Mexico Less Likely To Pay For Fence(?)! British To Debate Banning Trump!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The apparent cornerstone of the New Republicans of 2016--International Concrete Wall and Fence-Building--May have taken a turn for the worse, just today. The Parliament of all the English will debate "Banning Trump," on or about, January 18.

UK lawmakers to debate petition seeking ban on Trump, no vote planned

What are the Spanish to do(?), in fact, now that Trump expects Morocco to pay for a fence(?). There is an about fence-building out this week. Hundreds of thousands of Her Majesty's subjects do not find Trump to be on board, however, with a viable foreign policy at all. The concept "appeasement" may even surface. The contention may now focus on a Republicans policy turning USA away from offering and participating in international solutions to make a problem go away. Instead USA intends to make the world go away, specifically the Mexicans--and any of the Central Americans heading north along with them. Moslems will have a fence built around them, at the ports of entry. The concept is a "Business As Usual," concept, but taking USA out of any sort of worldwide remedy. Republican atrocity-making as is usual will go forward, without anybody(?)!

The Democrats have managed to forge an effective Iraqi response to ISIS--instead of building a Jewish Security Fence Wall around it--per Israel. There is Iraqi planning to retake Mosul, even. No Security Fencing has been proposed. . . Not even from South Chicago, where everyone so loves. . . .at least Obama(?). . . if maybe not so much, Netanyahu,

The people of Morocco even have a problem. The Spanish have not built a security fence around it. Formerly, Europe had a problem. The Chamberlain resolution of the difficulty was for a "Peace in Our Time!" There was a paper wall around it. The problem was a more aggressive Nazi foreign policy. Likely mostly Europe was awaiting an outcome of "The Final Solution To The Jewish Question." Now there is Israel, building a security fence around an international problem.

Neither does enlightenment characterize the basis loyalists of the Republican Front-Runner, Trump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mostly Western Millenia not on board with Final Solution To The Presbyterian Question: "Just Where Is All This Money Going To Come From(?)! Many not follow New Testament stories of People Of The Book(?). Prophets and founding intellectuals, are mostly especially included(?)!)
only one comment on the TRUMP , its obvious that the English don't have Free Speech in England . They have banned Dr. Michael Savage and they have banned Geert Wilders in the past . Probably have banned lots more but I don't know but 2 examples and now the TRUMP may be banned because of his speech . Course , what can be expected out of a MOB RULE Democracy like England Mascale ??
Ignorant appeaser, pismoe poster, fails to note that Parliament will (1) do debate in the tradition of Free Speech, and (2) will not bring the matter to a vote. The concept of "Free Speech," to pismoe appeaser poster, is that only Trump's one side -s allowed--mostly the side of the phobic Dutch politician.

The Gun Nut doctor would likely support the Obama Administration, which has armed the Iraqi Moslems who took back Ramadi(?). There is Amendment 2, in the U. S. Constitution, clearly opposed by Trump Supporters, like pismoe appeasement poster. The Obama Administration clearly contends that a well-armed militia is necessary for the Security of a national organization. It is now obvious, and is on the public record. It is less clear that lunatics, anyone frenzied or incompetent--deserve to be armed to the teeth, and especially with nuclear bombs(?). Civilizations worldwide oppose that.

The matter at hand is that Trump has zero and negative: International standing on at least three Continents. There are even sub-continents included--where Trump is not a welcome brand. It is widely noted that now he even speaks for all Republicans, in the United States. Like Boehner appeased the fanatics in the House, So Cruz and Rubio especially are becoming as nutcase as the Minority Trump faction, of the Republican Party. Rather than much opposition, they seem to want themselves to be a part of it all. Trump has a solid minority base, of relatively low-educated, mainly white males. On the other hand, his tax proposal is a give-away to the rich. There is little of substance or policy agenda, otherwise proposed. More or less, the entire GOP field of candidates is actually appeasing, the usual old base. What is new is the loyalist minority.

