Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

More and more Americans can't name a newspaper they read. We're dumping our subscriptions to these daily propaganda rags of the Democrat Party. One day they will all be out of business before we repeal the freedom of the press clause to the first amendment.

More and more Americans are not one heartbeat away from an office where they have to know policy things. Caribou Barbie obviously doesn't. "She's as dumb as the rest of you" isn't a qualifier, really.

It wasn't just that she couldn't name newspapers. She couldn't tell you which Korea was our ally. She couldn't name an example of Judicial Overreach other than Roe v. Wade. She couldn't tell what the Bush Doctrine was.

So let's be blunt what really happened here. McCain picked a running mate without vetting her. He read the media buzz that she was this reform minded governor up in Alaska and he needed someone for Conservatives to get excited about because he was really the second choice for people who found Romney and Huckabee unacceptable.
Wrong. Lehmann collapsed and Couric did a job on Sarah with some creative editing. Sarah was the real deal, but her opportunity has passed.

Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
It's fun to watch the Right change their ""family values".

What do you have against family values? I don't agree with the Palins. I am an advocate for age appropriate sex ed and BC, but other people are entitled to have their opinions. Do you hate everyone that you disagree with? They seem like a nice enough family to me with the problems and challenges that a lot of families have to face.
How longer will the tackiness of this thread persist? Good lord. lol
More and more Americans can't name a newspaper they read. We're dumping our subscriptions to these daily propaganda rags of the Democrat Party. One day they will all be out of business before we repeal the freedom of the press clause to the first amendment.

More and more Americans are not one heartbeat away from an office where they have to know policy things. Caribou Barbie obviously doesn't. "She's as dumb as the rest of you" isn't a qualifier, really.

It wasn't just that she couldn't name newspapers. She couldn't tell you which Korea was our ally. She couldn't name an example of Judicial Overreach other than Roe v. Wade. She couldn't tell what the Bush Doctrine was.

So let's be blunt what really happened here. McCain picked a running mate without vetting her. He read the media buzz that she was this reform minded governor up in Alaska and he needed someone for Conservatives to get excited about because he was really the second choice for people who found Romney and Huckabee unacceptable.
Wrong. Lehmann collapsed and Couric did a job on Sarah with some creative editing. Sarah was the real deal, but her opportunity has passed.

Yeah, Palin isn't a complete moron. It was "creative editing" which got her to say things like her foreign policy experience was that one can see Russia from Alaska; the vice president is in charge of the Senate; Paul Revere rode to warn the British; etc.......

Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
It's fun to watch the Right change their ""family values".

What do you have against family values? I don't agree with the Palins. I am an advocate for age appropriate sex ed and BC, but other people are entitled to have their opinions. Do you hate everyone that you disagree with? They seem like a nice enough family to me with the problems and challenges that a lot of families have to face.

Chris, you really should not confuse "hate" with "amused". First of all, nobody on this board has ever said that they hate the Palins, for as far back as when they first became the reality version of "the Beverly Hillbillies". Second, you are the only one to the Left of Rush Limbaugh claiming that liberals hate the Palins. That's fine, if you identify with the ultra Right, but not very convincing if you claim to be a centrist.
In a way, I guess, liberals have been promoted. When she was running for office, or threatening to run for office the next election, any anti-Palin thread was proof to the Right that we were "afraid of her". Now, we are accused of hating her instead. The truth is very simple. There is still a minority of Tea Party types who think that Sarah should be leader of the free world. That pretty much demands a response of some kind or another!
no one is picking at her "grandchild". they're commenting on palin and bristol's hypocrisy. that's what happens when you make your living pretending you're holier than thou.

if this were one of the president's daughters, you'd be having a field day about black girls having children out of wedlock.

First you'd have to find a guy who'd fuck Obama's oldest daughter.

Also if she did get pregnant the parents would force an abortion on her quickly so as not to punish her.
More and more Americans can't name a newspaper they read. We're dumping our subscriptions to these daily propaganda rags of the Democrat Party. One day they will all be out of business before we repeal the freedom of the press clause to the first amendment.

More and more Americans are not one heartbeat away from an office where they have to know policy things. Caribou Barbie obviously doesn't. "She's as dumb as the rest of you" isn't a qualifier, really.

