Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

Had Bristol got an abortion the left would love her, instead she is now like the Obama's and is now being, in Barrack's words "punished", except I don't think Bristol views it that way. Only the left.

Had Bristol gotten an abortion, (and who says she hasn't between pregnancies) most of us wouldn't know about it.

Doesn't change the fact, had she got an abortion, the left nuts would love her. However, she, as Obama thinks, is "punished" with a child.
Bristol would make a great advocate for birth control though. She is one who would have liked to remain abstinence but has apparently given into temptation. She is just lucky that she has a supportive family that happens to have a lot of money. Some teens are not so lucky and have it a lot tougher.

I would think quite the opposite.

The reason why teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is because a 17 year old girl isn't ready to assume the financial responsibilities of parenthood yet. Bristol Palin has done pretty well because of mistakes, not because of the lessons learned or changing her life, but because of family connections and because we Americans just love to watch a celebrity train wreck.

So they don't look at Bristol Palin and see, "Wow, she got pregnant before she was ready, and her life was messed up."

Its' more like, "She messed up her life, but things are working out for her."

Completely the wrong message.
Yeah. Only libs are allowed to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves in life due to living in the public eye and under a microscope.

The horror.
TWO illegitimate children.

have you always been a low life form scumbag? yuppp! thought so! :up:

No, I voted republican until baby Bush. Back then, I was a low life, Republican, scumbag. Actually, I feel like I have been promoted!
Suuuure you did.

As a matter of fact, I did vote republican most of my life. As soon as they got that SOB, Nixon, out of the White house, I switched to R. , and stayed with R, until less than 2 months after baby Bush was elected. It only took that long for me to realize what a F********* disaster he was. After that, the republicans have sunk so low that even baby Bush looks tolerable, by comparison.
We like to remind you of your ridiculous blunders.

Why don't you just admit that you have an unhealthy obsession with this woman and her family? It's like borderline stalking the way the left behaves when it comes to this woman. I've never seen such a phenomenon of unhealthy hatred. Get help.

As soon as she goes away, and quits promoting herself in public.

Oh, so you are trying to silence her? Is that what you think you are doing? Lol. :D

I'm laughing at her and hers. Totally different from trying to silence them.

You just said "as soon as she goes away, and quits promoting herself in public." Well, I'm sorry, but as an American taxpaying citizen, it is her right to make tweets and FB posts about herself, her daughters, her grandchildren, or anything else she wants to "blog" about. If it is so bothersome for you, don't read her blogs. Problem solved. The way you people attack this family says a LOT more about you than it does about them, sorry to say. It is just disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

..and the rest of us have the right to laugh at her circus of incompetence and trailer trash antics. They are sort of like a real life Green Acres reality show. All that is missing is Arnold the Pig.
Why does the left complain about Sara Palin all the time, but every single time an opportunity comes up, they are giving her and her family publicity? This makes no sense to me. I think some of you guys on the left are infatuated with this woman. She would fade away into nothing if it weren't for the liberals who constantly bring her up and keep her relevant. :lol:

We like to remind you of your ridiculous blunders.

The second greatest blunder Americans committed was electing Obama. THE greatest blunder was electing him again.

BTW, Vandalshandle, do you hate BLACK single moms, too?
TWO illegitimate children.

have you always been a low life form scumbag? yuppp! thought so! :up:

No, I voted republican until baby Bush. Back then, I was a low life, Republican, scumbag. Actually, I feel like I have been promoted!
Suuuure you did.

As a matter of fact, I did vote republican most of my life. As soon as they got that SOB, Nixon, out of the White house, I switched to R. , and stayed with R, until less than 2 months after baby Bush was elected. It only took that long for me to realize what a F********* disaster he was. After that, the republicans have sunk so low that even baby Bush looks tolerable, by comparison.
Sure sure.
Why does the left complain about Sara Palin all the time, but every single time an opportunity comes up, they are giving her and her family publicity? This makes no sense to me. I think some of you guys on the left are infatuated with this woman. She would fade away into nothing if it weren't for the liberals who constantly bring her up and keep her relevant. :lol:

We like to remind you of your ridiculous blunders.

The second greatest blunder Americans committed was electing Obama. THE greatest blunder was electing him again.

BTW, Vandalshandle, do you hate BLACK single moms, too?

I don't hate anyone. I do, however, find the entire Palin family highly amusing! I did date a black single mom once. She was an operating room nurse in a hospital. Nice lady.
You know its takes a real low life to pick on persons child or grand child ON Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder if I would miss all the low life stunts in the world if you democrats were gone.

