Message to Trump

What a load of crap.

Trump did not run on a White Pride platform. He did not endorse swastika graffiti (which was likely done by a hiLIARy supporter).

How about Obabble disavow all the divisive racist comments he has made prior to leaving office?

I didn't say he did.

Just like Obama didn't run on loot and riot platform.

But to deny that alt-right racists and white priders may think Trump speaks for them and supports that agenda is ignorant.

I don't believe Trump does. And he should make sure they country knows that. Put the whites only people on notice.
Well, maybe he should come out firmly against raping babies while he's at it. Hate for some liberal to say he didn't oppose it so maybe he's for it.

How lame.
gloating and mean-spirited celebration always comes back to bite you in the ass.

what goes around...etc.

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