Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

Thanks for the post COMPLETELY UNRELATED to my comment.
Your objection is noted

But fake asylum seekers scamming the system are not the only problem along the border

America is spending billions of dollars each month to support the migrants and thst is bankrupting the local and federal budget

We cant take care of every needy person that shows up at our border

If President Trump wants to halt the asylum program he will have my full support
Jesus no wonder the Republicans keep losing. You idiots can’t figure out how to get a win.

Ok. Here is a secret of life. Something your Mommy should have told you. You can’t have it all. You demand all or nothing, a vast majority of the time, you will get nothing.

Let’s pretend for a moment. Trump wins in November. He doesn’t have the supermajority in the Senate. He won’t have a large majority in the house, and that is best case scenario. So he doesn’t get any legislation. He once again tries the executive order bit. You supporters cheer and declare the problem solved, like you did before. The courts put a stop to it and you ignore that because it isn’t published on RW propaganda websites. Nothing changes.

Instead you could make some progress. Perhaps not as much as you want. But some. You reduce the amount of illegals coming in. You streamline the deportation process. And you make some progress. But no. You want it all, and you get nothing.

So immigration will be an issue in 2024. And 2026. And it will still be an issue in 2028. Because even if you win in November. It won’t be by a big enough margin to get what you want. And each month more of those Illegals will become naturalized citizens. And more and more of them will vote.

You had a chance to really make some progress. But you wanted it all. And you were dumb enough to imagine it would work in November.

So the only way you can think opposing the bill was a good thing is if you imagine that a vast majority will come over to your side. So far, nope. Another all or nothing gamble. How have those worked out so far?
I’m sorry that your enormous ego is blinding you to reality

The Senate bill does nothing to halt or even slow down the alien invasion

But it would remove the pressure on lawmakers for a couple of years till voters - maybe even you - figure out that we’ve been scammed again
I’m sorry that your enormous ego is blinding you to reality

The Senate bill does nothing to halt or even slow down the alien invasion

But it would remove the pressure on lawmakers for a couple of years till voters - maybe even you - figure out that we’ve been scammed again

Like I said. It’s all or nothing, and you get nothing. Works for me.
Why not adopt the House bill?

The Senate bill has the advantage of being bipartisan. That means both parties signed off on it.

Compromise means neither side is happy, but they can both live with it. You want to be happy and if you aren’t, nobody will be.
I'm white. And I think our government needs to take care of America's problems before they even think about another countries problems.

White Nationalist.
The Senate bill has the advantage of being bipartisan. That means both parties signed off on it.

Compromise means neither side is happy, but they can both live with it. You want to be happy and if you aren’t, nobody will be.

The Senate bill has the advantage of being bipartisan. That means both parties signed off on it.

That's awesome! How many Dems voted for it? How many Republicans voted for it?
The Senate bill has the advantage of being bipartisan. That means both parties signed off on it.

Compromise means neither side is happy, but they can both live with it. You want to be happy and if you aren’t, nobody will be.
Are you saying that

1. Every democrat and every republican senator supported it?

Of course thats not true

2. that republicans in the House must be subservient to the senators?

The House bill is better

The Senate should swallow its pride and follow the House
They could, if they had the jail space to do that....

Most border crossers would likely take the jail space and take their chance in our courts, than to return home

And what do you think a conviction for felony criminal trespass would do for their chance of staying in the country? This isn't a freaking game.

Therefore you can't really tell anything about someone's potential claim for asylum (if any) just by noting that they are overweight.

It means we can dispense with 99.9% of the claims for 'asylum' as merely personal economic reasons and free up the courts for real refugees, dumbass. Now run along and eat some more feces and snivel about Japan getting its ass crushed by FDR.
Well then....... There's that. Texas can arrest and try to deport them. But apparently Mexico isn't going to give them the chance.

Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

March 19 (UPI) -- Mexico will not accept migrants deported by Texas, its foreign ministry said after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a controversial law that allows Texas police to arrest people suspected of crossing into the state illegally.

The foreign ministry issued the statement Tuesday, condemning Texas Senate Bill 4, which makes it a criminal offense to illegally cross in to Texas via the Texas-Mexico border. The law also requires Texas judges to order those convicted to be returned to Mexico.
I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

...and eventually they will become US citizens adding to our workforce. More labor to do jobs. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of this earth. So why would you be stupid enough to send your best workers back to Mexico?
I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.
Then let them "strengthen the economy" in their home nations.
I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

...and eventually they will become US citizens adding to our workforce. More labor to do jobs. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of this earth. So why would you be stupid enough to send your best workers back to Mexico?
If you’re useful you don’t need to come here illegally. Illegals don’t drive our economy. US citizens do. If you need illegals to be able to afford your salad there’s a problem here.

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