Mexico & Other Nations Declare They Won't Accept Their Criminal Citizens If We Want To Return Them

Ok fine, so whats the process? How do we send an illegal who's a criminal back to their country of origin when their country refuses to take them?
We don't. It's not possible.
So your solution to a problem is to do nothing. Ummm.....Ok
Well, you could start up an island nation for them, make cities of illegals in the deserts of the west Escape from New York style, but there really isn't anything you can do except integrate them back into society. If they can't go home then they are here to stay for life, and you can't just keep them in prison (it's unconstitutional), illegal or not.
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You know that's a lie, so why do you keep repeating it?
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows

She is a poster child for mindless libturd parasite alright.

I'm not sure what caused brain damage that severe, but it's too damned bad it wasn't fatal.

They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that, I just got an even bigger loyal customer reward card in the mail. Oh the horror. How will I ever survive them thinking I bought more gas than I actually did and therefore, I got a bigger reward. Terrible, just terrible.
No, that is not a lie. I make 50K let's say. Jose uses my number that year and makes 25k. As far as SS is concerned, I just made 75k. How is that a problem for me?

Hint - it isn't.
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
Because these "stolen" numbers you are so worried about are being used only to report earnings. The harm is to the system, not the person.
A man breaks into your home, you want him out, is it ok to take action to make him leave?
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
Because these "stolen" numbers you are so worried about are being used only to report earnings. The harm is to the system, not the person.
Why do you believe they are only being used to report earnings? Is that what he told you?
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that, I just got an even bigger loyal customer reward card in the mail. Oh the horror. How will I ever survive them thinking I bought more gas than I actually did and therefore, I got a bigger reward. Terrible, just terrible.

They used your card to buy adult toys and anti depression medication. Your husband sees the statement.

Damn, that was too easy.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?

NOTHING can make her "think".

She has absolutely no capacity for thought. She is another vacuous drone who should have died bungee cord jumping off a 10 story building with 100 feet of cord. There are too many safety regulations keeping imbeciles from killing themselves.

easyt65 this is a great question and I don't have an answer for it.

  • US Marshal/Police/FBI/ICE escort them on a plane to their country of origin and dump them off at the nearest police station?
  • Send them to Gitmo?

Outside of that what the fuck can you do? Great question.
You can't just drop people off, people. There is a process here, like it or not.
Ok fine, so whats the process? How do we send an illegal who's a criminal back to their country of origin when their country refuses to take them?

Push them off the plane on the tarmac and tell the mexicans to go fuck themselves.

Failing that...


And I'm not kidding.
Both acts of war. Nice work.
Of course it's a lie because by now you realize he can use your SS# to get credit and potentially wreck your credit rating. It's a childish lie.
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
Because these "stolen" numbers you are so worried about are being used only to report earnings. The harm is to the system, not the person.

Income reported to the IRS during an audit.

No problem, right?
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that, I just got an even bigger loyal customer reward card in the mail. Oh the horror. How will I ever survive them thinking I bought more gas than I actually did and therefore, I got a bigger reward. Terrible, just terrible.

They used your card to buy adult toys and ant depression medication. Your husband sees the statement.

Damn, that was too easy.
He'd ask what new toy do we get to play with? And that harms me not at all since I get an even bigger reward card in the mail.
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that, I just got an even bigger loyal customer reward card in the mail. Oh the horror. How will I ever survive them thinking I bought more gas than I actually did and therefore, I got a bigger reward. Terrible, just terrible.

They used your card to buy adult toys and anti depression medication. Your husband sees the statement.

Damn, that was too easy.
He'll never marry her.
Bye the way . The immigrants aren't always illegal .

Legal immigrants can be deported for commiting a bad enough crime.

Sometimes the results are not what you think. A real example : 20 year old Kid legally comes to usa from Portugal when he was 2 . He's as American as anyone , except for whatever slacker reason he parents n him never get him citizenship .

He kills someone in a dui accident . He does a couple years and is now deported to Portugal . A place he knows no one , and he doesn't even speak the language . Portugal has no use for him as the guys going to be a welfare case !

Hence the problem with hard n fast rules on immigration.
They use them, they don't steal them. And I don't advocate for it I just know it happens and don't wet the bed over it.


To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

So, if I steal Betty's car and bring it back with more gas in it then when I stole it, it's not a crime.

Wow, she really does fart rainbows
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that, I just got an even bigger loyal customer reward card in the mail. Oh the horror. How will I ever survive them thinking I bought more gas than I actually did and therefore, I got a bigger reward. Terrible, just terrible.

