Mesa AZ PIG COP MURDER: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video as MURDERED!

Drunk dumbshit reaches towards his waist, exactly where a pistol is likely, after expressly being told not to do so by several cops with rifles trained on him.

I'm not surprised he's dead and I'm not surprised by the court's findings.

Do what the cop says and you'll be fine.
Walk over and cuff the guy; that's what any good cop would have done.

Sounds easy enough right? While watching the wooden hotel room door. Why were they called? Gun?

Maybe they can just wait down in the patrol car and eat donuts? Until the guy comes down or runs out of bullets.

Looks bad, I agree. Not an easy job. This guy reached too. They run, reach, reufuse, resist, fight, spit, yell, most of these cases. We were not there.

However, this does appear to be a bit of a fruitcake cop. If that pic was right? Big Tattoos on both wrists? I guess clean people are no longer applying? Be careful out there. May run out of good Cops.

I'm guessing that a properly trained officer is not going to approach the guy in the hallway without having first secured the room the couple came out of.

Tattoos are irrelevant.

Not sure how they "secure the room" with the guy crawling along the hallway? Room on other side of him? Correct?
Exactly my point. That is why the cops don't advance to the suspect and try to apprehend him while he is on the ground. They make the suspect come to them. Once the suspect is secured behind them the police can then advance on the room. I thought we were in agreement.
The PIG could see the hand come back clearly empty when he murdered the person, so to belong to the Blue Murder Trophy Killing Crew. The Murdering PIG asshole scumbag gets hours and hours of training. So to deal with this, where he's got clearly the Yuge Kill Shoot drop on him. The dead had no history of wanting to die. The Pig is a Yuge COWARD, a 100% American Terrorist of the general public.

The officer is a HERO, who greatly improved the American gene pool and average IQ by removing thst waste of flesh and oxygen from it.

Wonder if you will say that when the shooting frenzy happens to your loved one which can happen even when pulled over. ............and has happened.
Shooting Frenzy? We just saw it on tape from a body camera.

All Pigs are criminals who wear NO body cams, too start. Really just cowardly PIGS!.
If your work is SOooo fully beyond reproach, as a paid PIG. You should not be afraid of wearing body cams.
Only Criminals don't film their crimes. Like Cowardly Pigs do. Plus, If they don't wear two fully independent body
cam systems to start. SOOooo they can't claim it broke,
to cover up their crimes. They are criminals still. Till we ALL see both systems recordings of their actions.
So to clear them of crimes, by a third none partisan group.
we have another James Bond, Bruce Lee, and Six Million Dollar Man here
you would face all criminals with NO weapon
you would talk nicely to them
all would comply to your commands--no one else's though for some reason
if they attacked you, you would let them beat the crap out of you
if they had a weapon, you would either talk to them nicely, or throw a rock
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies
If someone tells you "Do not put your hands down for any reason or I will shoot you" and you put your hand down toward your waist, and you get shot, my sympathy button fails to be pushed. If your pants are falling down you tell the officer that. You don't reach for your waist when you're staring down the barrel of an AR-15.

I guess this is another reason to wear pants that fit right.

Clearly the kid is scared shitless, and his mind is pretty frantic, like any other person whose scared shitless. This is not ok, there were 20 better ways to handle this, pretty much ensuring no shooting was necessary. If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away. Police cannot have lower standards than the citizens. They are not the military, the military in war zones actually has stricter rules of engagement than our own police do. There was no excuse for this, the officer did not diffuse the situation, he was the situation.
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.
Obviously you don't live in the great state of Florida.
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies

This wasn’t a touch and go situation, they had full control of the situation. If the cop was worried about a gun in the back of the waste band, he shouldn’t asked the suspect to lift his shirt, like cops are supposed to do in that situation. There is zero excuse for cops to have less strict rules of engagement than our own soldiers do in freaking war zones. This officer DID NOT EVALUATE THE SITUATION PROPERLY. What cops are being trained now a days, is that they have a unequal right to self defense than you are I. They are being trained to use lethal force at the slightest sign of potential danger, without fully evaluating what that danger could be to the best of their ability, with a one size fits all policy of shoot when someone reaches. I want all officers to get home safe, but there is no reason that they should have a lower standard of self defense than you or I. Again if this situation was developing more quickly, and they did not have control, like they did in this situation, that’s a different story. But that wasn’t the story.

