Mexico's President Says There's No Way He'll Pay For A Border Wall

Take it out of foreign aid and tax remittances. Two walls could be built with that money alone.

Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!
That's what I thought at first. But then I thought about Americans getting wires. Like students, tourists, business people etc
No one is asking Mexico to voluntarily pay for the wall. When Mexico starts sending the US foreign aid they might have some say.
I was confused, at first, how any group of in-duh-viduals could possibly be more ignorant about economics, than trump supporters, as evidenced here by the fact that they do no understand such things as tariffs, or even that only the House of Representatives has the authority to create taxes. Then it came to me. You guys all got your Bachelor of Economics degrees from Trump University, didn't you?
Take it out of foreign aid and tax remittances. Two walls could be built with that money alone.

Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.
Take it out of foreign aid and tax remittances. Two walls could be built with that money alone.

Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
Well, Todd, I had no idea that only illegal immigrants wire money abroad. Just where did you come up with this startling bit of news? I confess that it makes me a little paranoid, because I have wired money to family members in Europe who were serving in the military, and my family first arrived in Virginia in 1678.
Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
But how would you know? What if you are taxing 30 percent on a wire to some Americans kid studying in Italy?
Take it out of foreign aid and tax remittances. Two walls could be built with that money alone.

Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.

Ok, Todd, we have discovered in an above post that there seems to be a $9,400,000,000 shortfall on the cost of the wall, so you want to tax wire transfers at 30%. Well, then, assuming such a tax did not slow down these transfers (which is, of course, a ridiculous assumption), then the math works like this: $9,400,000,000 divided by 30% = $31,000,000,000. So, in short, Todd, you think that illegal aliens wire home $31 Billion dollars? Pedro must be picking one hell of a lot of lettuce! But, that obviously begs another question. We wire money to Mexico to pay for virtually this nation's entire supply of winter vegetable's that we consume. guess what? You just raised everyone's winter fresh vegetable grocery bill by 30%! So, tell me again who would be paying for this wall (that would not even keep out the 50% of illegals who simply overstay their visa).
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Mexico will pay for it. Maybe not directly, but they'll pay in lost trade.

And, not having any imports to the USA because of lost trade due to tariffs, there will be no tariffs collected at all.
Who gives a shit about lost tariffs? We'll get the money back thousandfold as USA companies move back home, employing thousands of taxpayers. (Won't happen, though, if another Dim gets in the white house.)
Mexico will pay for it. Maybe not directly, but they'll pay in lost trade.

And, not having any imports to the USA because of lost trade due to tariffs, there will be no tariffs collected at all.
Who gives a shit about lost tariffs? We'll get the money back thousandfold as USA companies move back home, employing thousands of taxpayers. (Won't happen, though, if another Dim gets in the white house.)

More Trump economics! So, Ford, who has been building cars in Mexico for at least 15 years, is suddenly going to move back to the USA in spite of the fact that Mexican labor is 5% of the cost of American labor, simply because TN, will refuse to pay the tariff on his Fusion? Don't think, so, pal. Ford makes more money producing cars in Mexico and selling them all over South and Latin America, with cheap labor, and no tariffs. Besides. I own Ford stock, and if they raised their production costs that much, us stockholders will fire the entire board of directors.

Have you guys even ever HEARD of the global economy? Did you know that Henry Ford lost an entire automobile production plant that he had built in Russia when the Russian revolution happened in 1917?
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
Well, Todd, I had no idea that only illegal immigrants wire money abroad. Just where did you come up with this startling bit of news? I confess that it makes me a little paranoid, because I have wired money to family members in Europe who were serving in the military, and my family first arrived in Virginia in 1678.

Well, Todd, I had no idea that only illegal immigrants wire money abroad.

Why, that's not true, but they'll be the ones hit by the tax.
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
But how would you know? What if you are taxing 30 percent on a wire to some Americans kid studying in Italy?

What if you are taxing 30 percent on a wire to some Americans kid studying in Italy?

Gee, if only there were some way to differentiate between an American sending money and an illegal sending money.

Tell you what, when the American files his income tax, he can get the wire transfer tax refunded.
Enrique Peña Nieto also compared Donald Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.

Mexico’s president finally has publicly spoken out against Republican front-runner Donald Trump, saying his government would not pay for the candidate's proposed border wall.

Enrique Peña Nieto largely has refrained from speaking out against Trump’s series of broadsides against Mexicans or his proposal to force Mexico to pay for a wall along the southern border of the U.S. But in an interview with Mexican daily Excelsior published Monday, Peña Nieto said Trump’s hostile posturing undermines Mexico's relationship with the U.S.

