Mexico heeds President Trump's threats to shutdown NAFTA,stop invasion of illegals

He is going to get us out of Syria and take that money and rebuild America....the America Obama broke....
Trump will go down in History as Americas greatest president....
While it is a bit of a twist to his campaign promise that Mexico will pay for the wall, why not go all the way and have Mexicans guard the border? I hear they work cheap and that way Trump can kinda make good on his promise. What thinks thou. All those cheering Donnie fans just need to change 'pay' to 'guard' and Donald can golf knowing one more empty promise kept.

Now Trump snowflakes follow along: 'who's gonna guard that wall?' Mexicans! Sound good Donnie fans?

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
President Trump is straight up embarrassing these career politicians who have been in politics for years, if not decades, without accomplishing a God damn thing.
The Mexican Gov't said it wasn't in response to Trump...............sure ..............sure.......

They had already march through half their country...................again...........sure.........sure.......

And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?
LMAO hell of a vivid imagination you have!


It's actually based on reality.

China's Plan to Buy Influence and Undermine Democracy

China's Plan to Buy Influence and Undermine Democracy"

"under President Donald Trump, America’s waning regional influence is opening the door for China to expand its footprint in the region, even if that means Beijing must deal with illiberal, repressive autocrats seemingly determined to remain in power forever. "

I went to Lesotho, a small country in southern Africa of about 2 million people, at least 20% of people in that country have HIV/AIDS.
The Chinese govt was building, with Chinese labor, a new government building for Lesotho. Why? What does China gain by spending money on a govt building in some small African nation?

Influence around the world. It's buying friends.

What annoys China most about the US is that it has bases in Japan and South Korea. It won't let North Korea change from its dictatorship because it doesn't want the US on its border.

Now, switch that around, wouldn't China love to have a base on the US's border just to say "fuck you"?

After Trump's win, China and Mexico move to deepen ties

After Trump's win, China and Mexico move to deepen ties"

"Mexico has been exploring ways to lessen its economic dependence on the United States out of fear that access to its No. 1 trade partner will be restricted by policies under Trump, who promises to protect American jobs from going outside the country."

"But Mexico last week awarded two deepwater oil blocks to China’s Offshore Oil Corporation during a historic auction that was part of the country’s energy reform."

Get rid of NAFTA and you push Mexico closer to China... it's not hard to understand that it's already happening, but this would be a major event in US-Chinese-Mexican relations.

And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?

You think China is just going to be able to ship military hardware to the Mexican border without America noticing and responding? LMAO

And what is the US going to be able to do about it?

The US has bases close to China, China would simply say, either you get rid of your Japanese and South Korean bases, or screw you.

The US isn't going to go to war with China any time soon. Every year that goes by the Chinese military will get stronger and stronger.

China doesn't need to do this secretly.

And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?

You think China is just going to be able to ship military hardware to the Mexican border without America noticing and responding? LMAO

And what is the US going to be able to do about it?

Nuke Mexico?

And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?

You think China is just going to be able to ship military hardware to the Mexican border without America noticing and responding? LMAO

And what is the US going to be able to do about it?

Nuke Mexico?

China has nukes.

You nuke Mexico, China nukes the US....

not going to happen.

And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?

You think China is just going to be able to ship military hardware to the Mexican border without America noticing and responding? LMAO

And what is the US going to be able to do about it?

Nuke Mexico?

China has nukes.

You nuke Mexico, China nukes the US....

not going to happen.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia

Are all modern liberals such pussies? Do you even have a penis?
And when Mexico turns away from the US towards China, and China builds a military base right on the border with the US, will Trump still be seen as a good job guy?

You think China is just going to be able to ship military hardware to the Mexican border without America noticing and responding? LMAO

And what is the US going to be able to do about it?

Nuke Mexico?

China has nukes.

You nuke Mexico, China nukes the US....

not going to happen.

Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia

Are all modern liberals such pussies? Do you even have a penis?

Oh good, with every exchange your posts get worse and worse until you decide that you don't have an argument any more, so you just go for the insults.

Fucking hell, it gets very tiring seeing the same childish tactics day after fucking day.

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