It was a story much like this one
Albuquerque PD under fire for deadly police shootings

Or like this one

You can’t ask someone for the liscence and registration, and not expect someone to reach for it. Reaching is not a strong enough indicator of danger. Nope, sorry.
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.
Obviously you don't live in the great state of Florida.
I believe in stand your ground laws, if somebody is threatening your life, you’re allowe to use lethal force if need be...if you’re referring to tavon Austin, I’d say bashing someone’s head against the curb qualifies as that. If it was the other way around, and tavon was having his head bashed on the curb, then I’d be siding with tavon as well. But that wasn’t the case, I still think Zimmerman is a douche, but douches have a right to protect themselves too.

But the shooting in the OP, much different situation. Police clearly had full control.
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies

This wasn’t a touch and go situation, they had full control of the situation. If the cop was worried about a gun in the back of the waste band, he shouldn’t asked the suspect to lift his shirt, like cops are supposed to do in that situation. There is zero excuse for cops to have less strict rules of engagement than our own soldiers do in freaking war zones. This officer DID NOT EVALUATE THE SITUATION PROPERLY. What cops are being trained now a days, is that they have a unequal right to self defense than you are I. They are being trained to use lethal force at the slightest sign of potential danger, without fully evaluating what that danger could be to the best of their ability, with a one size fits all policy of shoot when someone reaches. I want all officers to get home safe, but there is no reason that they should have a lower standard of self defense than you or I. Again if this situation was developing more quickly, and they did not have control, like they did in this situation, that’s a different story. But that wasn’t the story.

It was a story much like this one
Albuquerque PD under fire for deadly police shootings

Or like this one

You can’t ask someone for the liscence and registration, and not expect someone to reach for it. Reaching is not a strong enough indicator of danger. Nope, sorry.

do you want me to link how many times people have pulled guns on cops--like during traffic stops, or if the cop is just talking, etc?
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.
Obviously you don't live in the great state of Florida.
I believe in stand your ground laws, if somebody is threatening your life, you’re allowe to use lethal force if need be...if you’re referring to tavon Austin, I’d say bashing someone’s head against the curb qualifies as that. If it was the other way around, and tavon was having his head bashed on the curb, then I’d be siding with tavon as well. But that wasn’t the case, I still think Zimmerman is a douche, but douches have a right to protect themselves too.

But the shooting in the OP, much different situation. Police clearly had full control.
If I was a cop I wouldn't believe myself to have full control until the threat was neutralized and the room cleared. Until such time everything is a judgement call. Trained professionals are constantly placed under the microscope for their judgement calls because the profession requires it, no way untrained people should be given the same latitude. Zimmerman had no reason to engage Martin. The cop was doing his job.
Every cop I have talked to, which also includes a retired US Marshall who was also a Navy SEAL all said that cop deserves to be in fucked in the ass prison for the rest of his life and that he displayed clear psychotic tendencies.
What psychotic tendencies were clearly displayed by the cop?
MindWars , it is funny that you have no answer. It appeared to me that the only tendency expressed by the cop was one for personal safety and the safety of those around him.

You can't aruge with an idiot. Because those who aren't indoctrianted aren't dumb enough to make the statement you did.
What video where you watching? He wasn't crying.

He was crying , but that wasn't me who said he was crying.
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.
Obviously you don't live in the great state of Florida.
I believe in stand your ground laws, if somebody is threatening your life, you’re allowe to use lethal force if need be...if you’re referring to tavon Austin, I’d say bashing someone’s head against the curb qualifies as that. If it was the other way around, and tavon was having his head bashed on the curb, then I’d be siding with tavon as well. But that wasn’t the case, I still think Zimmerman is a douche, but douches have a right to protect themselves too.