"There’s no scenario," Peña Nieto said, when asked if the Mexican government would ever pay for a border wall. "And I have to also say it discourages me. Of course I can’t find a way to find common ground with this position we’ve observed from this North American political actor."

When asked if he thought Trump’s comments amounted to insincere campaign rhetoric or honest policy plans, Peña Nieto said he considered Trump to be part of a long line of populist politicians who use harsh language and simplistic policies in order to harness public anger.

"In the end, these strident comments aim to offer simple, very simple solutions to problems that, of course, won’t be solved so easily," Peña Nieto said.

"That’s how Mussolini and Hitler got to power," he added. "They took advantage precisely of that context, perhaps, of a problem humanity was then experiencing, after an economic crisis."

In a separate interview with El Universal, also published Monday, Peña Nieto saidTrump’s comments "damaged the relationship with the United States."

More: Mexico's President Says There's No Way He'll Pay For A Border Wall

So, how will Trump try to explain/spin these words coming directly from Mexico's president?
Duplicate thread.

Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'
I like it so far. How would you enforce it?

Hello, Western Union, we need you to tax wires to foreign recipients. Thanks!

Hello, Todd, from Earth: While you have been traveling in space, it has been revealed that the president does not have the legal authority to either violate NAFTA treaties with tarriffs, or create new taxes. Congress does that, and Congress would rather cut off their own balls than to be caught creating new taxes.

Are you kidding? A tax that only hits foreigners? They'd love that shit.
But how would you know? What if you are taxing 30 percent on a wire to some Americans kid studying in Italy?

What if you are taxing 30 percent on a wire to some Americans kid studying in Italy?

Gee, if only there were some way to differentiate between an American sending money and an illegal sending money.

Tell you what, when the American files his income tax, he can get the wire transfer tax refunded.
So you are thinking of id card or something?
What if the sender is a citizen but sending it home?
Can we not discuss this without you being a sarcastic asshole?
So, who's going to build and pay for Trump's wall?
Mexicans will pay for it when Trump cuts off their foreign aid and imposes a tariff to cover the cost.
We give about $400 million a year to Mexico in economic and military assistance. Trump's wall would cost $10 billion, not counting the cost of construction.

What do you think will happen if we stop giving Mexico military assistance for the "war on drugs"?

With a wall the war on drugs will stay on the Mexican side of the border.
Have you ever heard of planes? Cargo ships? Cars? Tunnels? Most of the drugs smuggled in are not walked across the desert.

Actually, plenty of them are. Drug smugglers have been caught using catapults to hurl drugs over the border. They have used tunnels, planes, and mules (people who carry drugs) to smuggle drugs across the border.

Secure the border, problem solved. After a few illegals blow themselves up stepping on land mines they will learn their lesson, NO TRESPASSING!
Take it out of foreign aid and tax remittances. Two walls could be built with that money alone.

Well, let's see.

Cost of wall: $10,000,000,000
Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

That seems to result in a shortfall of $9,600,000,000. So, what the hell are "tax remittances" and link where that comes to almost 10 billion dollars.

Foreign aid: $ 400,000,000 (much of which is used to fight drug cartels trying to import drugs to the USA)

We getting our money's worth yet?

So, what the hell are "tax remittances"

Illegals wire money home, hit that with a 30% tax. It'll add up quick.

Ok, Todd, we have discovered in an above post that there seems to be a $9,400,000,000 shortfall on the cost of the wall, so you want to tax wire transfers at 30%. Well, then, assuming such a tax did not slow down these transfers (which is, of course, a ridiculous assumption), then the math works like this: $9,400,000,000 divided by 30% = $31,000,000,000. So, in short, Todd, you think that illegal aliens wire home $31 Billion dollars? Pedro must be picking one hell of a lot of lettuce! But, that obviously begs another question. We wire money to Mexico to pay for virtually this nation's entire supply of winter vegetable's that we consume. guess what? You just raised everyone's winter fresh vegetable grocery bill by 30%! So, tell me again who would be paying for this wall (that would not even keep out the 50% of illegals who simply overstay their visa).

Well, then, assuming such a tax did not slow down these transfers (which is, of course, a ridiculous assumption),

Hold on, a liberal admits that a tax will reduce the amount of the thing being taxed?

$9,400,000,000 divided by 30% = $31,000,000,000. So, in short, Todd, you think that illegal aliens wire home $31 Billion dollars?

Mexico's central bank reported Mexicans overseas sent nearly $24.8 billion home in 2015, overtaking oil revenues for the first time as a source of foreign income.

Remittances were up 4.75 percent from 2014 when they totaled $23.6 billion, the Bank of Mexico said. They had never before surpassed petroleum since the Bank of Mexico began tracking them in 1995.

Mexico Got More Money From Remittances Than from Oil Revenues in 2015

You were saying?

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