Message to Cruz Lovers

Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
In March Trump said he would not honor the pledge in supporting the R nom.

In July Cruz did not honor the pledge in supporting the R nom.

But only one is wrong?


You guys.
That is not a traitorous act.
Who's the retard again?
WTF do you think sovereign means dumbass?
I do, its obvious you don't.
Can you not answer the question? WTF DO YOU THINK SOVEREIGN MEANS?
Asked and answered.

Wonder if the talking heads authorized the use of their music.
If not the film makers are in deep shit.
Cruz should have said..."I support Donald Trump in his quest to be President...but I will also say that if, in the next four years, he does not deliver as will hear from me in 2020. Vote's the only choice you have."

No he shouldn't have said that. Cruz stuck to his principles, he did the right thing. Cruz would have been a sellout, just like Sanders, had he endorsed Trump.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

Oh please. He raked clinton over the coals for being a big corp greedy assed money grabber ... right before he said "I love hillary and endorse her, she'll be great!" He was suppose to be for the little guy and against the big money monsters. So much for principle.

Trump backed off the pledge in March, no one batted an eye. Cruz backed off the pledge in July (and stuck to his principles) and zomg! he's some kind of traitor or something? Puleezze.
I do, its obvious you don't.
Can you not answer the question? WTF DO YOU THINK SOVEREIGN MEANS?
Asked and answered.
Pink bows are kinda gay even for you.
Why do you post when you cant even answer simple questions?
You are the PERFECT example of a mindless dumbass.
I did answer your post , you just don't like the response.
the definition of sovereign
Now what does it have to do with Kim Davis ?
The answer is: jack shit.
Interesting times .... people across the aisle here at the USMB are agreeing with each other. Love it when that happens.
I'm disappointed in Cruz. He's jumped ship and headed over to the Bush-Establishment dark side. It could cost him in the future.

Except he isn't on the Bush-establishment side. How you can even say that is beyond me. The establishment hates Cruz even more than Trump.

Cruz seems to be in a small, but loyal, field.

Acted like a sore loser little baby. Him and Kasich. Shame on em.

Shame on him? A conservative didn't endorse a D posing as an R and instead stood by his principles. No shame, he did the right thing.

He fucked his own Party. He didn't listen to Ronald Reagan. He made it all about himself. He's a sore loser little baby. Time to run him out of the Party too.
Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.
Funny how the usual suspects of the RWnut crowd were ridiculing Bernie Sanders for 'selling out',

now they're ridiculing Cruz for not selling out.
Bernie didn't sign his name to a pledge. Good try though :thup:

Oh please. He raked clinton over the coals for being a big corp greedy assed money grabber ... right before he said "I love hillary and endorse her, she'll be great!" He was suppose to be for the little guy and against the big money monsters. So much for principle.

Trump backed off the pledge in March, no one batted an eye. Cruz backed off the pledge in July (and stuck to his principles) and zomg! he's some kind of traitor or something? Puleezze.
If your standards are "2 wrongs make a right", then that's your prerogative :thup:
So much for all the Cruz speeches where he said its about the Constitution and country and gave his word to support Trump. Instead the cry baby shoots a torpedo in Trump because he attacked his wife and father? What kind of lame ass reason is that to help Hillary wtf? That's not taking one for the team, that's not conservative.

Rush pegged Cruz correctly months ago, he's a fake conservative. Cruz initially ran around kissing the ass of the GOP establishment. He desperately wanted to be in their club but the GOP establishment didn't like the guy. It was only after they froze him out that he put on this costume of conservative anti establishment crusader. That's why the GOP establishment dislikes him even more now, because they know he's a fake.
Rash limpslong calling someone else a fake is an absolute farce!
Can you not answer the question? WTF DO YOU THINK SOVEREIGN MEANS?
Asked and answered.
Pink bows are kinda gay even for you.
Why do you post when you cant even answer simple questions?
You are the PERFECT example of a mindless dumbass.
I did answer your post , you just don't like the response.
the definition of sovereign
Now what does it have to do with Kim Davis ?
The answer is: jack shit.
The COTUS is sovereign dumbfuck
I'm disappointed in Cruz. He's jumped ship and headed over to the Bush-Establishment dark side. It could cost him in the future.

