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Message to Youth Who Voted for Biden

:lol: boomers always blame everyone else for ruining our Country by being party first sycophants
You will know nothing but economic suffering under the socialist system that you advocate and voted for. Because you are spoiled and mommy and daddy provided everything for you throughout your pampered life, you expect the federal government to do said same. You do not understand the value of hard work and throw temper tantrums when someone interrupts your online video game. Somehow you feel guilty about being born white and go overboard to be cool around black people who generally hate your ass. So I don't feel a bit sorry for you in the future when you whine and cry about your economic situation and your 60% taxed Dunkin Doughnuts paycheck. The only consolation I take from this bullshit 2020 presidential election is the fact that the white male of your species have no testicles and can no longer infect the American society. So I pray that your suffering comes immediately after your graduation from college. Therefore, cordially I say this: "Fuck off!"
Just wait until they realize that they WON'T be getting an additional $14,000 as an hourly worker! Or that they WON'T be getting free college or their student loans wiped out! Or that joining the Paris Accord won't do jack shit to stem global warming! Or that Biden's anti oil and gas agenda is going to drive the price of gas they buy at the pump WAY up again! All those promises of free shit that Joe and Kamala made to those naive children? They aren't going to be getting any of that. What they WILL get is an economy back in the tank. Higher taxes. Fewer jobs. More dependency on China. More dependency on Middle East oil regimes. It's going to suck to be an American for the next few years folks but in the long run...a corrupt and inept administration like we're about to get will end up being a boon to the GOP. We've got four years to find a strong new candidate to run against Kamala Harris because god knows Joe isn't going to up for two terms. She's the black version of Hillary Clinton...someone that nobody really likes.
:lol: boomers always blame everyone else for ruining our Country by being party first sycophants
Ease up. I'm a Boomer. We're flawed but so is every generation
Fair point, but I'm being tongue in cheek.

Its far right whiners who say the Country is ruined all of the time, totally oblivious to the fact that THEYVE been the "big vote" for so many of these formative years. I cannot stomach the loathing and finger pointing...the modern GOP are spineless cowards.
You will know nothing but economic suffering under the socialist system that you advocate and voted for. Because you are spoiled and mommy and daddy provided everything for you throughout your pampered life, you expect the federal government to do said same. You do not understand the value of hard work and throw temper tantrums when someone interrupts your online video game. Somehow you feel guilty about being born white and go overboard to be cool around black people who generally hate your ass. So I don't feel a bit sorry for you in the future when you whine and cry about your economic situation and your 60% taxed Dunkin Doughnuts paycheck. The only consolation I take from this bullshit 2020 presidential election is the fact that the white male of your species have no testicles and can no longer infect the American society. So I pray that your suffering comes immediately after your graduation from college. Therefore, cordially I say this: "Fuck off!"
Just wait until they realize that they WON'T be getting an additional $14,000 as an hourly worker! Or that they WON'T be getting free college or their student loans wiped out! Or that joining the Paris Accord won't do jack shit to stem global warming! Or that Biden's anti oil and gas agenda is going to drive the price of gas they buy at the pump WAY up again! All those promises of free shit that Joe and Kamala made to those naive children? They aren't going to be getting any of that. What they WILL get is an economy back in the tank. Higher taxes. Fewer jobs. More dependency on China. More dependency on Middle East oil regimes. It's going to suck to be an American for the next few years folks but in the long run...a corrupt and inept administration like we're about to get will end up being a boon to the GOP. We've got four years to find a strong new candidate to run against Kamala Harris because god knows Joe isn't going to up for two terms. She's the black version of Hillary Clinton...someone that nobody really likes.
Geez...you sound so open minded
O.P. didn't give us any examples of the socialism he seems to think the USA is 'infected' with. We don't have a national health care system like Bernie advocates and which more advanced countries have. Education's at a premium with college students owing 100k or more after graduation. More advanced countries help their students instead of driving them into debt like we do. We blow all our money on 'defense' and serious tax breaks for billionaires and corporations even though we have infrastructure falling apart and repairing and rebuilding infrastructure would put millions to work. A great man once said that this country is 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'. It's now 'of the rich, by the rich, for the rich' although the democrats have a few programs that help the least among us.
O.P. didn't give us any examples of the socialism he seems to think the USA is 'infected' with. We don't have a national health care system like Bernie advocates and which more advanced countries have. Education's at a premium with college students owing 100k or more after graduation. More advanced countries help their students instead of driving them into debt like we do. We blow all our money on 'defense' and serious tax breaks for billionaires and corporations even though we have infrastructure falling apart and repairing and rebuilding infrastructure would put millions to work. A great man once said that this country is 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'. It's now 'of the rich, by the rich, for the rich' although the democrats have a few programs that help the least among us.
You know what's amusing about that little diatribe, Jason? That you actually think Democratic politicians care about "the people"! You're the means to an end. You give them power with your votes in return for promises that are never kept and they leave political office millionaires! A great man once said there's a sucker born every minute!
You will know nothing but economic suffering under the socialist system that you advocate and voted for. Because you are spoiled and mommy and daddy provided everything for you throughout your pampered life, you expect the federal government to do said same. You do not understand the value of hard work and throw temper tantrums when someone interrupts your online video game. Somehow you feel guilty about being born white and go overboard to be cool around black people who generally hate your ass. So I don't feel a bit sorry for you in the future when you whine and cry about your economic situation and your 60% taxed Dunkin Doughnuts paycheck. The only consolation I take from this bullshit 2020 presidential election is the fact that the white male of your species have no testicles and can no longer infect the American society. So I pray that your suffering comes immediately after your graduation from college. Therefore, cordially I say this: "Fuck off!"
Just wait until they realize that they WON'T be getting an additional $14,000 as an hourly worker! Or that they WON'T be getting free college or their student loans wiped out! Or that joining the Paris Accord won't do jack shit to stem global warming! Or that Biden's anti oil and gas agenda is going to drive the price of gas they buy at the pump WAY up again! All those promises of free shit that Joe and Kamala made to those naive children? They aren't going to be getting any of that. What they WILL get is an economy back in the tank. Higher taxes. Fewer jobs. More dependency on China. More dependency on Middle East oil regimes. It's going to suck to be an American for the next few years folks but in the long run...a corrupt and inept administration like we're about to get will end up being a boon to the GOP. We've got four years to find a strong new candidate to run against Kamala Harris because god knows Joe isn't going to up for two terms. She's the black version of Hillary Clinton...someone that nobody really likes.
Geez...you sound so open minded

