META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

And where do medical doctors talking about the success they had with HCQ and ivermectin in treating covid fall in that spectrum?


Anyone that gets their medical advice from Twitter or FB is a fucking moron.
I have no obligation to offer a viable solution to the problem in order to reject a dumb idea. 'm saying that the solution you're offering is shit - it will make things worse.

Ok. Thanks for clarifying. Though I'm not sure what you're suggesting with the comment.

Well all that does is make me dismiss you out of hand as a absolutist whiner and not a fixer.
Childish insults aside, it does seem like some of them are calling for exactly this kind of intervention. They're almost as bad as liberals.

I think so, yes.

If you're going to cry about "childish insults" don't finish your thought with the flourish of "They're almost as bad as liberals". 😄 It's not that I mind insults, it's just that I wonder why you'd be such a punk ass bitch about them. Either embrace them or don't but the time where we pay mind to some absurd notion of gentlemanly banter is beyond us, Soy Boy. Argue with your chest.

Let's take this issue, in what way are liberals worse on this issue compared to the fascist views expressed here in this thread from the white wing?
You're the one begging for white wingers to be let back on Facebook you cosplaying bitch. 😄 I don't even have an account.

How about following their own Terms of Service. Their bans aren't based on anything but SJW angst over posts they don't like.

How about if Trump wins the Republican nomination? Are they going to ban any reference of him?

If the Dem nominee has access but Trump does not, how is that not each platform endorsing the Dem nominee?

What is the monetary value of that? Does it violate campaign finance laws?
Yep, but there are legal limits on political contributions, in kind contributions count just as much as cash.


Exactly, if Trump is the nominee and still banned, and the Dem nominee can still post, how is that not a contribution to the Dem's election campaign?
Well all that does is make me dismiss you out of hand as a absolutist whiner and not a fixer.
Ok, fine. But once again, you're making the same heinous arguments that liberals are so good at. I went through the same crap with them over ACA. They insisted that anyone criticizing it was obligated to come up with an alternative. The alternative to "passing a bad law" is "NOT passing a bad law".

You can call that whining if you want, but I'm NOT supporting your idiotic desire to see the state dictating to social media. What you're calling for will make the problem worse.
Yep, but there are legal limits on political contributions, in kind contributions count just as much as cash.


So every Pro-Trump story put out by the GWP or Pro-Biden story by MSNBC should be counted as political contributions?

That would be awesome!

If you're going to cry about "childish insults" don't finish your thought with the flourish of "They're almost as bad as liberals". 😄
Why not? Do you consider the term "liberals" to be a childish insult? Like "white winger"? Interesting.
It's not that I mind insults, it's just that I wonder why you'd be such a punk ass bitch about them. Either embrace them or don't but the time where we pay mind to some absurd notion of gentlemanly banter is beyond us, Soy Boy. Argue with your chest.
Yeah. I've read some of your other shit. You're exactly the kind of "Liberal" that created the Trump movement. Congrats.
Let's take this issue, in what way are liberals worse on this issue compared to the fascist views expressed here in this thread from the white wing?
Because the Trump voters are mostly just crackpots. Dems are busy working on the legislation to make it happen.
Ok, fine. But once again, you're making the same heinous arguments that liberals are so good at. I went through the same crap with them over ACA. They insisted that anyone criticizing it was obligated to come up with an alternative. The alternative to "passing a bad law" is "NOT passing a bad law".

You can call that whining if you want, but I'm supporting your idiotic desire to see the state dictating to social media. What you're calling for will make the problem worse.

How do you know it will make it worse? Right now if the imbalance continues it will get worse for us and better for them no matter what.
Beats me. But creating a new regulatory regime, new laws that government can use to twist arms, would only make matters worse. It would give government even more power to bully social media sites into doing their bidding.

they are already working with the CDC to control messaging. that needs to end.
How about following their own Terms of Service. Their bans aren't based on anything but SJW angst over posts they don't like.
How about you sue them and prove it in court? Until then, to me, all you look like is a whiney little bitch.
How about if Trump wins the Republican nomination? Are they going to ban any reference of him?
Maybe. Will that make you cry?
If the Dem nominee has access but Trump does not, how is that not each platform endorsing the Dem nominee?
The Republican Supreme Court said there was nothing wrong with companies endorsing politicians or even donating ungodly sums of money towards their campaigns under the guise of free speech.
What is the monetary value of that? Does it violate campaign finance laws?
Not if it's in the form of a "non-affiliated" Super PAC. Thanks Republicans! 👍🏽
How about you sue them and prove it in court? Until then, to me, all you look like is a whiney little bitch.

Maybe. Will that make you cry?

The Republican Supreme Court said there was nothing wrong with companies endorsing politicians or even donating ungodly sums of money towards their campaigns under the guise of free speech.

Not if it's in the form of a "non-affiliated" Super PAC. Thanks Republicans! 👍🏽

For that to be true then Facebook and twitter would have to claim said content on the sites is THIER content, thus making them a publisher.

Didn't think that one through, did ya?
The left overwhelmingly controls the media in this country.

All I want to do is hold them to the same standard we hold the government to.

I want to win, not die happy in the knowledge I was ideologically pure right until I got the blindfold and the Marlboro Red.
They do control most of it, and had fits when Rush Limbaugh single-handedly dominated AM talk radio for decades. They were yammering on for the reinstatement of the (un)Fairness Doctrine, little expecting that if they had, it could be used against them as well. I wonder how many of them understand that a true FD would give conservatives a massive hammer to smack down FB and Twitter?
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