Mexico Joins Russia, the Chicoms, Iran, Cuba and Marxist Nicaragua in Supporting Maduro


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And people that should tell you all you need to know about Mexico's leadership. They are our enemy.

Venezuela: Heavy gunfire in Caracas after Juan Guaido calls for uprising | Daily Mail Online

I've never understood why Mexico remains stupid...they have beautiful beaches lovely deserts rich farmland and oil and natural gas but they are too stupid to make it as a modern day nation.....
Siding with a loser commie is just more evidence of their stupidity....
Just one more reason to put our military on the border... They are using civilians to destroy our nation. Time to put a stop to the invasion.
Obrador is and always will be an anti-American socialist.
I like how trumpers are all for overthrowing some dictators but not others.....

Maduro hasn't killed any US journalists; but since he doesn't play our game when it comes to oil -- he has to go...

Trumpers are pathetic...
So why should we believe anything the Mexicans tell us about what they are doing to stop illegal immigration into the USA?
I like how trumpers are all for overthrowing some dictators but not others.....

Maduro hasn't killed any US journalists; but since he doesn't play our game when it comes to oil -- he has to go...

Trumpers are pathetic...

At least the Saudis don't make you eat your pets. Never been a big fan of Cuba and Iran, but whatever floats your guys boat. You guys also loved North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. I agree Republicans have made deals with terrible people, but standing up for Maduro is asinine.
I like how trumpers are all for overthrowing some dictators but not others.....

I like how his detractors harped on about evil Putin ruining our democratic process for 2 years but when Putin decides to throw his weight behind Maduro, it magically becomes good because it's not in Trump's favor. Kind of tells you everything about their pathological issues. It's not principle it's just Trump = bad.

On a less amusing note: I really don't see a good way out of this situation.
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
That is silly.

Who do we have more motivation to invade than Mexico? And yet we never do it.

Most of our 'invasions' of latin American countries have come after invitations by their olligarchs who were supported by our olligrachs/corporations.
The simple answer is an internationally supervised referendum.
Se up the booths tomorrow.
Maduro o Guido tRump.
If they choose the latter, cruise missile Maduro. Immediately
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
That is silly.

Who do we have more motivation to invade than Mexico? And yet we never do it.

Most of our 'invasions' of latin American countries have come after invitations by their olligarchs who were supported by our olligrachs/corporations.
U.S. Interventions in Latin America

History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America

and that's not even going much into the Mexican-American War.
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It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
Your post makes zero sense. Why would any state support the dictator Maduro if they are afraid of being invaded for that support? Wouldn't that make them NOT support Maduro (even though hardly any Latin American nations support him anyway)? Duh....
"Following its original plan for the war, the United States sent its army from the Rio Grande, under Taylor, to invade the heart of Mexico while a second force, under Col. Stephen Kearny, was to occupy New Mexico and California. Kearny’s campaign into New Mexico and California encountered little resistance, and the residents of both provinces appeared to accept U.S. occupation with a minimum of resentment. Meanwhile, Taylor’s army fought several battles south of the Rio Grande, captured the important city of Monterrey, and defeated a major Mexican force at the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847. But Taylor showed no enthusiasm for a major invasion of Mexico, and on several occasions he failed to pursue the Mexicans vigorously after defeating them. In disgust, Polk revised his war strategy. He ordered Gen. Winfield Scott to take an army by sea to Veracruz, capture that key seaport, and march inland to Mexico City. Scott took Veracruz in March after a siege of three weeks and began the march to Mexico City. Despite some Mexican resistance, Scott’s campaign was marked by an unbroken series of victories, and he entered Mexico City on September 14, 1847. The fall of the Mexican capital ended the military phase of the conflict."

from this site:
Mexican-American War | Definition, Timeline, Causes, & Facts
It's hard to say if all the Latin American countries that support Maduro really support him, or don't want to get invaded if their leadership displeases the White House. I mean, given history...
Your post makes zero sense. Why would any state support the dictator Maduro if they are afraid of being invaded for that support? Wouldn't that make them NOT support Maduro (even though hardly any Latin American nations support him anyway)? Duh....
To stand up to bullies.
To stand up to bullies.
That doesn't change the fact that your post (#11) says exactly the opposite of what you think it does.
Do you not understand your own posts?
They get more countries together to stand up to bullies. I'm not saying I don't understand what you're saying.

I was saying they're doing it in a symbolic way, I don't think the US would be stupid enough to invade Mexico, even with a really dumb president.

I don't really care for Maduro, but I don't think military intervention is a good idea.

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