Mexico & Other Nations Declare They Won't Accept Their Criminal Citizens If We Want To Return Them

An illegal working under my numbers means exactly this to me - the SS Administrations thinks I made more that year than I actually did. Oh the horror.

What it SHOULD mean to you:

It is ILLEGAL for illegal immigrants to hold a job in the US. If an illegal is holding a job using your SS# it means aside from violating our immigration laws to get into the country they are further breaking our laws by ILLEGALLY using your STOLEN SS# to ILLEGALLY acquire a job.

Thanks for proving liberals are ignorant and don't give a damn about the Rule of law.

Obama Administration - Most LAWLESS is US History!
We aren't discussing what is or isn't legal. Someone also using my number is not stealing. It's used, in the case, only for reporting earnings. I'd just get my credits for that year that much faster. I hope I can survive such a terrible thing. For all I know, and I don't care, I already have?
You are obviously a child who has no experience in the world. Your SS# is used by credit reporting agencies to track your credit history - you, still being in school supported by mommy and daddy are perhaps unaware of this. If he wants a charge account or a credit card or a car loan, he will use your SS# and the credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, will list his record of paying his debts or not paying them under your SS#, so your credit rating will be at his mercy.
One last time, they are using the SSN of another for employment not identity theft. The issues are two separate things. Anyone could use the number of another, you just make it up. It's only for reporting purposes in this case.
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
You just post one stupid lie after Another. If you had been out in the world you would not be quite so ignorant about how your credit rating is determined.
This has nothing to do with credit. Your SSN is not some magic number that if you know it that's all you need. Were that true criminals would make them up until they found a good one and using that. They don't. It's nothing like that easy.

My SSN used to be my bank account number until doing that was banned, it was too easy to put enough things together to steal someone's identity so the bank issued new numbers for each account for more than 200,000 people. You needs names, birthrates, addresses , phone numbers, maiden names, divorce decree, etc. and a valid SSN. I can't just go to some magical computer with a SSN I just guessed at and hey, I have their whole life before me. I'd do that as a hobby, if it worked that way, which it does not.
wait till you get notices in the mail about your loan defaults.
One last time, they are using the SSN of another for employment not identity theft. The issues are two separate things. Anyone could use the number of another, you just make it up. It's only for reporting purposes in this case.
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
Yet you believe an illegal immigrant taking your social security number and illegally using it is NOT 'stealing' - they're just 'borrowing' it.


dain bramaged.
An illegal working under my numbers means exactly this to me - the SS Administrations thinks I made more that year than I actually did. Oh the horror.
so its ok with you to steal?
Typical liberal.
Show me what was "stolen"? My number being used would be like my address being used and suddenly free gifts start arriving. Did someone in that case "steal" my address? They are using it, not stealing it.
One last time, they are using the SSN of another for employment not identity theft. The issues are two separate things. Anyone could use the number of another, you just make it up. It's only for reporting purposes in this case.
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
You just post one stupid lie after Another. If you had been out in the world you would not be quite so ignorant about how your credit rating is determined.
This has nothing to do with credit. Your SSN is not some magic number that if you know it that's all you need. Were that true criminals would make them up until they found a good one and using that. They don't. It's nothing like that easy.

My SSN used to be my bank account number until doing that was banned, it was too easy to put enough things together to steal someone's identity so the bank issued new numbers for each account for more than 200,000 people. You needs names, birthrates, addresses , phone numbers, maiden names, divorce decree, etc. and a valid SSN. I can't just go to some magical computer with a SSN I just guessed at and hey, I have their whole life before me. I'd do that as a hobby, if it worked that way, which it does not.
wait till you get notices in the mail about your loan defaults.
This is about reporting earnings. It's not identity theft.
The sad thing about the Gold Star moms is that not only did their loved ones get taken from them by illegal aliens this administration has brought / allowed into this country, the Obama administration also FORCED the Gold Star Moms to FUND with their own tax dollars the importing of the murderers who killed their family members.
A Gold Star mom is a mother who lost her son in war. Their sons were killed by the other side, not illegal aliens.
14 million invading a country would be considered an act of war by most.
what makes this different. How can you be so sure that this is not an act of war?
War does not always have to involve weapons and death, sometimes it can be less noticed, a political change for example. Maybe by invading and out voting the citizens of a country?
Illegals don't vote. They come here to live and work, the American dream. That should make you proud that they want to be here.
you are full of shit. Those slimey taco smelling bastards vote by the hundreds of thousands in Maryland, because our last piece of shit U.S hating governor ( O'Malley) wanted more votes for the democrats.
Prove it?
So far only 2 answers.