But the shooting in the OP, much different situation. Police clearly had full control.
If I was a cop I wouldn't believe myself to have full control until the threat was neutralized and the room cleared. Until such time everything is a judgement call. Trained professionals are constantly placed under the microscope for their judgement calls because the profession requires it, no way untrained people should be given the same latitude. Zimmerman had no reason to engage Martin. The cop was doing his job.
No reason?? There’s no body cam, how the hell do you know what happened? All we know is that there was a commotion started, and witness reports were in line with Zimmerman testimony, as well as Zimmerman’s injuries. Unless Zimmerman went in full fledged attack on travon, there’s no excuse to bash someone’s head against the curb, that’s on Martin. So whatever reason Zimmerman chose to talk to Martin doesn’t really matter, since it’s not too difficult to say, you shouldn’t go bashing people’s heads against concrete corners. And from all the evidence and testimony we gathered, that’s what happened. I’ve seen people in the Hospital for months over less, we’re talking high force, small surface area onto something with ZERO give. Very bad combination, very dangerous. It might have well been a bolted down anvil.

“If I’m a cop I wouldn’t believe myself to have full control until...”

NO, that’s where this ridiculous notion of, “well you never know what’s gonna happen, so when in doubt shoot” is 100% wrong. OUR SOLDIERS WOULD GET CHARGED WITH MURDER OVER SOMETHING LIKE THIS...IN WARZONES, SURROUNDED WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL THEM. THIS WAS 100% avoidable. And this is why soldiers make great cops, because they needed to correctly identify threats, remain in control of both THEMSELVES and the situation, and make the right calls in situations 1000% more volatile than this...if they don’t their ass is grass. Not the case for our own CITIZENS (not soldiers) that we entrust to protect and serve, if anything their standards should be higher. Soldiers have been giving life sentences for far less. Situations NEED more effort to be diffused, and police NEED to correctly identify threats. It’d be one thing if this cop was caught off guard, his weapon was trained on him before he walked out the door. Shooting this blubbering kid on his hands and knees could have been handled 20 different ways, the officer not only fired before identifying a threat, but he put HIMSELF into that situation pretty much 2 minutes into it. where in his mind, there was zero room for error. He gave control back to a kid whose mind was racing 1000 miles an hour, no reason for that. Let the other officer secure the the other suspect first, then handle the kid in the proper way, 2 on 1, suspect face down on the ground, palms on the ground, laying still. Instead of giving a scared shitless kid 10 different orders to follow, and allowing him to freely move towards you. Clearly that kid was not capable of making decisions for himself, the officer in that situation was supposed to make the decisions for him, as in on the ground face down legs crossed. As well as 10 other variations that could’ve/should’ve been used before that.
If this was you or I as a civilian using a firearm for self defense, and had 100% control of the situation, and fired just because he reached...we’d be locked away.
Obviously you don't live in the great state of Florida.
I believe in stand your ground laws, if somebody is threatening your life, you’re allowe to use lethal force if need be...if you’re referring to tavon Austin, I’d say bashing someone’s head against the curb qualifies as that. If it was the other way around, and tavon was having his head bashed on the curb, then I’d be siding with tavon as well. But that wasn’t the case, I still think Zimmerman is a douche, but douches have a right to protect themselves too.

But the shooting in the OP, much different situation. Police clearly had full control.
If I was a cop I wouldn't believe myself to have full control until the threat was neutralized and the room cleared. Until such time everything is a judgement call. Trained professionals are constantly placed under the microscope for their judgement calls because the profession requires it, no way untrained people should be given the same latitude. Zimmerman had no reason to engage Martin. The cop was doing his job.
No reason?? There’s no body cam, how the hell do you know what happened? All we know is that there was a commotion started, and witness reports were in line with Zimmerman testimony, as well as Zimmerman’s injuries. Unless Zimmerman went in full fledged attack on travon, there’s no excuse to bash someone’s head against the curb, that’s on Martin. So whatever reason Zimmerman chose to talk to Martin doesn’t really matter, since it’s not too difficult to say, you shouldn’t go bashing people’s heads against concrete corners. And from all the evidence and testimony we gathered, that’s what happened. I’ve seen people in the Hospital for months over less, we’re talking high force, small surface area onto something with ZERO give. Very bad combination, very dangerous. It might have well been a bolted down anvil.

“If I’m a cop I wouldn’t believe myself to have full control until...”

