Merry Christmas Sarah Palin!

I'm sticking up for this poor woman. I'm tired of everyone attacking her and her family for no reason. You people are a disgusting bunch. Someone needs to tell you.

No, we are attacking her for a very specific reason. Because when you take a six figure salary to talk about preventing teen pregnancy through an ineffective method like abstinance-pledges, and then you have your SECOND out of wedlock baby, you are a big fucking hypocrite.

You deserve to be mocked.
Libs are so funny. They tell everyone to model themselves after libs.. That they are pure, righteous and on the right path. Then when people do...

The shit hits the fan. :)
Only lame assed Liberals would start a thread and bitch about those posting on it bringing it up, when they themselves did so........

A lesson to kids.............DON'T DO DRUGS.............

It's the weirdest thing. Like they HATE her and her family. I don't agree with the Palins on many things, but they have a right to express their opinions and views like anyone else. I see no need to harass the entire family over politics. If someone has an issue with one or more of her views, then they should talk about THAT. That is what we want to hear about.

It's just loopy. A sign of people who watch too much partisan news and pay too much attention partisan politics. It makes one into a very miserable and unhappy person. No need for attacks because someone posts a picture on social media of a new baby.
I'm sticking up for this poor woman. I'm tired of everyone attacking her and her family for no reason. You people are a disgusting bunch. Someone needs to tell you.

No, we are attacking her for a very specific reason. Because when you take a six figure salary to talk about preventing teen pregnancy through an ineffective method like abstinance-pledges, and then you have your SECOND out of wedlock baby, you are a big fucking hypocrite.

You deserve to be mocked.

She's a dumb kid is all, like millions of others in her age group. No biggie. Her message is still NOT wrong. If you want to completely avoid pregnancy or disease, abstinence IS the best way. Are you going to argue about that?
I'm sticking up for this poor woman. I'm tired of everyone attacking her and her family for no reason. You people are a disgusting bunch. Someone needs to tell you.
Little Ms. Palin opens her mouth and inserts her foot.By her use of condemnation of people she puts herself in the spotlight when she is caught being a hypocrite.....Just like the right does to democrats that open their mouths and insert their foot...
The best policy for all, is not to insult others..
This is more like "celebrity gossip" than anything else, really. How about you be concerned with the LIES your presidential candidates tell you? Now that is a problem that should be of concern more than some 25-year-old being hypocritical.
Only lame assed Liberals would start a thread and bitch about those posting on it bringing it up, when they themselves did so........

A lesson to kids.............DON'T DO DRUGS.............

It's the weirdest thing. Like they HATE her and her family. I don't agree with the Palins on many things, but they have a right to express their opinions and views like anyone else. I see no need to harass the entire family over politics. If someone has an issue with one or more of her views, then they should talk about THAT. That is what we want to hear about.

It's just loopy. A sign of people who watch too much partisan news and pay too much attention partisan politics. It makes one into a very miserable and unhappy person. No need for attacks because someone posts a picture on social media of a new baby.

My issue with her this time is with her claims that abstinence only is a valid tactic, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow less moral. Her many remarks on the subject are well documented. . Understand now?
This is more like "celebrity gossip" than anything else, really. How about you be concerned with the LIES your presidential candidates tell you? Now that is a problem that should be of concern more than some 25-year-old being hypocritical.
Why don't you worry or comment on what you want and let others do the same?
Only lame assed Liberals would start a thread and bitch about those posting on it bringing it up, when they themselves did so........

A lesson to kids.............DON'T DO DRUGS.............

It's the weirdest thing. Like they HATE her and her family. I don't agree with the Palins on many things, but they have a right to express their opinions and views like anyone else. I see no need to harass the entire family over politics. If someone has an issue with one or more of her views, then they should talk about THAT. That is what we want to hear about.

It's just loopy. A sign of people who watch too much partisan news and pay too much attention partisan politics. It makes one into a very miserable and unhappy person. No need for attacks because someone posts a picture on social media of a new baby.