They used your card to buy adult toys and ant depression medication. Your husband sees the statement.

Damn, that was too easy.
He'd ask what new toy do we get to play with? And that harms me not at all since I get an even bigger reward card in the mail.

You really do beleive in unicorns
Again, that is Identity Theft, an entirely different issue. Someone using my SSN for work just means, to me, that I made even more money that year. That's all. It doesn't harm me it screws up Social Security.
You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
Because these "stolen" numbers you are so worried about are being used only to report earnings. The harm is to the system, not the person.

Income reported to the IRS during an audit.

No problem, right?
The IRS doesn't have any real issues figuring out that you didn't work in New York and Phoenix at the very same time.

You've never been through an audit I see? Mine lasted almost two years and I won. they owned me money. They are very nice people actually. They aren't out to screw you.
What if they are from China or Russia or we still tell the Mexicans to go fuck themselves?

Same deal. Take back your trash or we'll sanction you.

Failing that,


Or what the hell, push them out of a truck in Afghanistan.

We are under no obligation to keep illegal entrants alive, safe or even fed. Especially when even after entering they commit violent felonies against our citizens.

You have no way of knowing if he will use it just for work or to gain credit and wreck your credit history, which would be a concern for you if you were a grown up, but even if it is just for work, when he or his family use his employer's health plan, the treatments and medications they receive will be reported to the MIB under your SS#, potentially using up any annual or lifetime capped benefits you may later need. In addition, since all major insurers use the MIB to assess risk, when you apply for life, health or disability insurance, whether or not you get it and at what rate will be partly determined by his health history.

Further, if he becomes disable or decides to take early retirement, he will receive SS benefits that will be taken from your account.

If you had been out in the world on your own you would already understand how all of this would effect you and your family.

Your posts sound like you might have been stupid enough to have given some one permission to use your SS# and if you have, if he is caught you will also face criminal prosecution for all of these acts of fraud you and he committed.
That is Identity Theft. That is not the same thing as the earnings of someone else being reported under my number, which doesn't harm me in the slightest.
Ok, so now that we have established that he could use your SS# to steal your identity and do serious financial harm to you, what makes you think he won't?
Because these "stolen" numbers you are so worried about are being used only to report earnings. The harm is to the system, not the person.

Income reported to the IRS during an audit.

No problem, right?
The IRS doesn't have any real issues figuring out that you didn't work in New York and Phoenix at the very same time.

You've never been through an audit I see? Mine lasted almost two years and I won. they owned me money. They are very nice people actually. They aren't out to screw you.

^^^^Clinton foundation donor?
Bye the way . The immigrants aren't always illegal .

Legal immigrants can be deported for commiting a bad enough crime.

Sometimes the results are not what you think. A real example : 20 year old Kid legally comes to usa from Portugal when he was 2 . He's as American as anyone , except for whatever slacker reason he parents n him never get him citizenship .

He kills someone in a dui accident . He does a couple years and is now deported to Portugal . A place he knows no one , and he doesn't even speak the language . Portugal has no use for him as the guys going to be a welfare case !

Hence the problem with hard n fast rules on immigration.
For legal immigrants, citizenship can be revoked, it's called denaturalization. It's rare, Nazi war crimes rare, but it can be done as long as they will take you back. If they won't we don't bother. Here you stay.
This is more like you "steal" my loyal customer rewards number to buy gas with and hey look at that,


Your Social Security Number is an INDIVIDUAL, CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT ID Number Given to and associated with ONE and ONLY ONE US American Citizen.

To take something that does not belong to you is called 'STEALING' - THAT IS A CRIME

To take anyone else's Social Security Number is a CRIME!

To use someone else's SS# is a CRIME!

For an Illegal to use a STOLEN SS# to get a job in this country is a CRIME.

No wonder liberals don't think Hillary committed any crimes - they don't even understand the concept!

For you to CONTINUE to argue that Illegals stealing Americans Social Security order to justify how the Obama administration IRS KNEW about 1 MILLION Americans' SS#s having been stolen by illegals Obama has been bringing into the US yet never informed those Americans of this is Bat-shit CRAZY NOT TO MENTION is advocating / defending criminal acts!

If you represent the typical liberal today no wonder this country is so F*ed up! Continuing to argue with someone so insane and / or criminally supportive is a waste of time. I will be completely ignoring you on this issue from now on.

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