Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

How old are you anyway that you would start threads to denigrate 20-something-year-old kids? Let me guess, you are in your 50s?
"kid"? She's not one but HAS two illegitimate ones

Another old man bully picking on a little girl. Nice. You must be so proud. :rolleyes-41:

Poor Bristol! Just a helpless little 23 year old girl, who has made close to $1,000,000 promoting the Right Wing agenda of abstinence, while giving birth to two illegitimate kids, being called out for hypocrisy. It is so unfair!

This obsession of yours is unhealthy. Liberals like you preach against sexism, yet you're old white male attacking a young unwed mother and her mother as well. And as for the children, you would have preferred she aborted them.

Poor you! You have nothing better to do in your life than to obsess over other people. I'd wager she doesn't give a shit about you or what you believe.
That's just beyond retarded. Who's saying they prefer she got an abortion? Not to mention, how does one getting an abortion not make one a hypocrite for preaching about abstinence? The reality is this has nothing to do with abortion and you must be brain-dead to inject abortion into the topic.
How old are you anyway that you would start threads to denigrate 20-something-year-old kids? Let me guess, you are in your 50s?
"kid"? She's not one but HAS two illegitimate ones

Another old man bully picking on a little girl. Nice. You must be so proud. :rolleyes-41:

Poor Bristol! Just a helpless little 23 year old girl, who has made close to $1,000,000 promoting the Right Wing agenda of abstinence, while giving birth to two illegitimate kids, being called out for hypocrisy. It is so unfair!
So that's what this is about. She supports herself and makes a good deal of money. Libs hate that when it is unauthorized by them.
How old are you anyway that you would start threads to denigrate 20-something-year-old kids? Let me guess, you are in your 50s?
"kid"? She's not one but HAS two illegitimate ones

Another old man bully picking on a little girl. Nice. You must be so proud. :rolleyes-41:

Poor Bristol! Just a helpless little 23 year old girl, who has made close to $1,000,000 promoting the Right Wing agenda of abstinence, while giving birth to two illegitimate kids, being called out for hypocrisy. It is so unfair!
So that's what this is about. She supports herself and makes a good deal of money. Libs hate that when it is unauthorized by them.

Heck, she can't even reproduce without liberal permission.
It says in the article who it is and that he tweeted about it.

Liberal Douchebag OP.

Okay, so I guess, according to Christians, or at least the ones on here, having a baby 'out of wedlock,' having two kids, in fact, from two different fathers, w/o the benefit if marriage is okay as long as it is you, your family, or someone you like. If it is anybody else, especially people whose politics you disagree with, it is all wrong. Don't you get it? This thread is about the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and the so called Christians on this thread.
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It says in the article who it is and that he tweeted about it.

Liberal Douchebag OP.

Okay, so I guess, according to Christians, or at least the ones on here, having a baby 'out of wedlock,' having two kids, in fact, from two different fathers, w/o the benefit if marriage is okay as long as it is you, your family, or someone you like. If it is anybody else, especially people whose politics you disagree with, do it, it is all wrong. Don't you get it? This thread is about the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and the so called Christians on this thread.
They get it; they just don't wanna get it.
How old are you anyway that you would start threads to denigrate 20-something-year-old kids? Let me guess, you are in your 50s?
"kid"? She's not one but HAS two illegitimate ones

Another old man bully picking on a little girl. Nice. You must be so proud. :rolleyes-41:

Poor Bristol! Just a helpless little 23 year old girl, who has made close to $1,000,000 promoting the Right Wing agenda of abstinence, while giving birth to two illegitimate kids, being called out for hypocrisy. It is so unfair!
So that's what this is about. She supports herself and makes a good deal of money. Libs hate that when it is unauthorized by them.

Heck, she can't even reproduce without liberal permission.

What an idiotic, asinine comment.
It says in the article who it is and that he tweeted about it.

Liberal Douchebag OP.

Okay, so I guess, according to Christians, or at least the ones on here, having a baby 'out of wedlock,' having two kids, in fact, from two different fathers, w/o the benefit if marriage is okay as long as it is you, your family, or someone you like. If it is anybody else, especially people whose politics you disagree with, it is all wrong. Don't you get it? This thread is about the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and the so called Christians on this thread.
^^^ Sounds exactly like every Lib I have ever met.
It says in the article who it is and that he tweeted about it.

Liberal Douchebag OP.

Okay, so I guess, according to Christians, or at least the ones on here, having a baby 'out of wedlock,' having two kids, in fact, from two different fathers, w/o the benefit if marriage is okay as long as it is you, your family, or someone you like. If it is anybody else, especially people whose politics you disagree with, do it, it is all wrong. Don't you get it? This thread is about the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and the so called Christians on this thread.
They get it; they just don't wanna get it.
Why does the left complain about Sara Palin all the time, but every single time an opportunity comes up, they are giving her and her family publicity? This makes no sense to me. I think some of you guys on the left are infatuated with this woman. She would fade away into nothing if it weren't for the liberals who constantly bring her up and keep her relevant. :lol:

We like to remind you of your ridiculous blunders.

The second greatest blunder Americans committed was electing Obama. THE greatest blunder was electing him again.

