Mexico says it will not accept migrants deported by Texas under new state law

If you’re useful you don’t need to come here illegally. Illegals don’t drive our economy. US citizens do. If you need illegals to be able to afford your salad there’s a problem here.
Then there’s a problem here.

Illegals make up a big piece of our workforce
Ok. Just so I understand what is wrong with me. I’m the bad guy because I ask questions about how and what. How do we accomplish the proposed task? What happens next?

I’m the bad guy when I say what is proposed, is dumb and impossible. I explain a few reasons why the proposed action is impossible.

I’m the bad guy because I can see what comes next. Like an obvious move in Chess, or any other game. Nope. I’m the bad guy.

Reality isn’t the blame. The morons proposing stupid and impossible actions aren’t to blame. Nope. It’s the guy who says that’s impossible.

Rush Limbaugh used to mock Liberals for sending warm fuzzy thoughts instead of real solutions. Now of course, the sides have flipped and the RW is proposing idiotic solutions to problems and shouting at anyone who says it wouldn’t work.

This is actually funny. Trump implemented actions to do what you say should be done. The courts overruled him because it was illegal. It was not Trump’s fault for doing something illegal. It’s the courts. It’s the judges. It’s everything but the moron screwing things up.

Good intentions now count more than anything else. The Right has embraced warm fuzzy thoughts as their primary weapon. At least he cares enough to try.

I laugh at the self inflicted harm the Right is doing. Crops rotting in fields in Florida. I laugh at it. Because it was the easily predictable outcome from the actions taken.

I laugh because you guys are like a kid with a fork poking at an outlet. You are going to be electrocuted, and then blame everyone else for the result.

The cops in Texas, if they do carry out these orders, will find themselves facing federal charges. More than a few cops have faced the same charges. Deprivation of civil rights under color of law.

You will howl that it isn’t fair. You will rage against Liberals for enforcing the laws that have been on the books longer than I’ve been alive. You will rant and rave about how awful the left is for not getting rid of those laws. You will blame the courts. The juries. And everyone except the idiots who put the cops in that situation because they were trying to do the right thing. Warm fuzzy thoughts matter.

Everyone is to blame, except the people who won’t learn the laws and figure out how to do what they think needs to be done the right way. The legal way.

Yeah. I think this is funny. It’s either laugh or cry. And I’ll choose laughter.
I encourage you to tell others to not mess with Texas.
Fine, just set-up a compound in TX and incarcerate them.....When Trump is elected he can direct ICE to send them back.

They can call it Andersonville on the Pecos for all I care.
As long as these animals are not allowed to dirty up our country. 3rd World UnPeople bring in 3rd World Values.
I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

...and eventually they will become US citizens adding to our workforce. More labor to do jobs. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of this earth. So why would you be stupid enough to send your best workers back to Mexico?

You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

If we send them back, low-skilled American workers should make more money.
Supply and demand, right?
You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

If we send them back, low-skilled American workers should make more money.
Supply and demand, right?
Do you have any idea how much you’d have to pay non immigrants to do the job that immigrants do?
Do you have any idea how much you’d have to pay non immigrants to do the job that immigrants do?

I'd be willing to find out. Boot the illegal aliens.
If we need them urgently, we can set up a temporary work-visa program.
I'd be willing to find out. Boot the illegal aliens.
If we need them urgently, we can set up a temporary work-visa program.
In the mean time we have chaos.

Doesn’t matter

Business would never let it happen

It’s a bullshit scam. No one that matters was ever serious about this issue

All to rile people like you up
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In the mean time we have chaos.

Doesn’t matter

Business would never let it happen

It’s a bullshit scam. No one that matters was ever serious about this issue

All to rule people like you up

Chaos? Now leftists are worried about chaos?

I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

...and eventually they will become US citizens adding to our workforce. More labor to do jobs. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of this earth. So why would you be stupid enough to send your best workers back to Mexico?

A few decades ago, illegals started coming into our little town. Of course, they were all dirt poor, but hard working. So they settled in the black part of town. The NW side. You didn't walk in that part of town at night if you were white. It was even dangerous for blacks. The houses were all trashed. Their yards were nasty and never kept up.
Long story short, a decade after they started moving in, they literally move the blacks further north. The neighborhood now is low crime. Most of the houses are painted, roofed and have concrete driveways. The yards are kept up. And even though the houses are small, they're nice. Mexican business's are popping up there. It's got the best cafe in town.

Further north, where the new housing was built for the blacks, (state and federal welfare grants) are now getting run down, crime & drug ridden.

Hopefully they'll do the same thing to Chicago & NYC.
You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

If we send them back, low-skilled American workers should make more money.
Supply and demand, right?
1) If we send them back and REDUCE WELFARE to lazy Americans who won’t lower themselves to a job, the prices stay the same AND we save a ton on government spending on welfare.

2) We save a ton on the government spending to house, feed, and provide full welfare to their anchor babies.

3) We don’t take needed resources away from Americans.
1) If we send them back and REDUCE WELFARE to lazy Americans who won’t lower themselves to a job, the prices stay the same AND we save a ton on government spending on welfare.

2) We save a ton on the government spending to house, feed, and provide full welfare to their anchor babies.

3) We don’t take needed resources away from Americans.
You stupid “woman”. Immigrants… even illegal immigrants looked at separately… are a net POSITIVE to our economy.

They add more than they take.

Ya moron
1) If we send them back and REDUCE WELFARE to lazy Americans who won’t lower themselves to a job, the prices stay the same AND we save a ton on government spending on welfare.

2) We save a ton on the government spending to house, feed, and provide full welfare to their anchor babies.

3) We don’t take needed resources away from Americans.

You are trying to talk sense where sense will not be accepted.
I am of the opinion that deporting them would actually hurt our economy, keeping them in the US will actually strengthen our economy.

I had a very smart Asian electrical engineer I knew who got his degree from the University of Chicago make this very good point to me 20+ years ago. Mexico is actually doing us a favor not accepting them back.

My engineering friend made me aware that we actually have an economy that is very dependent on our low cost of goods dependent on illegal Mexican labor, this is how we make a lot of our money. A lot of food in the supermarket would be so much more expensive were it not for illegals. They take low paying jobs and dangerous jobs that Americans are unwilling to take. You want a great way to hurt our US economy? Send all illegal Mexicans living in America back to Mexico, congrats you just made everything so much more expensive for everyone.

...and eventually they will become US citizens adding to our workforce. More labor to do jobs. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people on the face of this earth. So why would you be stupid enough to send your best workers back to Mexico?
did you write this comedy with a straight face? hahaahahahahhahaha I split a fking gut reading this comedy material. When do you go on stage and perform?
You stupid “woman”. Immigrants… even illegal immigrants looked at separately… are a net POSITIVE to our economy.

They add more than they take.

Ya moron
women who do the same job as a man gets paid the same amount. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. go!
You stupid “woman”. Immigrants… even illegal immigrants looked at separately… are a net POSITIVE to our economy.

They add more than they take.

Ya moron

They've been adding measles and tuberculosis here in Chicago.
And with the expense of schooling their kids, paying for their ER visits
and jailing their criminals, they're a large negative. Moron.

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