It wasn't just that she couldn't name newspapers. She couldn't tell you which Korea was our ally. She couldn't name an example of Judicial Overreach other than Roe v. Wade. She couldn't tell what the Bush Doctrine was.

So let's be blunt what really happened here. McCain picked a running mate without vetting her. He read the media buzz that she was this reform minded governor up in Alaska and he needed someone for Conservatives to get excited about because he was really the second choice for people who found Romney and Huckabee unacceptable.

Have you been governor of a State before? She has more brains in her little finger than you have in entirety. She would have made an excellent VP and president on her own.
Have you been governor of a State before? She has more brains in her little finger than you have in entirety. She would have made an excellent VP and president on her own.

Well, she quit in the middle of one term... so that says a lot right there.

again, she was governor of a big empty space that wouldn't qualify for a congressional seat, it has so few people in it.
In a way, I guess, liberals have been promoted. When she was running for office, or threatening to run for office the next election, any anti-Palin thread was proof to the Right that we were "afraid of her". Now, we are accused of hating her instead. The truth is very simple. There is still a minority of Tea Party types who think that Sarah should be leader of the free world. That pretty much demands a response of some kind or another!

At least palin did one thing, she gave the world a window into part of the uneducated underbelly of America
Sorry folks, I just can't help it. Anyone who gets paid over $200,000 to promote abstinence, simply because she is Palin's daughter, and then has, not one, but TWO illegitimate children. You can't make stuff like this up!

You preach to Christians about not railing on the lifestyles of gay people, but here you are trying to critique the life of Sarah Palin's daughter.
Hell, I don't even know the other kids names, who did not do that. Bristol, having done just that, becomes fair game and the equivalent of Josh Duggar, another posterchild for RW hipcoracy..

Given what kind of sexual depravity you condone, you have no place calling anyone hypocrites.

(couldn't help but notice the Common Core spelling there.)
Oh, so you are trying to silence her? Is that what you think you are doing? Lol. :D

I'm laughing at her and hers. Totally different from trying to silence them.

You just said "as soon as she goes away, and quits promoting herself in public." Well, I'm sorry, but as an American taxpaying citizen, it is her right to make tweets and FB posts about herself, her daughters, her grandchildren, or anything else she wants to "blog" about. If it is so bothersome for you, don't read her blogs. Problem solved. The way you people attack this family says a LOT more about you than it does about them, sorry to say. It is just disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

..and the rest of us have the right to laugh at her circus of incompetence and trailer trash antics. They are sort of like a real life Green Acres reality show. All that is missing is Arnold the Pig.

Just as we laugh at Clinton and his Best Little Whorehouse in DC. Then we have Hillary in the real life Lying King. Then we have the slut Fluke that wants America to pay for her pill. Obama has a whole list of stuff we can laugh at.

Somehow, I don't think you laugh at that comedy of errors.

I did my part. I send Bristol a box of condoms after the first pregnancy. She wrote back, "Thanks for the reindeer sausage casings!"

That would probably be her way of telling you gtfo of her bedroom. Her body her choice.

(Sounds like a familiar refrain, right?)
Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
It's fun to watch the Right change their ""family values".

It's fun to watch liberals like you preach about women's rights and sexism, yet go about criticizing Bristol's choice to have her child and saying absolutely filthy things about her.

You want to lecture us about "family values?" Each time you open your mouths or make a post here, you pay no heed to the demands you make of others.
Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
It's fun to watch the Right change their ""family values".

What do you have against family values? I don't agree with the Palins. I am an advocate for age appropriate sex ed and BC, but other people are entitled to have their opinions. Do you hate everyone that you disagree with? They seem like a nice enough family to me with the problems and challenges that a lot of families have to face.

Chris, you really should not confuse "hate" with "amused". First of all, nobody on this board has ever said that they hate the Palins, for as far back as when they first became the reality version of "the Beverly Hillbillies". Second, you are the only one to the Left of Rush Limbaugh claiming that liberals hate the Palins. That's fine, if you identify with the ultra Right, but not very convincing if you claim to be a centrist.

I don't identify with either of your "sides." Both are full of a bunch of nuts and fruits if you ask me. It's pretty to easy to recognize hatred when you see it when you aren't blinded by partisan politics though. :rolleyes-41: Did you start this thread on Christmas day?

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