Look, unibrow, the Palins dragged their dirty laundry ONTO the stage of the Republican National Convention in 2008. The press didn't seek them out. It was Sarah's choice to put a very pregnant Bristol on stage for the world to see, not the press nor any low life liberal.

You reap what you sow.
You know its takes a real low life to pick on persons child or grand child ON Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder if I would miss all the low life stunts in the world if you democrats were gone.

Look, unibrow, the Palins dragged their dirty laundry ONTO the stage of the Republican National Convention in 2008. The press didn't seek them out. It was Sarah's choice to put a very pregnant Bristol on stage for the world to see, not the press nor any low life liberal.

You reap what you sow.
Sarah did not mention anything about her daughter OR her being pregnant.

Try again.
Personally, i liked the way Sarah used to drag around to political rally's her autistic baby. I just assumed, that she was having a hard time getting a babysitter.
You know its takes a real low life to pick on persons child or grand child ON Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder if I would miss all the low life stunts in the world if you democrats were gone.

Look, unibrow, the Palins dragged their dirty laundry ONTO the stage of the Republican National Convention in 2008. The press didn't seek them out. It was Sarah's choice to put a very pregnant Bristol on stage for the world to see, not the press nor any low life liberal.

You reap what you sow.
Sarah did not mention anything about her daughter OR her being pregnant.

Try again.

"Sarah did not mention anything about her daughter OR her being pregnant.
Try again."

Are you that uninformed or just forgetful? She told McCain right off the bat that her daughter was pregnant and unmarried, but "engaged" to Levi Johnston. Check the link and the date of the story, and try again.

Palin’s Teen Daughter Is Pregnant; New G.O.P. Tumult
SEPT. 1, 2008
ST. PAUL — The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, is five months pregnant, the Alaskan governor announced Monday, adding a new element of tumult to a Republican convention that had already been disrupted by Hurricane Gustav. The daughter, Bristol, plans to marry the father, according to the statement, which was issued by Governor Palin and her husband, Todd.
Why don't you just admit that you have an unhealthy obsession with this woman and her family? It's like borderline stalking the way the left behaves when it comes to this woman. I've never seen such a phenomenon of unhealthy hatred. Get help.

As soon as she goes away, and quits promoting herself in public.

Oh, so you are trying to silence her? Is that what you think you are doing? Lol. :D

I'm laughing at her and hers. Totally different from trying to silence them.

You just said "as soon as she goes away, and quits promoting herself in public." Well, I'm sorry, but as an American taxpaying citizen, it is her right to make tweets and FB posts about herself, her daughters, her grandchildren, or anything else she wants to "blog" about. If it is so bothersome for you, don't read her blogs. Problem solved. The way you people attack this family says a LOT more about you than it does about them, sorry to say. It is just disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

..and the rest of us have the right to laugh at her circus of incompetence and trailer trash antics. They are sort of like a real life Green Acres reality show. All that is missing is Arnold the Pig.

Just as we laugh at Clinton and his Best Little Whorehouse in DC. Then we have Hillary in the real life Lying King. Then we have the slut Fluke that wants America to pay for her pill. Obama has a whole list of stuff we can laugh at.

Somehow, I don't think you laugh at that comedy of errors.
You know its takes a real low life to pick on persons child or grand child ON Christmas Day. Sometimes I wonder if I would miss all the low life stunts in the world if you democrats were gone.

Look, unibrow, the Palins dragged their dirty laundry ONTO the stage of the Republican National Convention in 2008. The press didn't seek them out. It was Sarah's choice to put a very pregnant Bristol on stage for the world to see, not the press nor any low life liberal.

You reap what you sow.
Sarah did not mention anything about her daughter OR her being pregnant.

Try again.

"Sarah did not mention anything about her daughter OR her being pregnant.
Try again."

Are you that uninformed or just forgetful? She told McCain right off the bat that her daughter was pregnant and unmarried, but "engaged" to Levi Johnston. Check the link and the date of the story, and try again.

Palin’s Teen Daughter Is Pregnant; New G.O.P. Tumult
SEPT. 1, 2008
ST. PAUL — The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, is five months pregnant, the Alaskan governor announced Monday, adding a new element of tumult to a Republican convention that had already been disrupted by Hurricane Gustav. The daughter, Bristol, plans to marry the father, according to the statement, which was issued by Governor Palin and her husband, Todd.

Her daughter being pregnant doesn't matter to me. Her daughter made a choice, she didn't abort and took responsibility for her actions. Some people have weaknesses and that is life. Bristol didn't run for office, she has work to do in her life just as you and I do.

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