Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

"Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric."

Patently stupid.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

How do you get here....

"So racists are not biased?"

From here....

"Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality." ?

Unless of course you started with a presupposition that Trump is categorically racist....which makes you stupid to start with.
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

So you have EVIDENCE that he cut all social and emotional ties with his family and friends. Any EVIDENCE that an attack on his ancestry won't affect his judgment.

In that case for the umpteenth time

Every court that has considered the issue whether a public school system is liable to parents who after 12 years their progeny can not read has REFUSED to grant relief.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

Seriously? You want to make that point that said Judge cannot be biased because he is an American? A Hispanic American at that.
Could you please post where I said that or implied it?
While you're at it answer the question "so racists aren't biased?

I repeat..."Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality", the Judge could absolutely be biased.
But there is no evidence that he is biased is the point.

No, but there are affiliations that might lend themselves to being biased. Having grown up in Cali I can tell you that La Raza was not a pleasant group to deal with.
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

"Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric."

Patently stupid.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

How do you get here....

"So racists are not biased?"

From here....

"Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality." ?

Unless of course you started with a presupposition that Trump is categorically racist....which makes you stupid to start with.
It's a simple question .
From what you posted it's your contention that biases and racism aren't connected?
My ONLY point was that NOBODY can categorically state that it is impossible for the Judge to be biased simply because he was born an American, as I said that is patently stupid.
So racists are not biased?

Seriously? You want to make that point that said Judge cannot be biased because he is an American? A Hispanic American at that.
Could you please post where I said that or implied it?
While you're at it answer the question "so racists aren't biased?

I repeat..."Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality", the Judge could absolutely be biased.
But there is no evidence that he is biased is the point.

No, but there are affiliations that might lend themselves to being biased. Having grown up in Cali I can tell you that La Raza was not a pleasant group to deal with.
I've lived in California my whole life and la Raza is just another gang.
"Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric."

Patently stupid.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

How do you get here....

"So racists are not biased?"

From here....

"Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality." ?

Unless of course you started with a presupposition that Trump is categorically racist....which makes you stupid to start with.
It's a simple question .
From what you posted it's your contention that biases and racism aren't connected?

Nope, sorry. My point was (in response to Swim's statement) that Nationality does not preclude biases.
My ONLY point was that NOBODY can categorically state that it is impossible for the Judge to be biased simply because he was born an American, as I said that is patently stupid.

Nope. You need to know that this ain't my first rodeo, my words mean what I say they mean, not you contend through your inability to understand. Sorry.
Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

It doesn't matter to Republicans. Republicans hate them anyway.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

How do you get here....

"So racists are not biased?"

From here....

"Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality." ?

Unless of course you started with a presupposition that Trump is categorically racist....which makes you stupid to start with.
It's a simple question .
From what you posted it's your contention that biases and racism aren't connected?

Nope, sorry. My point was (in response to Swim's statement) that Nationality does not preclude biases.
Never said it did .
Now answer the question .
My ONLY point was that NOBODY can categorically state that it is impossible for the Judge to be biased simply because he was born an American, as I said that is patently stupid.

Nope. You need to know that this ain't my first rodeo, my words mean what I say they mean, not you contend through your inability to understand. Sorry.
Impossible to be biased if you were born in the USA? is that what you are claiming? How about Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Whoopi? Are they not biased?

BTW, Mexican is not a race, neither is muslim, or African, or Irish, or arab.
Massive false comparison.
Since when did race become irrelevant to obvious racists like yourself.
This whole sham whites are victims ploy the right is trying to sell is rock solid proof of that bias.
How is race relevant to the trump case?
It wasn't till your boy dump made it so.
You want fires with that?

So now race is an issue
There is no reason that a "Mexican" or Mexican-American, or a Hispanic Judge could NOT be biased against a man who the Hard Left has been claiming for months is hated by Hispanics.

Semantic games do not change reality, not matter how hard people try to make it do so.

Trump's entire argument is a semantics game. The man is an American. Period. He comes from Indiana.

Its irellevant where he's from if being from Mexican is central to his identy like many people of mexican origin. The ironic thing is you are playing a game of semantics.
And that is a racist statement ironically identify the unaware Rocko as a racist.

Nice to see irrelevant Fahey is still irrelevant. And the funny thing is the self described genius, swimexpert, is thanking him for his post, so I guess mexican is a race when suitable to the great swimexpert's argument. Can't make this shut up lol.
Rocko continues to fumble and mumble. Pitiful.

Ok, Fakey, how was what I said racist? This should be good.
let me be clear as I 've said before - Trump claiming the judge is unquaified to reside over his case because he is Mexican is a bigoted statement. For the record I'm am not a Trump supporter for many reasons, and what he said about the judge is one of them.
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

He supports LaRaza, which exists to help illegal aliens, like the judge's parents. As a judge, he should not be allowed to support breaking our laws.
So, you don't support Trump's right to a Fair and Impartial Trial?

It is shocking to see you admit that so clearly.

I guess things are changing. Used to be lefties would lie about that.

Trump pointing out that the Judge is biased in not Contempt, it is completely valid.

Your opinion on the case is not very credible, now that you have admitted that you don't care about Trump receiving a Fair Trial.

May I ask what rationalization you use for giving up on Equal Rights for everyone?
Copious amount of willful misrepresentation.
Trump is receiving a fair trial dispite dump's best efforts to play the race card.
As to rationalizing that's all you slapdick, as it always is.

No, he was quite clear that he agrees that Hispanics hate Trump but that he doesn't want Trump to get a Fair Trial, he just wants Trump to lose.

Trump was only playing the Race Card if you can show that he was knowingly making a false accusation.

And fuck you.
No need, dump has done that multiple times!
You could quit now and save yourself from much deserved humiliation but you won't
I think you enjoy being gang banged!

Trump has done WHAT multiple times?

I pointed out that you need to show that Trump was knowingly making a false accusation of Racism, if you want to claim he was playing the "Race Card". Was there a response to that in your vague post?

Do you think Trump has a right to a Fair and Impartial Trial?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

If you were smart you'd stfu now but you won't.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense.

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