My issue with her this time is with her claims that abstinence only is a valid tactic, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow less moral. Her many remarks on the subject are well documented. . Understand now?
I didn't know that they were pushing abstinence until this post. Again, your side is looking for crap to complain about.
Only lame assed Liberals would start a thread and bitch about those posting on it bringing it up, when they themselves did so........

A lesson to kids.............DON'T DO DRUGS.............

It's the weirdest thing. Like they HATE her and her family. I don't agree with the Palins on many things, but they have a right to express their opinions and views like anyone else. I see no need to harass the entire family over politics. If someone has an issue with one or more of her views, then they should talk about THAT. That is what we want to hear about.

It's just loopy. A sign of people who watch too much partisan news and pay too much attention partisan politics. It makes one into a very miserable and unhappy person. No need for attacks because someone posts a picture on social media of a new baby.

My issue with her this time is with her claims that abstinence only is a valid tactic, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow less moral. Her many remarks on the subject are well documented. . Understand now?

She's right about her claims about abstinence. She didn't practice what she preached, I'm not arguing with that. Kids should learn about both options, and they should probably be encouraged to NOT have sex. It's important to teach kids about birth control methods if they decide they are going to anyways.

She's a dumb kid is all, like millions of others in her age group. No biggie. Her message is still NOT wrong. If you want to completely avoid pregnancy or disease, abstinence IS the best way. Are you going to argue about that?

Uh, yeah, actually. The best way is to know how to practice safe sex and use contraception, not hope you'll be thinking about Jesus when your ankles are behind your ears.

In fact, a study of states that have implemented "absitnance only" programs at the insistence of the religious stupids have found they don't decrease teen sexual activity.

Top Five Reasons to Abandon Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs

A 2007 federally-funded evaluation of these programs found that youth in the control group were no more likely to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having sex, had a similar number of partners and had initiated sex at the same age.

Representative Henry A. Waxman released a report (pdf) showing that over 80 percent of federally funded abstinence-only-until-marriage programs use curricula that distort information about the effectiveness of contraceptives, misrepresent the risks of abortion, blur religion and science, treat stereotypes about girls and boys as scientific fact, and contain basic scientific errors.

Over $1.5 billion dollars in taxpayer money has been spent on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs since 1996.

While government cuts funding to programs across the board,abstinence-only-until-marriage programs have enjoyed over a 300 percent increase in federal funding since President Bush took office, from $80 million a year in 2001 to $176 million in 2007.
Only lame assed Liberals would start a thread and bitch about those posting on it bringing it up, when they themselves did so........

A lesson to kids.............DON'T DO DRUGS.............

It's the weirdest thing. Like they HATE her and her family. I don't agree with the Palins on many things, but they have a right to express their opinions and views like anyone else. I see no need to harass the entire family over politics. If someone has an issue with one or more of her views, then they should talk about THAT. That is what we want to hear about.

It's just loopy. A sign of people who watch too much partisan news and pay too much attention partisan politics. It makes one into a very miserable and unhappy person. No need for attacks because someone posts a picture on social media of a new baby.

My issue with her this time is with her claims that abstinence only is a valid tactic, and that anyone who disagrees is somehow less moral. Her many remarks on the subject are well documented. . Understand now?
I didn't know that they were pushing abstinence until this post. Again, your side is looking for crap to complain about.
Apparently it's a lib sin to tell teenagers being young AND pregnant is hard ... especially if it comes from someone they can relate to.

The horror!!
You made Bristol Palin the target of ridicule that she is by putting her crazy mother in a position she should have never had.
How did I do that and who are you to decide VP picks?

