Mexico & Other Nations Declare They Won't Accept Their Criminal Citizens If We Want To Return Them

Yeah, it's clear that our Immigration System is in shambles. Mexico's just playin the dumb Gringos. It sends its most brutal worst criminals over the border. And on the off-chance they are apprehended in the US, it refuses to take them back. It's such a mess. We desperately need change. That's why i'm supporting Donald Trump. I know the corrupt Clintons won't change anything.
Trump can't change anything either. It's all bluster. You can't just grab people and put them on buses here.
I dont see a problem with just killing them.
If they are undocumented then there is no proof they were here. Without proof they were here in the first place, there is no evidence that they are now gone.
Just have to make sure to dump the bodies where they wont be found.
Next time don't even waste the words, Pol Pot. It ain't gonna happen here.
already has.
Which is why it won't now. We had our turn at genocide already.
you should not use the word 'We" since you are obviously an illegal, you are not one of the WE.
Wonder if anyone in Hollywood will open up their 20 bedroom mansions to any of them.

Will, Will Smith open up his gigantic fucking home as he shits on the country that has given his black ass oppotunity?

How about Matt Damon as he lives protected in Pacific Palacades.

Oh, but they sure shit yell how mean America is.

How about the beloved Pope behind his forty foot walls at the Vatican?

Pathetic hypocrisy all around us. The MSM on full court racism alert. The full court press.
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
You can't just drop people off, people. There is a process here, like it or not.
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.

It is a terrible dilemma. What do you do when the country of origin refuses to take its criminals back? Just more proof our Immigration System is in ruins.
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
You can't just drop people off, people. There is a process here, like it or not.
Ok fine, so whats the process? How do we send an illegal who's a criminal back to their country of origin when their country refuses to take them?
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.

It is a terrible dilemma. What do you do when the country of origin refuses to take its criminals back? Just more proof our Immigration System is in ruins.
Well, what do we do? We hold them for six months or so and release them. They did their time, before that, and we're stuck with them. Maybe you should have enforced your border say, sometime over the last 60 years?
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
And US citizens are not allowed to vote 5 times in an election yet it happened in Ohio in 2012. Your point is....?

Ohio voter registration and 2012 turnout by county

By Rich Exner,
Follow on Twitter
on November 15, 2012 at 9:00 AM, updated November 15, 2012 at 2:37 PM

Marvin, Fong, Plain Dealer fileAbout two-thirds of Ohio's voters took part in the 2012 presidential election.
CLEVELAND, Ohio - About two-thirds of Ohio's eligible voters took part in the2012 presidential election.
The unofficial vote total shows that 5,364,306 ballots were cast in the election, though several thousand votes will be added once late-arriving absentee ballots and provisional votes are certified.

In 2008, a record 5.7 million people voted in Ohio. That total included nearly 500,000 votes added between the day after the election until the final tally was released weeks later.

This year's official vote is due Nov. 27.

The unofficial vote total represents 67 percent of the nearly 8 million registered voters in Ohio, or 61 percent of the estimated Ohio voting-age population of 8.8 million.

Five whole votes? That's all?
Your point is? Hey can you calculate the percentage of illegal votes vs votes cast legally? Almost overwhelming isn't it?
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.

Just wait for the audit
If they are really that bad shouldn't they be in prison?

I do like trumps proposal that country x visas tonthe us will be affected if they don't take deportees .

I'm sure foreign aid cuts would be another option.

thats one thing from the speech that I'm cool with .
This is actually fairly easy

If you don't allow your citizens to return, your products are not allowed in our country.

Problem solved
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
You can't just drop people off, people. There is a process here, like it or not.
Ok fine, so whats the process? How do we send an illegal who's a criminal back to their country of origin when their country refuses to take them?

Push them off the plane on the tarmac and tell the mexicans to go fuck themselves.

Failing that...


And I'm not kidding.

They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
You can't just drop people off, people. There is a process here, like it or not.
Ok fine, so whats the process? How do we send an illegal who's a criminal back to their country of origin when their country refuses to take them?

Push them off the plane on the tarmac and tell the mexicans to go fuck themselves.

Failing that...


And I'm not kidding.
What if they are from China or Russia or we still tell the Mexicans to go fuck themselves?

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