We'll revisit this conversation as the Biden "agenda" is unleashed on the country, Lesh! By the way...I didn't even touch on what I think is going to happen with Antifa and Black Lives Matter! You on the left have bought into that they're a problem caused by Trump and will somehow cease burning and looting because you've elected a senile old white guy! I've got news for you...that isn't going to happen. They will continue to riot because now they'll have an administration that won't use the Federal Government against them. You created Frankenstein's monster to hurt Trump...now that monster is roaming the streets of Democratically controlled cities feeling his oats and he's going to be YOUR problem! Have fun with that!
If you're under 60...you're royally screwed.

America will never again be the prosperous place it was. The left absolutely adores things like the TSA and complete control.
I expect check points on major highways and tolls on them all under the Socialists.
You WILL lose your right to own guns. You can forget about the 2nd. That's done.

I can only laugh at these young morons as they hang themselves.
I could not have said it any better word for word,any chance we had of getting the swamp drained is over now.

In 4 years, you'll be voting for a swamp creature for President. LOL
I feel ya, but I'll take a somewhat more lenient tack. They are young, inexperienced and they were manipulate by the masters of manipulation DEMOCRATS.
Perhaps. But they better wake-up real quick and vote conservative.
You can't just elect people. They have to come through. They have to remove the barriers of the people who put them there. And that really seems to not happen despite President Trump and what he did. Real changes need to be made in our Diversity, PC and quotas. This is important I do not see Biden and especially Harris doing that. There is a growing amount of impoverished white males. And they are not in the front of the line for programs.

Perhaps they should stop moping around about losing an election.
If Alzheimer's Joe wins, I suppose there's always waging an actual war as an alternate solution, as opposed to a peaceful transition of power. After all, it's not like the so-called Democrats have been honest, law-abiding, human beings. All pro-Republicans may want to also buy up large amounts of prepper food containers. Once it takes a turn the Venezuelan ideology of government, people will begin starving.
You will know nothing but economic suffering under the socialist system that you advocate and voted for. Because you are spoiled and mommy and daddy provided everything for you throughout your pampered life, you expect the federal government to do said same. You do not understand the value of hard work and throw temper tantrums when someone interrupts your online video game. Somehow you feel guilty about being born white and go overboard to be cool around black people who generally hate your ass. So I don't feel a bit sorry for you in the future when you whine and cry about your economic situation and your 60% taxed Dunkin Doughnuts paycheck. The only consolation I take from this bullshit 2020 presidential election is the fact that the white male of your species have no testicles and can no longer infect the American society. So I pray that your suffering comes immediately after your graduation from college. Therefore, cordially I say this: "Fuck off!"

