Mexican FederalPolice beat Central American Migrants in Oaxaca


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
This is a sampling of english transalations of stories from Mexican and Central American media.

Juarez police quitting in droves

According to official records released yesterday 91 Juarez policemen have quit voluntarily this year. Three others were let go “for loss of trustworthiness.” Just last weekend, at the funeral of one of their fellow workers, some members of the Juarez police expressed their desire to quit for fear of losing their lives in what they themselves called “a lost war” against organized crime.

This year, nineteen Juarez policemen have been assassinated during ambushes by organized crime. Another 46, from other law enforcement agencies, have been murdered in Juarez so far this year; they include 9 federal police, 5 state investigators, two traffic police, a jail guard, 4 CIPOL (intelligence center police,) 2 Public Ministry agents, 2 technical experts, and 2 private security guards.

Migrants assaulted by federal agents return to their country

As has happened in other occasions earlier this year, Mexican federal police in Chahuites, state of Oaxaca, assaulted some 300 Central American migrants riding a freight train. A priest from a shelter for transients in that area said that, “As in the previous two assaults, the agents acted brutally……..and kicked them while (the victims) were face down on the ground.” After the assault, a group of migrants complained to the National Human Rights Commission with the help of the local Salvadoran Consul. But afterward, federal police agents threatened them with firearms and demanded that they retract the allegations in front of video cameras. Yesterday, a group of Salvadorans decided to leave Mexico voluntarily and return to their country. They were escorted to the border for their safety by Mexican naval personnel and agents from a Chiapas state agency.

A wave of violence in Mexico

Yesterday (Mon.) violence in Mexico caused the death by homicide of 79 persons. Of that number, 42 took place in three mass killings in the states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Michoacan. Mexico’s Ministry of Government “condemned” the cowardly assassination of members of the federal police in Zitacuaro,

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Mexican FederalPolice beat Central American Migrants in Oaxaca - The Cholla Jumps

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