'Send them back' - how...if the countries won't take them back?

Put parachutes on them, load 'em on a C-130, fly over Mexico City, open up the back, and push 'em out?
That will work....until they hit the ground, then they are Mexico's problem.............
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
Yet you believe an illegal immigrant taking your social security number and illegally using it is NOT 'stealing' - they're just 'borrowing' it.


dain bramaged.
An illegal working under my numbers means exactly this to me - the SS Administrations thinks I made more that year than I actually did. Oh the horror.
so its ok with you to steal?
Typical liberal.
Show me what was "stolen"? My number being used would be like my address being used and suddenly free gifts start arriving. Did someone in that case "steal" my address? They are using it, not stealing it.
Im sorry, but honestly there is no way to respond to your level of thinking.
It would be like trying to explain Astrophysics to a retard.
Since you really seem to have no clue what SS is, and how it works, My guess is that you are a filthy taco eating diseased piece of shit, and that number you pretend to have is most likely stolen.
Please come to Maryland and step in front of my truck.
The sad thing about the Gold Star moms is that not only did their loved ones get taken from them by illegal aliens this administration has brought / allowed into this country, the Obama administration also FORCED the Gold Star Moms to FUND with their own tax dollars the importing of the murderers who killed their family members.
A Gold Star mom is a mother who lost her son in war. Their sons were killed by the other side, not illegal aliens.
14 million invading a country would be considered an act of war by most.
what makes this different. How can you be so sure that this is not an act of war?
War does not always have to involve weapons and death, sometimes it can be less noticed, a political change for example. Maybe by invading and out voting the citizens of a country?
Illegals don't vote. They come here to live and work, the American dream. That should make you proud that they want to be here.
you are full of shit. Those slimey taco smelling bastards vote by the hundreds of thousands in Maryland, because our last piece of shit U.S hating governor ( O'Malley) wanted more votes for the democrats.
Prove it?
Again - already been proved. Links and articles posted yesterday. just don't spew ignorance - do some research.
You are obviously a child who has no experience in the world. Your SS# is used by credit reporting agencies to track your credit history - you, still being in school supported by mommy and daddy are perhaps unaware of this. If he wants a charge account or a credit card or a car loan, he will use your SS# and the credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, will list his record of paying his debts or not paying them under your SS#, so your credit rating will be at his mercy.
One last time, they are using the SSN of another for employment not identity theft. The issues are two separate things. Anyone could use the number of another, you just make it up. It's only for reporting purposes in this case.
Once again, you have no idea if they are using your SS# for transactions that will damage your credit - once your grow up and have to worry about such things as your credit rating - so why do you continue to insist on things you know are not true?
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
You just post one stupid lie after Another. If you had been out in the world you would not be quite so ignorant about how your credit rating is determined.
This has nothing to do with credit. Your SSN is not some magic number that if you know it that's all you need. Were that true criminals would make them up until they found a good one and using that. They don't. It's nothing like that easy.