McCain made his VP pick, but you, meaning the right, claimed she was the embodiment of all right wing thought. You praised her stupid statements, and justified her ethical flaws. Palin was just a poor choice for VP. until the right wing turned her and her slut daughter into the target of ridicule and example of right wing hypocracy that they are.
I see. So when you talk to people you speak to them as if they are a single like minded entity. How old are you anyway? Sarah's daughter is a slut? You feel that way about all young single women? Or just the ones that won't fuck you?

That would be all women.

She's a dumb kid is all, like millions of others in her age group. No biggie. Her message is still NOT wrong. If you want to completely avoid pregnancy or disease, abstinence IS the best way. Are you going to argue about that?

Uh, yeah, actually. The best way is to know how to practice safe sex and use contraception, not hope you'll be thinking about Jesus when your ankles are behind your ears.

In fact, a study of states that have implemented "absitnance only" programs at the insistence of the religious stupids have found they don't decrease teen sexual activity.

Top Five Reasons to Abandon Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs

A 2007 federally-funded evaluation of these programs found that youth in the control group were no more likely to have abstained from sex and, among those who reported having sex, had a similar number of partners and had initiated sex at the same age.

Representative Henry A. Waxman released a report (pdf) showing that over 80 percent of federally funded abstinence-only-until-marriage programs use curricula that distort information about the effectiveness of contraceptives, misrepresent the risks of abortion, blur religion and science, treat stereotypes about girls and boys as scientific fact, and contain basic scientific errors.

Over $1.5 billion dollars in taxpayer money has been spent on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs since 1996.

While government cuts funding to programs across the board,abstinence-only-until-marriage programs have enjoyed over a 300 percent increase in federal funding since President Bush took office, from $80 million a year in 2001 to $176 million in 2007.

You see? This is good Joe. Focus on the issues. I totally agree that "abstinence ONLY" is probably not the best thing. A lot of kids are going to give into temptation or want to experiment, and birth control options should be taught as well as abstinence. There are some teens who DO abstain from sex, so that should be talked about too. There is nothing wrong with discussing both.
Bristol would make a great advocate for birth control though. She is one who would have liked to remain abstinence but has apparently given into temptation. She is just lucky that she has a supportive family that happens to have a lot of money. Some teens are not so lucky and have it a lot tougher.
Had Bristol got an abortion the left would love her, instead she is now like the Obama's and is now being, in Barrack's words "punished", except I don't think Bristol views it that way. Only the left.
Had Bristol got an abortion the left would love her, instead she is now like the Obama's and is now being, in Barrack's words "punished", except I don't think Bristol views it that way. Only the left.
The left uses misogynistic women shaming to try and keep women in line. While at the same time whining about perceived misogyny.

They are nothing if not total hypocrites that are full of hot air and should be ignored.
Do y'all miss the point deliberately?
She got PAID to preach abstinence and has two children with two different fathers. She was PAID to be spokesperson to other girls her age and those impressionable...and did the exact opposite of what she was PAID for. It doesn't matter who was a virgin when they got married or how many marriages someone has had. Did they get PAID to be spokesperson on how bad multiple marriages could be viewed as? No. Did Bristol get paid and have TWO children and not be married, both with different dads, be in the public eye to speak against having sex and continues to NOT abstain from sex without marriage? YES.


Drug addicts get paid to preach against drug abuse all the time. Should they stop doing that?
Bristol would make a great advocate for birth control though. She is one who would have liked to remain abstinence but has apparently given into temptation. She is just lucky that she has a supportive family that happens to have a lot of money. Some teens are not so lucky and have it a lot tougher.

I would think quite the opposite.

The reason why teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is because a 17 year old girl isn't ready to assume the financial responsibilities of parenthood yet. Bristol Palin has done pretty well because of mistakes, not because of the lessons learned or changing her life, but because of family connections and because we Americans just love to watch a celebrity train wreck.

So they don't look at Bristol Palin and see, "Wow, she got pregnant before she was ready, and her life was messed up."

Its' more like, "She messed up her life, but things are working out for her."

Completely the wrong message.

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