Mexican is a nationality, not a race.

No, he was quite clear that he agrees that Hispanics hate Trump but that he doesn't want Trump to get a Fair Trial, he just wants Trump to lose.

Trump was only playing the Race Card if you can show that he was knowingly making a false accusation.

And fuck you.
No. I said Trump shot himself in the foot. When a defendant calls out a judge prior to the start of a trial, he is either maneuvering for a mistrial or committing a breach of contempt of court.

I hope Trump gets a fair trial as every defendant should. But Trump is not making that possibility easy on himself.

Pride goeth before the fall.

You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
1. Trump's disdain for Latinos is the scaffold upon which this controversy rests

2. Trump should remain mute as far as his case goes. His comments, that's right, HIS comments jeopardizes his shot as a fair trial

3. I never said I hope Trump does not get a fair trial. I hope that every defendant gets a fair trial. But every defendant does not say things about the judge prior to the trial, do they?

1. How is Trump's alleged disdain the basis for this controversy?

2. Like Trump's comments about the Judge is really what the problem is? Or is it his immigration policies?

3. You are being very cavalier about Trump's fair trial. You are resistant to even admitting that there is a possibility of a Hispanic Judge being biased against Trump while at the same time repeatedly repeating the accusations against him that would offend Hispanics.
Lets see now, if both of your parents were Irish would you be of Irish origin or Irish heritage?

If I were born in the US, I would be of US origin.

The judge is the son of Mexican parents (possibly in this country illegally).

They were naturalized citizens.

He has done well for himself in the USA and can be proud of that, but that does not excuse making rulings from the bench that are biased (or could be seen as biased). He is a member of a Hispanic legal organization. Do you think for a minute that that organization is not pro-Mexican? Please think before answering.

Hispanic is a pan ethnicity. I am Hispanic. My father was born in Puerto Rico. There are many Hispanics in the United States whose ancestries trace through many different countries before ultimately reaching Spain. Big fucking deal. If you think that being part of a Hispanic lawyer's association makes someone have any love for Mexico, then you're a fucking idiot. Well, you are a fucking idiot.

you contradict yourself, you are the fuckin idiot here, senor.

Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality.
So racists are not biased?

How do you arrive here from this.....

"Being "biased" has NOTHING to do with one's Nationality."

I'll gladly answer your question when you answer this.
You first!

Of course Racism shows a bias. That has nothing to do with what I said though.
In fact it has everything to do with it .
It's dump's main and only defense.
That's why I asked the question.
Copious amount of willful misrepresentation.
Trump is receiving a fair trial dispite dump's best efforts to play the race card.
As to rationalizing that's all you slapdick, as it always is.

No, he was quite clear that he agrees that Hispanics hate Trump but that he doesn't want Trump to get a Fair Trial, he just wants Trump to lose.

Trump was only playing the Race Card if you can show that he was knowingly making a false accusation.

And fuck you.
No. I said Trump shot himself in the foot. When a defendant calls out a judge prior to the start of a trial, he is either maneuvering for a mistrial or committing a breach of contempt of court.

I hope Trump gets a fair trial as every defendant should. But Trump is not making that possibility easy on himself.

Pride goeth before the fall.

You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism
No need, dump has done that multiple times!
You could quit now and save yourself from much deserved humiliation but you won't
I think you enjoy being gang banged!

Trump has done WHAT multiple times?

I pointed out that you need to show that Trump was knowingly making a false accusation of Racism, if you want to claim he was playing the "Race Card". Was there a response to that in your vague post?

Do you think Trump has a right to a Fair and Impartial Trial?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

If you were smart you'd stfu now but you won't.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense.
This is the 11th piece evidence proving that dump knowingly and repeatedly made racist statements about the judge.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -

On the other hand you being seriously deranged needs no evidence.

You are failing to comprehend anything I write.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense
Asked and answered.
No, he was quite clear that he agrees that Hispanics hate Trump but that he doesn't want Trump to get a Fair Trial, he just wants Trump to lose.

Trump was only playing the Race Card if you can show that he was knowingly making a false accusation.

And fuck you.
No. I said Trump shot himself in the foot. When a defendant calls out a judge prior to the start of a trial, he is either maneuvering for a mistrial or committing a breach of contempt of court.

I hope Trump gets a fair trial as every defendant should. But Trump is not making that possibility easy on himself.

Pride goeth before the fall.

