Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA

yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.

HaHa! As soon as I hit enter I thought 'well I wonder who here likes tractor pulls'

I, of course, meant no offense by it and was demeaning Streep for her typically myopic elitist views, not anyone else.

Like all thespians they should keep quiet.

You get paid a lot more if you have a line,

I know -- I've worked as an extra. Without lines. :crybaby:
Sort of interesting how the new emperor’s flock is hyping the gladiator sports….

You want to know the ethnic breakdown of your average MMA fanbase?

Let me give you a hint, it's not all Trump supporters. But usually they are not your college educated SJW idiots, so of course the Dem's disdain for them.

What, pray tell, in my comments ever lead you to the conclusion that I wanted to know an ethnic breakdown of the consumers of human cockfighting?

You used the term "Emperor's new flock", thus it seems your assumption of MMA being the sport of redneck white guys.

In reality, is has a solid minority following as well.

I’m not responsible for your conclusions.
Heres the current UFC champions in the different weight divisions (though Cruz just lost). Starting from the left... Black American, Hispanic American, Brazilian, black American, Polish, Irish, Brazilian, white American, black American and Englishman.


His conclusion was correct. MMA is very diverse.
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yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?

The fact that she may have not even been "trying" to diss sports or middle America basically proves the point that people on the right are making. That progressives are out of touch with most of the country.
Sort of interesting how the new emperor’s flock is hyping the gladiator sports….

You want to know the ethnic breakdown of your average MMA fanbase?

Let me give you a hint, it's not all Trump supporters. But usually they are not your college educated SJW idiots, so of course the Dem's disdain for them.

What, pray tell, in my comments ever lead you to the conclusion that I wanted to know an ethnic breakdown of the consumers of human cockfighting?

You used the term "Emperor's new flock", thus it seems your assumption of MMA being the sport of redneck white guys.

In reality, is has a solid minority following as well.

I’m not responsible for your conclusions.
Heres the current UFC champions in the different weight divisions (though Cruz just lost). Starting from the left... Black American, Hispanic American, Brazilian, black American, Polish, Irish, Brazilian, white American, black American and Englishman.


His conclusion was correct.

Judging by this graphic I'm thinking aaronleland 's conclusion was correct. :gay:
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?

Wait, whoa WHOA.

"Sheepdog trials"??? :eek:
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.

If you understood her point, she said "...if we kick them all out..." you'd have no television shows or movies. Everybody I know has a television and PPV, but I don't know anybody who goes to an MMA gym. But the other looming obvious point is that she was being just a bit sarcastic.
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?
Sure, anyone should get to enjoy whatever they want for entertainment. I don't buy for a minute she didn't intend to be a condescending twat though. She worked too long and hard on that speech to not mean exactly what she intended.
If we were to conduct a poll, what would get the most votes?

Question: Which would you Neanderthals rather watch?

A. Football and Mixed Martial Arts. ( Click Winner icon to vote)

B. The La La Land Movie/musical. (Click Funny icon to vote)
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.

Honestly I can't figure out why she added that to her speech. It seemed pointless, unless she needed something with "Arts" in it and reached.

Trump supports WWE not MMA

As here ---


Does Streep really believe the Hollywood left is going to be kicked out of the country?
The woman is delusional.
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.

Honestly I can't figure out why she added that to her speech. It seemed pointless, unless she needed something with "Arts" in it and reached.

Trump supports WWE not MMA

As here ---


The photoshop people need to start pasting various people's face onto McMahon's.

Comedy gold.
yeah, cause pop culture is now the arts, and movies are a source of cultural enrichment without which we'd all be relegated to watching tractor pulls.


this was just a thinly concealed means of calling people rubes. Again.
Hey, what do you mean relegated? I love tractor pulls!

My favorite line from her was “Disrespect invites disrespect." She said, with a straight face all the while basically calling everyone in middle America racist idiots who need some culture lessons from her and those like her.
I like tractor pulls, too, and sheepdog trials. But don't be too hard on her--I really don't think she was meaning to diss sports or middle America. It would kinda suck to only have sports, not both, don't you agree?

The fact that she may have not even been "trying" to diss sports or middle America basically proves the point that people on the right are making. That progressives are out of touch with most of the country.
Exactly. Hey she didn't mean to talk down to you little people like that it's just she thinks of you that way and it slipped out.
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.

Honestly I can't figure out why she added that to her speech. It seemed pointless, unless she needed something with "Arts" in it and reached.

Trump supports WWE not MMA

As here ---


The photoshop people need to start pasting various people's face onto McMahon's.

Comedy gold.

I just knew some Rumpbot would see that as a positive thing. :cuckoo:

But worthy point --- if I could photoshop I'd replace his face with the Constitution.
And then a generic Mexican
And a generic Muslim
And a generic woman.... oh wait, there's no pussy-grabbing motion so that wouldn't work...
And Serge Kovaleski
And John McCain
And a generic military vet
And a generic protestor
If we were conduct a poll, what would get the most votes?

Question: Which would you Neanderthals rather watch?

A. Football and Mixed Martial Arts. ( Click Winner icon to vote)

B. The La La Land Movie/musical. (Click Funny icon to vote)
Much like the election results I'm guessing mostly A votes in the middle with B votes concentrated on the coasts.
her career is built upon being fake.
What did you expect?

"her career is built upon being fake."
So is Trump's. But at least she's been in the spotlight for 40 years without insulting anybody.
You must mean except those times she opens her mouth to insult people like last night. Sure she didn't come right out and call people asshole Trump voters but that is exactly what she meant.

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