He has jumped ship by suggesting we should support pro constitution candidates up and down the ticket? Isn't that what the party is supposed to do??
Yes, however both Cruz and the GOP are anything but pro Constitution.
How can they quote a document they've never read?
So much for all the Cruz speeches where he said its about the Constitution and country and gave his word to support Trump. Instead the cry baby shoots a torpedo in Trump because he attacked his wife and father? What kind of lame ass reason is that to help Hillary wtf? That's not taking one for the team, that's not conservative.

Rush pegged Cruz correctly months ago, he's a fake conservative. Cruz initially ran around kissing the ass of the GOP establishment. He desperately wanted to be in their club but the GOP establishment didn't like the guy. It was only after they froze him out that he put on this costume of conservative anti establishment crusader. That's why the GOP establishment dislikes him even more now, because they know he's a fake.
Rash limpslong calling someone else a fake is an absolute farce!

I think you know where you can go and what you can do to yourself repeatedly once you get there, beat it lib.
Can anyone clarify? Did Cruz promise to endorse Trump at the speech or was it just assumed? Did they read his speech prior to Cruz giving it? Did Cruz just skip over the endorsement part of his speech?

Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
nonsense...that's media spin.

And what evidence is there to persuade me to believe that?
Did you not see the spontaneous eruption of boo's across the entire auditorium? It wasn't localized where the whips were. The dope on CNN said it started with the whips and THAT became the narrative. Lies. Anything to undermine Trumps appeal. Just like they tried to say the convention lacked energy and enthusiasm. Are we watching the same thing here.

Whats so hard to believe the convention goers wanted Cruz to endorse him and got pissed because he didn't? Republicans want unity. Sure there's some #nevertrumpers still around but they are NOT the majority of convention goers.

Watch CSpan for excellent coverage with no dopey pundits injecting their bias into the equation. You'll come away with your own opinion of the convention instead of regurgitating what these dopey pundits say.
It was a staged spontaneous eruption.
It's part of "the whip's" job to fire up the crowd.
mmhmm...looks pretty staged to me. Look at their faces and then take in the crowds reaction when they saw Trump

The view from the floor when the RNC turned on Ted Cruz - CNN Video
Cruz should have said..."I support Donald Trump in his quest to be President...but I will also say that if, in the next four years, he does not deliver as will hear from me in 2020. Vote's the only choice you have."

No he shouldn't have said that. Cruz stuck to his principles, he did the right thing. Cruz would have been a sellout, just like Sanders, had he endorsed Trump.
There are principles in politics? Standby...let me ask Hillary....
Pink bows are kinda gay even for you.
Why do you post when you cant even answer simple questions?
You are the PERFECT example of a mindless dumbass.
I did answer your post , you just don't like the response.
the definition of sovereign
Now what does it have to do with Kim Davis ?
The answer is: jack shit.
The COTUS is sovereign dumbfuck
False! the constitution is a document it has no actual power.
Please list the relevant amendments you wish she violated.
Trump approved the speech. And then his campaign went through the audience stirring up the crowd against him. The question is why?
nonsense...that's media spin.

And what evidence is there to persuade me to believe that?
Did you not see the spontaneous eruption of boo's across the entire auditorium? It wasn't localized where the whips were. The dope on CNN said it started with the whips and THAT became the narrative. Lies. Anything to undermine Trumps appeal. Just like they tried to say the convention lacked energy and enthusiasm. Are we watching the same thing here.

Whats so hard to believe the convention goers wanted Cruz to endorse him and got pissed because he didn't? Republicans want unity. Sure there's some #nevertrumpers still around but they are NOT the majority of convention goers.

Watch CSpan for excellent coverage with no dopey pundits injecting their bias into the equation. You'll come away with your own opinion of the convention instead of regurgitating what these dopey pundits say.
It was a staged spontaneous eruption.
It's part of "the whip's" job to fire up the crowd.
mmhmm...looks pretty staged to me. Look at their faces and then take in the crowds reaction when they saw Trump

The view from the floor when the RNC turned on Ted Cruz - CNN Video
No suprize there .have you ever been to a concert.
Getting the crowd to react the way you want them to is basic stagecraft.

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