Mexicrats want a $15 minimum wage to make life easier for illegal aliens

It would be helpful to citizens if the minimum wage went up where it is really low in some states. The low wage states are at the sad federal level, the higher states are better, $15 is too high at this time.
A link would be nice.

A real, enforceable, universal $15 MW would have huge ramifications throughout the economy, hurting most of all those with minimal skills and education. The "under-the-table" employment of both illegals and citizens would dramatically increase.

But from an enforcement standpoint, how many illegals do you think would be reporting their employers to the Wage & Hour Division due to insufficient compensation?

This thread is fatuous.
There are a few cities that have passed a ballot to raise that city minimum wage to a high level because of high cost of living in that local area. No one is at $15 that I know of yet because that is too high a minimum wage.
A link would be nice.

A real, enforceable, universal $15 MW would have huge ramifications throughout the economy, hurting most of all those with minimal skills and education. The "under-the-table" employment of both illegals and citizens would dramatically increase.

But from an enforcement standpoint, how many illegals do you think would be reporting their employers to the Wage & Hour Division due to insufficient compensation?

This thread is fatuous.

You need a link to confirm that Mexicrats want a $15 minimum wage?
You need a link to confirm that EVERYTHING Mexicrats push must benefit their pet humans / illegals?
By "Mexicrats" do you mean California?

21st century Democrats = Mexicrats
Everything they do, every policy they push, every platform they run on...their primary beneficiary must be illegal aliens.
Why doesn't the Republic of Mexico raise their minimum wage to $15? Then America can see how well that works out
If you are referring to DEMOCRATS, it is clear that they have no real interest in raising the minimum wage. During the first two years of the Soetoro Administration they had control of both houses of Congress and the White House, and what, exactly, did they do about the MW?





As Paul Krugman has wisely written, the minimum wage itself is an economic abomination, and the higher it is, the worse it is for everyone but a select few.
The funniest part of the whole higher minimum wage is that those calling for it do not understand that with the higher wage comes one or two diffrent outcomes. One is employers are forced to increase the cost of their product which means higher inflation which means that at a point the new high wage has the same purchasing power as it did before.

The second is that less people are hired so that the product costs the same there are just less making it.

Of course there could be a third that helps no one. That is illegals and those forced out of work because of the higher wage take unreported jobs at a lower then minimum wage.

The best way is to have jobs that need workers because employers will raise wages to attract workers.
Mexico's minimum wage is 88 pesos or $4.70 a DAY. If the Hispanic people think this is such a great idea, why don't they raise theirs first to $15/hr, $120.00 a day, and show how it benefits their country?
They never gave two shits about minimum wage when only 15-18 year old AMERICAN teenagers worked those jobs.
Keep the minimum wage where it`s at because I enjoy subsidizing their wages with food stamps so the CEOs can keep their private jets flying. There was never a time when all the fast food jobs were taken by teenagers.
It would be helpful to citizens if the minimum wage went up where it is really low in some states. The low wage states are at the sad federal level, the higher states are better, $15 is too high at this time.
/——/ Ahhh geeeze not this broken record again.
They never gave two shits about minimum wage when only 15-18 year old AMERICAN teenagers worked those jobs.
I'm sorry that you don't see the difference between an entry level job for young kids....and now the job for adults that must sustain living. You are certainly welcome to work for less than $15 an hour in California and survive.
These immigrants work damn hard!

They deserve at least $15 an hour. Maybe even more!
They never gave two shits about minimum wage when only 15-18 year old AMERICAN teenagers worked those jobs.
I'm sorry that you don't see the difference between an entry level job for young kids....and now the job for adults that must sustain living. You are certainly welcome to work for less than $15 an hour in California and survive.

Yikes, if you're earing minimum wage and over 25, you probably need to consider gaining some sort of skill.
Mexicrats want a $15 minimum wage to make life easier for illegal aliens

They never gave two shits about minimum wage when only 15-18 year old AMERICAN teenagers worked those jobs.

If somebody is hiring illegal workers, do you really think the employer is concerned with abiding by minimum wage laws?
Mexicrats want a $15 minimum wage to make life easier for illegal aliens

They never gave two shits about minimum wage when only 15-18 year old AMERICAN teenagers worked those jobs.

If somebody is hiring illegal workers, do you really think the employer is concerned with abiding by minimum wage laws?

There’s your winner right there!

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