NO, that’s where this ridiculous notion of, “well you never know what’s gonna happen, so when in doubt shoot” is 100% wrong. OUR SOLDIERS WOULD GET CHARGED WITH MURDER OVER SOMETHING LIKE THIS...IN WARZONES, SURROUNDED WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL THEM. THIS WAS 100% avoidable. And this is why soldiers make great cops, because they needed to correctly identify threats, remain in control of both THEMSELVES and the situation, and make the right calls in situations 1000% more volatile than this...if they don’t their ass is grass. Not the case for our own CITIZENS (not soldiers) that we entrust to protect and serve, if anything their standards should be higher. Soldiers have been giving life sentences for far less. Situations NEED more effort to be diffused, and police NEED to correctly identify threats. It’d be one thing if this cop was caught off guard, his weapon was trained on him before he walked out the door. Shooting this blubbering kid on his hands and knees could have been handled 20 different ways, the officer not only fired before identifying a threat, but he put HIMSELF into that situation pretty much 2 minutes into it. where in his mind, there was zero room for error. He gave control back to a kid whose mind was racing 1000 miles an hour, no reason for that. Let the other officer secure the the other suspect first, then handle the kid in the proper way, 2 on 1, suspect face down on the ground, palms on the ground, laying still. Instead of giving a scared shitless kid 10 different orders to follow, and allowing him to freely move towards you. Clearly that kid was not capable of making decisions for himself, the officer in that situation was supposed to make the decisions for him, as in on the ground face down legs crossed. As well as 10 other variations that could’ve/should’ve been used before that.

And often some people who are scared half to death have a hard time getting directions right they're scared half to death even simple orders can be instantly confusing.

It sickens me often these cops don't take into consideration a person might be " deaf", a person might have learning disabilities, or they are sutistic etc.

And no we can't expect cops to say oh hey by the way are you this, this or that..............but they also don't have be trigger happy as they have been, they also shouldn't be dressed up like the fkn military on a mission out in Iraq.

These trendy dumbasses think nothing of this gear they wear as if it's normal and it is anything but normal.
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies

This wasn’t a touch and go situation, they had full control of the situation. If the cop was worried about a gun in the back of the waste band, he shouldn’t asked the suspect to lift his shirt, like cops are supposed to do in that situation. There is zero excuse for cops to have less strict rules of engagement than our own soldiers do in freaking war zones. This officer DID NOT EVALUATE THE SITUATION PROPERLY. What cops are being trained now a days, is that they have a unequal right to self defense than you are I. They are being trained to use lethal force at the slightest sign of potential danger, without fully evaluating what that danger could be to the best of their ability, with a one size fits all policy of shoot when someone reaches. I want all officers to get home safe, but there is no reason that they should have a lower standard of self defense than you or I. Again if this situation was developing more quickly, and they did not have control, like they did in this situation, that’s a different story. But that wasn’t the story.

It was a story much like this one
Albuquerque PD under fire for deadly police shootings

Or like this one

You can’t ask someone for the liscence and registration, and not expect someone to reach for it. Reaching is not a strong enough indicator of danger. Nope, sorry.

do you want me to link how many times people have pulled guns on cops--like during traffic stops, or if the cop is just talking, etc?

Go for should’ve lead with that instead, you don’t need my permission. Can you actually conceive the amount of times we tell our soldiers return fire only, when there’s an attack very clearly being formed against them...we asked our soldiers to go out and do the impossible, and they did, even though it was borderline insane to do so. And you really think a “when in doubt shoot,”excuse is permissible for those who are charged to protect and serve, when they are not in a literal war zone, not in one of the most dangerous countries on earth, and when their job is statistically safer than that of a garbage man?

I’m not even saying police should return fire only. Hell no, I want them to come home safe. All I’m saying is they should not assume and act on assumptions of threat. Prepare for threat yes, put themselves in advantagous positions absolutely, but identify threat (like we as citizens HAVE TO DO) before they take lethal self defensive measures...And police have been through hell in this country. For a long time now. And our instinct is to give them a pass because “shit, I couldn’t do that, they’re hero’s.” We are taking away what actually makes them hero’s. “We find these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” That’s no longer true, we have tipped the scales in their favor. Their life IS more important than yours. There is actually something called the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights out there. That’s right, look it up, they got their own positive rights that aren’t afforded to you or I. The deck is stacked in their favor in more ways than the lax standards of self defense we afford them. And this isn’t all the officers fault, he’s just working with the loose leash that we as society gave him. It is time to reign in that leash where it belongs.