You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
No. I said Trump shot himself in the foot. When a defendant calls out a judge prior to the start of a trial, he is either maneuvering for a mistrial or committing a breach of contempt of court.

I hope Trump gets a fair trial as every defendant should. But Trump is not making that possibility easy on himself.

Pride goeth before the fall.

You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
1. Trump's disdain for Latinos is the scaffold upon which this controversy rests

2. Trump should remain mute as far as his case goes. His comments, that's right, HIS comments jeopardizes his shot as a fair trial

3. I never said I hope Trump does not get a fair trial. I hope that every defendant gets a fair trial. But every defendant does not say things about the judge prior to the trial, do they?

1. How is Trump's alleged disdain the basis for this controversy?

2. Like Trump's comments about the Judge is really what the problem is? Or is it his immigration policies?

3. You are being very cavalier about Trump's fair trial. You are resistant to even admitting that there is a possibility of a Hispanic Judge being biased against Trump while at the same time repeatedly repeating the accusations against him that would offend Hispanics.
More bullshit.
Trump has done WHAT multiple times?

I pointed out that you need to show that Trump was knowingly making a false accusation of Racism, if you want to claim he was playing the "Race Card". Was there a response to that in your vague post?

Do you think Trump has a right to a Fair and Impartial Trial?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

If you were smart you'd stfu now but you won't.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense.
This is the 11th piece evidence proving that dump knowingly and repeatedly made racist statements about the judge.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -

On the other hand you being seriously deranged needs no evidence.

You are failing to comprehend anything I write.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense
Asked and answered.

Nothing you have posted addressed that at all.

You are raving.
You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
1. Trump's disdain for Latinos is the scaffold upon which this controversy rests

2. Trump should remain mute as far as his case goes. His comments, that's right, HIS comments jeopardizes his shot as a fair trial

3. I never said I hope Trump does not get a fair trial. I hope that every defendant gets a fair trial. But every defendant does not say things about the judge prior to the trial, do they?

1. How is Trump's alleged disdain the basis for this controversy?

2. Like Trump's comments about the Judge is really what the problem is? Or is it his immigration policies?

3. You are being very cavalier about Trump's fair trial. You are resistant to even admitting that there is a possibility of a Hispanic Judge being biased against Trump while at the same time repeatedly repeating the accusations against him that would offend Hispanics.
More bullshit.

Dude. You're incoherent.

YOur posts don't seem to relate to the posts you are "replying" to.

I can't even understand how or what you are saying enough to know how to respond.

Are you high?
No. I said Trump shot himself in the foot. When a defendant calls out a judge prior to the start of a trial, he is either maneuvering for a mistrial or committing a breach of contempt of court.

I hope Trump gets a fair trial as every defendant should. But Trump is not making that possibility easy on himself.

Pride goeth before the fall.

You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

If you were smart you'd stfu now but you won't.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense.
This is the 11th piece evidence proving that dump knowingly and repeatedly made racist statements about the judge.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -

On the other hand you being seriously deranged needs no evidence.

You are failing to comprehend anything I write.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense
Asked and answered.

Nothing you have posted addressed that at all.

You are raving.
false there is only one poster on this thread that fits the definition of raving and it ain't me.

Definition of RAVING
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
1. Trump's disdain for Latinos is the scaffold upon which this controversy rests

2. Trump should remain mute as far as his case goes. His comments, that's right, HIS comments jeopardizes his shot as a fair trial

3. I never said I hope Trump does not get a fair trial. I hope that every defendant gets a fair trial. But every defendant does not say things about the judge prior to the trial, do they?

1. How is Trump's alleged disdain the basis for this controversy?

2. Like Trump's comments about the Judge is really what the problem is? Or is it his immigration policies?

3. You are being very cavalier about Trump's fair trial. You are resistant to even admitting that there is a possibility of a Hispanic Judge being biased against Trump while at the same time repeatedly repeating the accusations against him that would offend Hispanics.
More bullshit.

Dude. You're incoherent.

YOur posts don't seem to relate to the posts you are "replying" to.

I can't even understand how or what you are saying enough to know how to respond.

Are you high?
Don't blame me for your obvious mental health issues.
He supports LaRaza, which exists to help illegal aliens, like the judge's parents.

You mean, the parents who became naturalized citizens of the United States nearly a decade before he was born? Try again, queef.
And that is why Trump's claim that Curiel is biased is absolute bullshit. Curiel is an American. He was born in Indiana. He's lived in this country his entire life. He's American. He's not Mexican. Therefore, it is impossible for him to be biased by Trump's wall building rhetoric.