BTW, Vandalshandle, do you hate BLACK single moms, too?

It is Republicans who hate black single mothers. You all rage on and on about it all the time. If Bristol was poor and black, or just black, or just a liberal, any of those, you'd be attacking her without respite.

I think they want to keep this family in the lime light for some reason. The people on the left are the ones who talk about the Palin family the most.

We're not the ones who put this family on a national ticket.

The "family" was on a national ticket? Oh, my mistake. I thought just Sara Palin was. :D Wait! How long ago was that? Eight years ago maybe? :lol:

Besides, if you have the money and the backing, anyone should be able to "run" for president. Do you wish for only people that you agree with to run for public office? Good grief, you are dumb. :neutral:
It says in the article who it is and that he tweeted about it.

Liberal Douchebag OP.

Okay, so I guess, according to Christians, or at least the ones on here, having a baby 'out of wedlock,' having two kids, in fact, from two different fathers, w/o the benefit if marriage is okay as long as it is you, your family, or someone you like. If it is anybody else, especially people whose politics you disagree with, do it, it is all wrong. Don't you get it? This thread is about the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and the so called Christians on this thread.
They get it; they just don't wanna get it.

Get what? A bunch of nonsense? Both parties are guilty of this type of nonsense. This post could easily be turned around on the poster as well.
'm not the one starting threads whining about some 23-year-old irrelevant girl! :lol:

As long as the Palins keep putting themselves out there and doing press releases, they are the ones trying to remain "relevant".

The Palins are the Kardashians with less class.

So . . . you think they should NOT express their views. Because they express views that you don't agree with, they are rotten and horrible family? Or is it because the young daughter preached about abstinence and then went and had sex? I suppose they deserve to be harassed forever until they are silenced?
Sometimes you can talk until you are blue in the face to your kids about the best option or the best path. That doesn't mean they are always going to listen to you though! That certainly doesn't make you a bad parent or a bad person either! I think most parents would wish for their young daughters to remain abstinent until they are married. While I think it is a good idea to discuss birth control too (just in case), I don't consider the Palin family bad people if they chose NOT too. Naive, yes.

Parents need to assume that their kids are going to be doing the same things (or more) than they were doing at the same age, I think. :)
Bristol Palin was never a paid spokeswoman for abstinence. This is a lie being pushed by the Left to "prove" she is a hypocrit. We see the Left doing this all the time.

Bristol Palin Made Close To $1 Million Pushing Abstinence-Only Policies, Now Is Pregnant With Child No. 2

Her work generated a bit of controversy in 2009 when her take-home pay for Candie’s was seven times what the charity actually brought in donations.

Forbes reported, “Apparently, the organization was only able to find $35,000 to grant to charities from the $1,242,476 donated from the public. Meanwhile, the young Ms. Palin managed to pull in a $262,500 paycheck for her role as an ambassador for their teen pregnancy prevention campaign in 2009.”

Bristol Palin continued to rack in the earnings from her appearances, making between $15,000 and $30,000 for every speech she made advocating abstinence-only policies, which the Daily Beast estimated to total about $100,000 per year.
I could show you video proof from a liberal left film makers that a 50 foot monkey climbed the Empire State Building with a woman. Bristol Palin said she wasn't paid to be a spokeswoman for abstinence. I think she'd know better than your liberal rag. How does one make money selling abstinence to pay someone?
Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
If she was a liberal, that haters here would be celebrating her.
The "family" was on a national ticket? Oh, my mistake. I thought just Sara Palin was. :D Wait! How long ago was that? Eight years ago maybe? :lol:

Besides, if you have the money and the backing, anyone should be able to "run" for president. Do you wish for only people that you agree with to run for public office? Good grief, you are dumb

Funny, your side had no problem running John Edwards and HIS family over the coals again and again, and they were on the national ticket 12 years ago.

The problem with Palin was that she was catapulted on the national scene because John McCain's people didn't do their jobs and found out how stupid and sleazy she actually was. So now we have these people and we still have to hear about them 8 years later because they won't go the fuck away.
Well, she's not running for an elected position within the government, so I couldn't really care less what she does or does not do with her own time or how many babies she has, or whether she is married or not. Makes no difference to me, and I don't understand the obsessive hatred for this young girl.
It's fun to watch the Right change their ""family values".
Family values is not slaughtering your baby because it's inconvenient to raise it.
The "family" was on a national ticket? Oh, my mistake. I thought just Sara Palin was. :D Wait! How long ago was that? Eight years ago maybe? :lol:

Besides, if you have the money and the backing, anyone should be able to "run" for president. Do you wish for only people that you agree with to run for public office? Good grief, you are dumb

Funny, your side had no problem running John Edwards and HIS family over the coals again and again, and they were on the national ticket 12 years ago.

The problem with Palin was that she was catapulted on the national scene because John McCain's people didn't do their jobs and found out how stupid and sleazy she actually was. So now we have these people and we still have to hear about them 8 years later because they won't go the fuck away.

I don't have a side, thankfully. I never voted for her. Your "side" are the ones who are always talking about her and starting threads about her. Lol.

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