Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin. Just a few simple questions and Sarah stumbled badly. Couldn't even name one fucking newspaper she read. Ha! McCain handed the OO to Obama on a platter.

(Just think: At least this latest bus of clowns could answer that question easily.)
Presidents aren't selected by VP picks. I'll bet you can't name a single one.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin. Just a few simple questions and Sarah stumbled badly. Couldn't even name one fucking newspaper she read. Ha! McCain handed the OO to Obama on a platter.

(Just think: At least this latest bus of clowns could answer that question easily.)
My favorite was her asking, what is it the VP does?

Don'tcha think you should fucking know what the job entails when you're asking America to make you the VP???

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No, Bristol is not a slut. She never did anything that I didn't do at her age. The difference between us is that I am not a hypocrite, and I also had the good sense to stop by the men's room at the Phillips 66 station and invest a quarter into the dispenser on the wall. That seems to be beyond Bristol's pay grade.

Like Al Gore wanting everyone to shrink their carbon footprint, while his home and is private jet travel made huge carbon footprints.Man he fooled a lot of people with his scam.
Do y'all miss the point deliberately?
She got PAID to preach abstinence and has two children with two different fathers. She was PAID to be spokesperson to other girls her age and those impressionable...and did the exact opposite of what she was PAID for. It doesn't matter who was a virgin when they got married or how many marriages someone has had. Did they get PAID to be spokesperson on how bad multiple marriages could be viewed as? No. Did Bristol get paid and have TWO children and not be married, both with different dads, be in the public eye to speak against having sex and continues to NOT abstain from sex without marriage? YES.


Drug addicts get paid to preach against drug abuse all the time. Should they stop doing that?
Yes, if they are not sober and still preaching it.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin. Just a few simple questions and Sarah stumbled badly. Couldn't even name one fucking newspaper she read. Ha! McCain handed the OO to Obama on a platter.

(Just think: At least this latest bus of clowns could answer that question easily.)
My favorite was her asking, what is it the VP does?

Don'tcha think you should fucking know what the job entails when you're asking America to make you the VP???


Republicans are famous for their VP choices. Remember Spiro Agnew? And, Nixon, barely hanging on to his job under Ike by making his Checkers speech?

Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.

Who has gotten an abortion that the "left" just loves?

Yeah. Only libs are allowed to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves in life due to living in the public eye and under a microscope.

Which libs have done that? Come on, I want you people to start naming names instead of just acting like five year olds who got scolded. 'But the other kids did it." Which other kids...

Frankly, Bristol Palin had a pretty good deal. She was engaged to a guy who had won the FUCKING MEDAL OF HONOR. And she managed to blow it, apparently over something petty like the guy was married to someone else back when he was 19, but before he went on to do great stuff.

Yes, he accepted her despite having the Local Meth Dealer's Grandkid, but she's going to kick him to the curb over something petty?
Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.

I hear this same comment from righties, which is odd because the only person I know personally, who's had an abortion, was a republican.

I don't care who has an abortion or not, nor do I care whether a person chooses to have a child or not. To label them a slut is absolutely is insane. I remember the left going nuts when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. I disagreed with him and his characterization of her. I feel the same about Bristol. Are you going to tell me that every women that has had a sexual encounter with more than one person is now a slut?

I've known women who have had abortions and they all seem to regret it. Abortion or having the child is a women's decision, funny how the left goes after Bristol who made a choice to have hers.
Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.

I hear this same comment from righties, which is odd because the only person I know personally, who's had an abortion, was a republican.

I don't care who has an abortion or not, nor do I care whether a person chooses to have a child or not. To label them a slut is absolutely is insane. I remember the left going nuts when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. I disagreed with him and his characterization of her. I feel the same about Bristol. Are you going to tell me that every women that has had a sexual encounter with more than one person is now a slut?

I've known women who have had abortions and they all seem to regret it. Abortion or having the child is a women's decision, funny how the left goes after Bristol who made a choice to have hers.