My SSN used to be my bank account number until doing that was banned, it was too easy to put enough things together to steal someone's identity so the bank issued new numbers for each account for more than 200,000 people. You needs names, birthrates, addresses , phone numbers, maiden names, divorce decree, etc. and a valid SSN. I can't just go to some magical computer with a SSN I just guessed at and hey, I have their whole life before me. I'd do that as a hobby, if it worked that way, which it does not.
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating. If you had ever applied for a charge account or a credit card or tried to buy a car on credit or applied for a mortgage, you would know that before you got any of these things, your SS# would have been sent to the credit reporting agencies to see if you are credit worthy, and if some one else has used that number and not paid his bills you will not get the charge account or credit card of car loan or a mortgage until you can prove your SS# was fraudulently used. You are obviously just a child who is projecting her own sense of powerless in the world onto these illegal immigrants.
A Gold Star mom is a mother who lost her son in war. Their sons were killed by the other side, not illegal aliens.
14 million invading a country would be considered an act of war by most.
what makes this different. How can you be so sure that this is not an act of war?
War does not always have to involve weapons and death, sometimes it can be less noticed, a political change for example. Maybe by invading and out voting the citizens of a country?
Illegals don't vote. They come here to live and work, the American dream. That should make you proud that they want to be here.
you are full of shit. Those slimey taco smelling bastards vote by the hundreds of thousands in Maryland, because our last piece of shit U.S hating governor ( O'Malley) wanted more votes for the democrats.
Prove it?
Again - already been proved. Links and articles posted yesterday. just don't spew ignorance - do some research.
Never mind, Betty - you won't do it. You will just lie about having done it and having found nothing:

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Former DOJ Official: Non-Citizens Registered To Vote Through Motor Voter Registration Forms

44 non-U.S. citizens illegally cast ballots in recent elections, Jon Husted's office finds (video)

If you say Illegals don't vote, YOU LIE!
Nutty Buddy, I earned my 40 credits before you were born. I had a card, in the old days when you didn't need one until you worked, at age 12.

Identity theft is a problem for you. Someone working under your SSN number is a problem for the SS Administration. The only time it might come up is when they have to figure out what you earned versus what someone else did? Benefits are based on the average of 35 years of earnings. Learn how this works and then you can stop wetting the bed over it.
Yet you believe an illegal immigrant taking your social security number and illegally using it is NOT 'stealing' - they're just 'borrowing' it.


dain bramaged.
An illegal working under my numbers means exactly this to me - the SS Administrations thinks I made more that year than I actually did. Oh the horror.
so its ok with you to steal?
Typical liberal.
Show me what was "stolen"? My number being used would be like my address being used and suddenly free gifts start arriving. Did someone in that case "steal" my address? They are using it, not stealing it.
Im sorry, but honestly there is no way to respond to your level of thinking.
It would be like trying to explain Astrophysics to a retard.
Since you really seem to have no clue what SS is, and how it works, My guess is that you are a filthy taco eating diseased piece of shit, and that number you pretend to have is most likely stolen.
Please come to Maryland and step in front of my truck.
I understand that you are stuck. You don't know how they grant you SS credits or how they calculate your benefits. That's fine, almost no one does. And because of that you don't understand why someone using your SSN is wrong but it's honestly not a problem for you. For the SS Admins., it's a problem.
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I understand that you are stuck. You don't know how they grant you SS credits or how they calculate your benefits. That's fine, almost no one does. And because of that you don't understand why someone using your SSN is wrong but it's honestly not a problem for you. For the SS Admis., it's a problem.

It does not matter - you advocate or at least defend criminal illegals stealing SS#s and illegally using them to illegally acquire jobs. 'Typical Liberal' is right.
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
I understand that you are stuck. You don't know how they grant you SS credits or how they calculate your benefits. That's fine, almost no one does. And because of that you don't understand why someone using your SSN is wrong but it's honestly not a problem for you. For the SS Admis., it's a problem.

It does not matter - you advocate or at least defend criminal illegals stealing SS#s and illegally using them to illegally acquire jobs. 'Typical Liberal' is right.
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.
Again, you obviously have never been out in the world on your own or you wouldn't be so ignorant about how your SS# can be used to obtain credit by some one else that will effect your credit rating.
Last time - this has nothing to do with credit, or identity theft, it has to do only with the reporting of earnings. If someone is also using your number as far as Social Security is concerned you just made that much more money that year. That is a problem for them, not you. This is the end of the discussion.
you are such an idiot.
the fact that you have no clue about that SSN should prove to everyone here (citizens) that you are illegal.
Most likely still have a wet back from the swim across the river.
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

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