Thank you drumpfodder for clearing this up.

That Trump believes a jurist cannot be impartial because of his race, religion, or national origin in fact renders Trump a racist and bigot – racism, bigotry, fear of those different, and seeking to disadvantage those perceived to be different through force of law is ignorant, hateful, and repugnant to the most fundamental tenets of our Nation.

A game of inane semantics in no way mitigates Trump’s bigotry, racism, and hate.


Apparently my post went so far above your head you had to bury yourself just to read it.
You seemed to agree that "Hispanics hate Trump", but didn't care.

That all existed BEFORE Trump said anything, and you dismissed it without comment.

The only way I could read that was that you saw the issue, but didn't care.

How does that square with your claim that you DO suddenly care about Trump getting a Fair Trial?
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.

2. Any supposed or perceived "Racism" on Trump's part is relevant ONLY in that it supports Trump's claim that the Judge is biased against him. In other words, if you lefties all believe that Trump is horribly racist, than a lefties Judge believes it AND is thus likely to be biased against him.

3. It is NOT obvious that Trump is just aiming for a new judge. You have to consider the real possibility that the Judge might actually be biased. YOu never considered that, because you WANT the judge to be biased and for Trump to NOT get a Fair Trial. And to just lose, no matter how.

4. Let me say this as simply as I can for you, lefty.

Just calling someone a racist does not mean you win. Shove your "epic fail" where it belongs.
The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense.
This is the 11th piece evidence proving that dump knowingly and repeatedly made racist statements about the judge.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -

On the other hand you being seriously deranged needs no evidence.

You are failing to comprehend anything I write.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense
Asked and answered.

Nothing you have posted addressed that at all.

You are raving.
false there is only one poster on this thread that fits the definition of raving and it ain't me.

Definition of RAVING

Nope. YOur statements make no sense in relation to what you are supposedly replying to.
This is the 11th piece evidence proving that dump knowingly and repeatedly made racist statements about the judge.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' -

On the other hand you being seriously deranged needs no evidence.

You are failing to comprehend anything I write.

The topic is Trump's accusation against the Judge.

To support your claim that is was a Race Card play, you have to show that he knowingly made a false accusation of racism against the Judge.

Otherwise, your position is nonsense
Asked and answered.

Nothing you have posted addressed that at all.

You are raving.
false there is only one poster on this thread that fits the definition of raving and it ain't me.

Definition of RAVING

Nope. YOur statements make no sense in relation to what you are supposedly replying to.

he is a raving liberal, its what we expect from them. Liberalism is a mental disease, the liberals on USMB prove that every day.
Let's walk it through slowly. Trump hates Latinos. e.g. "Murderers, rapists, drug dealers. I assume some of them are good people". Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Latino community.

Trump calls out an American Latino judge and claims that he cannot find justice in his court. Now, that is either a maneuver for a mis-trial OR contempt of court, six to five and pick 'em, it's Trump's ham handed attempt at blowing the anti-Latino dog whistle for his supporters.

I have ALWAYS advocated fairness in our judicial system. I may be naïve, but that statue of justice blindfolded actually indicates to me there will be a fair trial. Trump's statements are making that possibility harder for him. Yet Trump makes such outlandish statements because, here to fore, no one has called him on it. The Emperor has no clothes.

1. Discussing the issues with Illegal immigration is not racist and is irrelevant to this topic.

2. Or it could be that Trump is right, that the Hispanic, "Mexican" judge is biased against him and is not giving him a fair trial.

3 Your pretense that that there is no possibility that the Judge could be unfair, undermines your claim to want a fair trial for Trump.
Bullshit! It's all based on race
A History of Immigration Law Regarding People of Color
Immigration Policy and Racism

WTF are you talking about?

I made three points. You were not clear which one you were replying to, and your reply does not actually seem to address any of them.
Bullshit !I gave 11 pieces of evidence of Trump's willful and deliberate racism .
It's obvious dump said what he said to muddy the waters in the trial .
It was attempt to get the judge to recuse himself and get a more Trump friendly judge on the bench.
Epic fail.

1. Trump allegedly being "racist" does not "prove" that the Judge is not biased against him. You lefties... You have one argument, don't you? Cry Racism.


When someone says a judge can't be fair because he's Mexican-American, how is that not racist?

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