Trump's claim to being able to make "Hyooge Deals" is nowhere apparent. People seem now to prefer that he and his entire political party: All leave town. Losers are actually scripted to do that, in many popular international venues. That too, seems to be how the "political" party is viewed worldwide--kind of like the Dutch nut party!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations need no scripting, even now: Losers Among White Eyes also welcome back, doing ritual chants in support of great deity, "Seven Come Eleven," admired by them!)
as I said Geert Wilders was banned , Dr. Michael Savage was banned and both were banned because of their speech Mascale . I just stated the obvious , England the democracy or land of mob rule and disarmed subjects has NO Freedom of Speech Mascale !!
It would be an interesting debate. It will give Camron a headache in the extremely unlikely event that Trump wins. (G d Preserve us from that)
don't think that Trumps going to debate anyone , the lords and nancies will debate whether the TRUMP can enter England BDeer !! That's the debate on whether or not to allow TRUMP onto Blighty , I think . A couple hundred thousand subjects signed a petition to keep Trump and his speech out of England and then parliament debates whether or not Trump can enter . ------------------------ my only comment is that England has no Free Speech BDeer !!
So in the context and tradition of the Democratic Partly: It is good to arm the Moslems opposed to the Secular Kamikazes, calling themselves ISIS. That is before the people as Democratic Party, Liberal Policy.

No Republican offers a viable alternative.

The Trump policy will be subjected to a debate in an internationally well-known, Parliament,.

The Republicans are left to continue their policy of appeasement of the Trump minority, so-far not even shown too capable of getting out the vote(?).

Money does that to people. You clearly do not promote them to management.

They tend more to inheritance, capabilities.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Greater God, "Seven Come Eleven," even--on Lands of Many Nations--makes people different, even with imany with inheritance capabilities(?)! Hmmmm!!)
If I was a second class country who repeatedly got my economic ass kicked by the United States for almost a century until recently, I too would want to do everything I could to make any person(s) who might fix it so they would kick my ass again look bad. I am sure most of you would also. To me, that explains everything coming out of Europe. Misery LOVES company, which is exactly why they want us to continue to morph into them!
The matter posted is that the Trump Republican Party has no International Standing, all because of Trump. Then compare the allegedly "High Energy" leader to a leader of the past. Neville Chamberlain comes to mind(?). What did Chamberlain do? Chamberlain created a Paper Security Fence around the Nazi, German Republic. Famously, he got Adolph Hitler to agree to it--who may have even paid for a brunch and hotel. So Chamberlain gave up parts of Czechoslovakia. Hitler declared his brand of "World Peace."

Famously, Israel built a Security Fence around all of Palestine. Israel effectively created a Nazi Concentration camp. It is even expensive to maintain the Israeli Occupation. The Palestinian economy and peoples are in shambles--actually breathing, instead of being gassed and cremated. It is mainly not clear if the stupid Israelis were able to get any Palestinians to pay for it.

U.S. companies are creating plants in Mexico. Hispanics in the USA are now an emigration problem. Some Republicans have even embraced a "Bracero" type program, to get some to at least come back. The border fence will likely be expensive to maintain--and especially expensive to monitor from underground. The Cartels have the most to gain, and will likely declare even, "World Peace In Our Time." Diplomatic efforts to expand trade with the emerging nation are not proposed. Trump will have appeased his own mega-rich stockholder elite, and the Mexican stockholder elite. Those groups, too, will be able to claim: "Peace In Our Time." The corporations will find cheap labor, anywhere south of "The Fence."

Then the policy of denigration is proposed to be extended to 1.5 bil. Moslems. Clearly Nation-States have to become involved in what is being proposed. The denigration of peoples was hallmark of Nazi Germany. The benefits to wealthy industrialist beneficiaries of the Nazis were even worth international prosecution.

Boehner had started the appeasement of the lunatic Republican factions in the House. Different lunatics actually now support Trump, with basis in the Boehner appeasement. Cruz and Rubio are creating appeasement of the Loyalist, Trump voting bloc. The beneficiaries of the Trump economic plan are being exposed every day. Those will be the wealthy and corporate elite.

In the interim, Trump is losing international standing. The Republican appeasement of it is already able to be noted: Another of their famous disasters can be prevented, before it actually gets underway.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So maybe there were no "Weapons of Mass Destruction(?)" So Many the mortgages were unregulated, like even the fallen, (and Jewish), financial houses(?)! So maybe TARP was a little expensive(?)! In the alternative, just look at what the Democrats have done(?)!)
only comment from me is To HE11 with you internationals Mascale . You guys can all drop dead or become colonies of the 7th century savage muslim hordes .
The problem with the liberal mindset is they spend way too much time attempting to be like Europe and not enough time embracing the can do American spirit. What a group of losers. Who gives a shit about Europe, if the BBC is so upset then so be it, we kicked their pathetic ass twice to escape their social and economic order, and bailed them out twice. I wonder what Winston would say about his beloved Island in the sea today?
Diminished International stature is often called, "Low Energy!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Likely British Parliament will suggest a pig, named Trump, for a pen--needing no extra slop!)

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