Trump increased the deficit and ignored Climate Change...
You will know nothing but economic suffering under the socialist system that you advocate and voted for. Because you are spoiled and mommy and daddy provided everything for you throughout your pampered life, you expect the federal government to do said same. You do not understand the value of hard work and throw temper tantrums when someone interrupts your online video game. Somehow you feel guilty about being born white and go overboard to be cool around black people who generally hate your ass. So I don't feel a bit sorry for you in the future when you whine and cry about your economic situation and your 60% taxed Dunkin Doughnuts paycheck. The only consolation I take from this bullshit 2020 presidential election is the fact that the white male of your species have no testicles and can no longer infect the American society. So I pray that your suffering comes immediately after your graduation from college. Therefore, cordially I say this: "Fuck off!"

Trump increased the deficit and ignored Climate Change...
You do realize, Ted that the Paris Accords didn't actually do anything about Climate Change? It let countries like China, India and Brazil continue to increase their rate of pollution for decades while we in the US would have to cut our carbon output now...in other words we screw ourselves while letting the problem get worse. Who would sign something THAT stupid?
If they end up winning, Biden/Harris will be the best thing to happen to conservatism since Obama. Give 'em enough rope, I say.
If they end up winning, Biden/Harris will be the best thing to happen to conservatism since Obama. Give 'em enough rope, I say.

Were he ready to concede this would be the opportune time for President Trump to give the left everything it wants. Empty the jails with full presidential pardons. End border enforcement entirely. Free money! Close down all petroleum/natural gas/coal production in the name of saving the planet. Give it all to them and then kick back and watch their own mob eat them alive when they are in office and forced to choose between backing off that which they proclaimed they wanted or seeing the nation shut down.

Force it to be their choice. All in one big bunch.
Our three oldest had a mock election at their school

Trump won in a landslide.... there is hope out there
If they end up winning, Biden/Harris will be the best thing to happen to conservatism since Obama. Give 'em enough rope, I say.

Were he ready to concede this would be the opportune time for President Trump to give the left everything it wants. Empty the jails with full presidential pardons. End border enforcement entirely. Free money! Close down all petroleum/natural gas/coal production in the name of saving the planet. Give it all to them and then kick back and watch their own mob eat them alive when they are in office and forced to choose between backing off that which they proclaimed they wanted or seeing the nation shut down.

Force it to be their choice. All in one big bunch.

That's funny. So don't just take yer ball and go home. Slash all the balls, blow up the ball court and just burn down the entire playground. See how they like playing there.

Like the Nazis burning Europe as they retreated.
That's funny. So don't just take yer ball and go home. Slash all the balls, blow up the ball court and just burn down the entire playground. See how they like playing there.

Like the Nazis burning Europe as they retreated.

Too late.

Your Harris/Biden thugs have already done that. Guess you haven't seen any news out of The People's Republic of Seattle.
If they end up winning, Biden/Harris will be the best thing to happen to conservatism since Obama. Give 'em enough rope, I say.

Were he ready to concede this would be the opportune time for President Trump to give the left everything it wants. Empty the jails with full presidential pardons. End border enforcement entirely. Free money! Close down all petroleum/natural gas/coal production in the name of saving the planet. Give it all to them and then kick back and watch their own mob eat them alive when they are in office and forced to choose between backing off that which they proclaimed they wanted or seeing the nation shut down.

Force it to be their choice. All in one big bunch.

That's funny. So don't just take yer ball and go home. Slash all the balls, blow up the ball court and just burn down the entire playground. See how they like playing there.

Like the Nazis burning Europe as they retreated.

Your analogy fails.

What I'm suggesting is that President Trump DO everything the left claims it wants done. To the full extent it can be done. Just do it now rather than wait for them to back-track and water-down what they say MUST BE. Then let it soak in. All done for them. Leaving nothing for them to do but sweat over what has happened. Would they dare try to undo their own agenda-come-true?

Certainly they would if they want America to survive.

But they can't admit to any failings.

If we're screwed it's because the apparently winning Party wants you to be screwed. Now sit down, shut up, relax and enjoy it.

Y'see it's not President Trump who wants scorched earth; it's you leftists. He has the opportunity to deliver exactly what you've promised your socialist base....just a little earlier than they said they had planned.

Or.....is it just possible that you suddenly fell OUT of LOVE with your own party agenda?

Fickle much?
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