The video might have some bearing on this case if the guy was scared shitless, and his pants were falling off. The cop murdered the guy for no good reason. You don't have to admit it, but don't waste your time trying to justify the murder.
Why trust a clown? The idiot could not follow simple instructions.
Cops are not mind readers...

Being too scared to follow instructions exactly is now an offence deserving instant death?
He deserved what got...
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies

This wasn’t a touch and go situation, they had full control of the situation. If the cop was worried about a gun in the back of the waste band, he shouldn’t asked the suspect to lift his shirt, like cops are supposed to do in that situation. There is zero excuse for cops to have less strict rules of engagement than our own soldiers do in freaking war zones. This officer DID NOT EVALUATE THE SITUATION PROPERLY. What cops are being trained now a days, is that they have a unequal right to self defense than you are I. They are being trained to use lethal force at the slightest sign of potential danger, without fully evaluating what that danger could be to the best of their ability, with a one size fits all policy of shoot when someone reaches. I want all officers to get home safe, but there is no reason that they should have a lower standard of self defense than you or I. Again if this situation was developing more quickly, and they did not have control, like they did in this situation, that’s a different story. But that wasn’t the story.

It was a story much like this one
Albuquerque PD under fire for deadly police shootings

Or like this one

You can’t ask someone for the liscence and registration, and not expect someone to reach for it. Reaching is not a strong enough indicator of danger. Nope, sorry.

do you want me to link how many times people have pulled guns on cops--like during traffic stops, or if the cop is just talking, etc?

Go for should’ve lead with that instead, you don’t need my permission. Can you actually conceive the amount of times we tell our soldiers return fire only, when there’s an attack very clearly being formed against them...we asked our soldiers to go out and do the impossible, and they did, even though it was borderline insane to do so. And you really think a “when in doubt shoot,”excuse is permissible for those who are charged to protect and serve, when they are not in a literal war zone, not in one of the most dangerous countries on earth, and when their job is statistically safer than that of a garbage man?

I’m not even saying police should return fire only. Hell no, I want them to come home safe. All I’m saying is they should not assume and act on assumptions of threat. Prepare for threat yes, put themselves in advantagous positions absolutely, but identify threat (like we as citizens HAVE TO DO) before they take lethal self defensive measures...And police have been through hell in this country. For a long time now. And our instinct is to give them a pass because “shit, I couldn’t do that, they’re hero’s.” We are taking away what actually makes them hero’s. “We find these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” That’s no longer true, we have tipped the scales in their favor. Their life IS more important than yours. There is actually something called the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights out there. That’s right, look it up, they got their own positive rights that aren’t afforded to you or I. The deck is stacked in their favor in more ways than the lax standards of self defense we afford them. And this isn’t all the officers fault, he’s just working with the loose leash that we as society gave him. It is time to reign in that leash where it belongs.

there it is again--YOU are would act the exact correct way--just like a movie
this is how humans are....this is how humans interact

Texas police officer slain during traffic stop; manhunt underway

Man charged with killing Missouri officer arrested
Arnold officer shot by man in custody; suspect dead
etc etc

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police.
MESA -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man.

The verdict cleared Philip Brailsford, 27, of criminal liability in the 2016 death of Daniel Shaver, of Granbury, Texas. He was also found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, reports CBS Phoenix affiliate KPHO-TV.

The shooting occurred at a hotel in the Phoenix suburb where officers responded to a report of someone pointing a gun out of a window. The video, obtained by KPHO, shows Brailsford pointing a gun at Shaver as Shaver lies on the ground, holds his hands in the air, cries and begs the officer not to shoot.

[WARNING: Graphic content] Body-cam video shows Mesa police shooting

Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video

:eek-52: No gun was seen in hand when GANG MEMBER PIG COP Scores Another MURDER TROPHY
for the murdering Anti-American PIG COP COWARD Murder Association! Over 700 plus people
were murdered this year by sick cowardly scumbag pig cops.

Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, towards his waist, possibly to adjust his pants. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver’s arm then moved again as he wobbled while crawling forward, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.

Enough with the pig cop language, that will get you nowhere. I do not stand with BLM, but this is partially what they’re talking about.

This is NOT OK. I understand he reached back but there were 20 other ways to handle this without have to fire a shot. IF THE OFFICER WAS WORRIED ABOUT THIS KID BEING ARMED, THEN HE SHOULDVE HAD HIM TURN AROUND, LIFT UP HIS SHIRT, AND WALK BACKWARDS. I know the cop was technically in the right, but these rules have to change. These officers didn’t even take half the measures necessary to ensure there would be no shooting, AND THEY HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, which means there was zero excuse for this. If it was a more rapidly developing situation, with a lot of unknowns, maybe there’s an argument there (barley) Clearly this kid was scared shitless, and obviously not thinking straight, I don’t know who can in a situation like that. And these police expect someone’s mind not to frantically race in this type of situation, to not act like somebody scared to, no excuse.

Police NEED to identify a weapon/legitimate threat before taking lethal measures. Non of this philando Castile “oh your reaching, I have to shoot you now,” BULLSHIT. This needs to stop. Seriously no excuse. If this was you or I, as a civilian, catching somebody who actually did intend harm, and we had control of the situation like this, and shot...we’d definitely be getting charged, no doubt about it. Cops cannot have lower standards than the citizens they a supposed to protect.

you people are talking like you are not human--you are perfect--YOU would do it differently
---you would do it the same...please don't try to say you wouldn't
you could handle every situation perfectly--just like they do in the movies

This wasn’t a touch and go situation, they had full control of the situation. If the cop was worried about a gun in the back of the waste band, he shouldn’t asked the suspect to lift his shirt, like cops are supposed to do in that situation. There is zero excuse for cops to have less strict rules of engagement than our own soldiers do in freaking war zones. This officer DID NOT EVALUATE THE SITUATION PROPERLY. What cops are being trained now a days, is that they have a unequal right to self defense than you are I. They are being trained to use lethal force at the slightest sign of potential danger, without fully evaluating what that danger could be to the best of their ability, with a one size fits all policy of shoot when someone reaches. I want all officers to get home safe, but there is no reason that they should have a lower standard of self defense than you or I. Again if this situation was developing more quickly, and they did not have control, like they did in this situation, that’s a different story. But that wasn’t the story.

It was a story much like this one
Albuquerque PD under fire for deadly police shootings

Or like this one

You can’t ask someone for the liscence and registration, and not expect someone to reach for it. Reaching is not a strong enough indicator of danger. Nope, sorry.

do you want me to link how many times people have pulled guns on cops--like during traffic stops, or if the cop is just talking, etc?

Go for should’ve lead with that instead, you don’t need my permission. Can you actually conceive the amount of times we tell our soldiers return fire only, when there’s an attack very clearly being formed against them...we asked our soldiers to go out and do the impossible, and they did, even though it was borderline insane to do so. And you really think a “when in doubt shoot,”excuse is permissible for those who are charged to protect and serve, when they are not in a literal war zone, not in one of the most dangerous countries on earth, and when their job is statistically safer than that of a garbage man?

I’m not even saying police should return fire only. Hell no, I want them to come home safe. All I’m saying is they should not assume and act on assumptions of threat. Prepare for threat yes, put themselves in advantagous positions absolutely, but identify threat (like we as citizens HAVE TO DO) before they take lethal self defensive measures...And police have been through hell in this country. For a long time now. And our instinct is to give them a pass because “shit, I couldn’t do that, they’re hero’s.” We are taking away what actually makes them hero’s. “We find these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” That’s no longer true, we have tipped the scales in their favor. Their life IS more important than yours. There is actually something called the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights out there. That’s right, look it up, they got their own positive rights that aren’t afforded to you or I. The deck is stacked in their favor in more ways than the lax standards of self defense we afford them. And this isn’t all the officers fault, he’s just working with the loose leash that we as society gave him. It is time to reign in that leash where it belongs.

Ohio police officer shot dead during domestic dispute call

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