conviction is made or not.

You've been called out as the lying sack of shit you are. Deal with it.

No, guy, what you are playing is "how to lie with statistics".

the fact is, the UK has a really low murder rate, and they only lock up about 80,000 of their citizens compared to the 2 million we have to lock up.

If Guns and Prisons made us safer, then why don't any of us feel particularly safe?

You didn't say "murder rate" you lying fuck. You said "crime rate", which the UK clearly has a bigger problem with than the US.

My God have you no moral compass?

And this isn't about 'feelings', it's about facts. No one gives a shit how you feel. The US crime rate, murder rate and mass killings rate has been dropping for decades. You're full of shit to suggestion none of us feel safe.

You've been called out once again as the lying and bias shit that you are.

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