Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA

Streep's globes link to the new gold coin: Jennifer Shanika's lyndenpearlart page says: '....kick boxing classes....'

Carving the Melon for Boxers is another trajectory leading back to Wudang Shan and the "108 Days of Kung Fu."
Wudang shan, Shaanxi, is the citadel of taoism, China's only indigenous religion/philosophy. Wudan chuan style includes neidan "internal alchemy.'' These martial arts were set up as a local force similar to the samurai, who were originally Ainu.
Wudang shan, Shaanxi, is the citadel of taoism, China's only indigenous religion/philosophy. Wudan chuan style includes neidan "internal alchemy.'' These martial arts were set up as a local force similar to the samurai, who were originally Ainu.

Wudang Shan is in Hubei, not Shaanxi.

Taoism is not China's only indigenous philosophy.

The Samurai were not originally Ainu.
Samurai were originally Ainu hired by Japanese elite, because they had been on Hokkaido for the last 7,000 years.

Taoism is China's only indigenous religion, and there is a philosophical arm of taoism.

Wudang was a mountain range before the founding of the Chinese State, and Wudang Shan would be predated by taoism arising in that mountain range. Cixi escaped to Shaanxi, linking Boxers. Wu Yun was from Shaanxi, and Buddhists placed graffiti on his tomb. Hubei was where three religions Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism coalesced and an important industry there was casket making, eternal homes for homeboys.
When they arrived in Japan from the Altai, the Japanese thought that the Ainu were hairy monkeys. We support5 the Altaic theory of the Japanese language. It's a float trip from Baikal to the Pacific, with only 100 miles of portage involved. See map.
No contradiction. Wudang range before the Chinese state means that there were no lines demarcating Hubei from Shaanxi, or any other provinces. Ainu were the first samurai and Putin's daughter also knows this fact, she holding a degree in Japanese philology, she likely also agreeing with the Altaic theory for the Japanese language. Those three religions mentioned were indeed all found in Hubei, at least at one time, at the same time.
We did err, however, in that the casket making center was in Hebei, not Hubei.

A clue for the Altaic theory of Japanese may actually be contained in Japanese poetry:

shinohara ya Their voices are faint

kiri no magaete Those deer, confused by the mist

naku shika no And calling away

ko kasuka naru Out on the Plain of Shino
(Sanka waka shu 446)
Samurai were originally Ainu

No, they were not.

Taoism is China's only indigenous religion

No, it was not.

Wudang Shan would be predated by taoism [sic]

That doesn't make any sense. The religion predates a mountain range?

Hubei was where three religions Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism coalesced....

You just contradicted yourself.
Wudang shan, Shaanxi, is the citadel of taoism, China's only indigenous religion/philosophy. Wudan chuan style includes neidan "internal alchemy.'' These martial arts were set up as a local force similar to the samurai, who were originally Ainu.

Wudang Shan is in Hubei, not Shaanxi.

Taoism is not China's only indigenous philosophy.

The Samurai were not originally Ainu.
"Meryl Streep cancels free Chanel Oscars dress because they wouldn't pay her to wear it." of course she did.
Hollywood is free to rip Christians for opposing gay marriage, but says we're not free to criticize Muslims for blowing people up.

Hollywood believes they're free to build walls to protect their mansions, but we're not free to build walls to protect our country.

Hollywood says they're free to use guns in movies, but you're not free to use a gun to defend your family.

Hollywood hates freedom

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