I never said Bristol was a slut. I said she is a hypocrite.
Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin. Just a few simple questions and Sarah stumbled badly. Couldn't even name one fucking newspaper she read. Ha! McCain handed the OO to Obama on a platter.

(Just think: At least this latest bus of clowns could answer that question easily.)
Presidents aren't selected by VP picks. I'll bet you can't name a single one.
Single what? So you're saying McCain shot himself in the foot without the help of Sarah Palin. OK, I can go with that too. But Katie Couric took that silly bitch down and down hard.
Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.

I hear this same comment from righties, which is odd because the only person I know personally, who's had an abortion, was a republican.

I don't care who has an abortion or not, nor do I care whether a person chooses to have a child or not. To label them a slut is absolutely is insane. I remember the left going nuts when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. I disagreed with him and his characterization of her. I feel the same about Bristol. Are you going to tell me that every women that has had a sexual encounter with more than one person is now a slut?

I've known women who have had abortions and they all seem to regret it. Abortion or having the child is a women's decision, funny how the left goes after Bristol who made a choice to have hers.

I never said Bristol was a slut. I said she is a hypocrite.

No more than Al Gore.
I don't care who has an abortion or not, nor do I care whether a person chooses to have a child or not. To label them a slut is absolutely is insane. I remember the left going nuts when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. I disagreed with him and his characterization of her. I feel the same about Bristol. Are you going to tell me that every women that has had a sexual encounter with more than one person is now a slut?

Except no one called Bristol a slut either time she got knocked up. We called her a hypocrite because her family is always talking this family values morality shit, which she can't seem to live up to.

Oh, who are these women who've been turned into HEROES by the Democrats for having abortions? you seem to have run away from that argument pretty quickly. Quick, Google, your his only hope!

I've known women who have had abortions and they all seem to regret it. Abortion or having the child is a women's decision, funny how the left goes after Bristol who made a choice to have hers.

Well, I knew a gal who had an abortion because she "forgot" to take her birth control when her boyfriend "forgot" to marry her when he promised. You see, she was raised in a nice, strict Catholic household with strict Asian parents, and she didnt' want them to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Yup, she regretted her abortion so much she got back with his guy a year later and had another one.

Reality- women are going to have abortions. Most of htem won't regret it, no matter how many pictures of medical waste your side shoves out there to guilt them.
Bristol would make a great advocate for birth control though. She is one who would have liked to remain abstinence but has apparently given into temptation. She is just lucky that she has a supportive family that happens to have a lot of money. Some teens are not so lucky and have it a lot tougher.

I would think quite the opposite.

The reason why teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is because a 17 year old girl isn't ready to assume the financial responsibilities of parenthood yet. Bristol Palin has done pretty well because of mistakes, not because of the lessons learned or changing her life, but because of family connections and because we Americans just love to watch a celebrity train wreck.

So they don't look at Bristol Palin and see, "Wow, she got pregnant before she was ready, and her life was messed up."

Its' more like, "She messed up her life, but things are working out for her."

Completely the wrong message.

Having kids even out of wedlock destroys nobody's life. It is the support or otherwise the mother and child get that is the determining factor. I say support those who chose to have the child despite the false shame of the left. Yes: the lass has done wrong; forgive and support.

Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.

I hear this same comment from righties, which is odd because the only person I know personally, who's had an abortion, was a republican.

I don't care who has an abortion or not, nor do I care whether a person chooses to have a child or not. To label them a slut is absolutely is insane. I remember the left going nuts when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. I disagreed with him and his characterization of her. I feel the same about Bristol. Are you going to tell me that every women that has had a sexual encounter with more than one person is now a slut?

I've known women who have had abortions and they all seem to regret it. Abortion or having the child is a women's decision, funny how the left goes after Bristol who made a choice to have hers.

I never said Bristol was a slut. I said she is a hypocrite.
A slutty hypocrite at that......

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