Mexifornia governor have to see this sh*t to believe it.

as did that conference. can't get any more bigoted then to isolate the citizens of a country. too funny. you love it. go fking live in mehico jack!

Nah - I'll stay here for now and poke at you Trumpflakes :poke:
funny you can't understand we love our country and citizens. you not so much. you admit it. as Charles Barkley says, trrible. You need a bigger stick.

Let's be real, you love a certain portion of your country that just so happens looks like you.
how do you know who I love? project much? you're a fking lefttwit. you don't know shit.

I love all my countrymen accept rapists, and murderers. color of skin is your issue jack be little. get those cling-ons out of your mouth.
You didn't prove anything unless your point is that Democrats take sexual assault more seriously than Republicans as of late.

Of course I did but you refuse to acknowledge it.

You proved that Republicans are fine with sexual assault, good for you.

You did not prove that Democrats only support 'angels'.
How many democrats are sex offenders? who protected them? can you say weinstein and clinton? too funny your ignorance. hilarious in fact.

and no, you aren't human so angels is on the table i guess.

I don't think sexual assault is more prevalent on the left or right. However recently Weinstein gets the boot and you idiots were supporting Moore.

Once again something he was accused doing 40 years ago? Marion berry was smoking crack while in office
and got re-elected. too funny. libs are a sad breed of human.
Notice the screen in the background?
Was this a debate between politicians in Mexico or the United States?
The whole debate focused on illegals, sanctuary cities and the like...proving once again that wetbacks represent the cornerstone of Democratic politics. Mexifornia, current and future elected officials have made it crystal clear...they intend to govern on behalf of illegals and barely legals exclusively.

Gubernatorial candidates talk deportation, sanctuary cities at UCLA debate focused on Latinos – Daily News

Why do you stay in The People's Republic of California? What is it that ties you to that communist cesspool?

Move here. The pay v. cost of living is spectacular and we are pro-business to a fault.

Sing it with me:

Texas, Our Texas! All hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! So wonderful so great!
boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blessed.

God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

To immigrate to the U.S. legally and become a citizen you must learn to read and write in English.

It is not, nor has it ever been a requirement to become a U.S. citizen to speak fluent English.

To immigrate to the U.S. legally and become a citizen you must learn to read and write in English.

It is not, nor has it ever been a requirement to become a U.S. citizen to speak fluent English.

Yes it is, here you require some of these :itsok::itsok::itsok::itsok:

Fluent English? No. Pay attention.

Hahahaha....FUCK you people have zero credibility...learn some basic shit!

In order to be naturalized in the U.S. applicants must pass three English language tests, including speaking, reading, and writing, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.”
You didn't prove anything unless your point is that Democrats take sexual assault more seriously than Republicans as of late.

Of course I did but you refuse to acknowledge it.

You proved that Republicans are fine with sexual assault, good for you.

You did not prove that Democrats only support 'angels'.
How many democrats are sex offenders? who protected them? can you say weinstein and clinton? too funny your ignorance. hilarious in fact.

and no, you aren't human so angels is on the table i guess.

I don't think sexual assault is more prevalent on the left or right. However recently Weinstein gets the boot and you idiots were supporting Moore.

Once again something he was accused doing 40 years ago? Marion berry was smoking crack while in office

Great, I wouldn't vote for either one of them. But hey, if you're OK with voting for an unrepentant child molester then good for you.
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

Hey, never buy a bag of weed from a California Mexican. Those mother fuckers will ALWAYS dust the bag. Assholes think that shits funny.

Dust the bag?
Notice the screen in the background?
Was this a debate between politicians in Mexico or the United States?
The whole debate focused on illegals, sanctuary cities and the like...proving once again that wetbacks represent the cornerstone of Democratic politics. Mexifornia, current and future elected officials have made it crystal clear...they intend to govern on behalf of illegals and barely legals exclusively.

Gubernatorial candidates talk deportation, sanctuary cities at UCLA debate focused on Latinos – Daily News

Why do you stay in The People's Republic of California? What is it that ties you to that communist cesspool?

Move here. The pay v. cost of living is spectacular and we are pro-business to a fault.

Sing it with me:

Texas, Our Texas! All hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! So wonderful so great!
boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blessed.

God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.


Haha, thanks for the invite bud.
I actually have a ranch in Montana that I will retire five year escape plan from this filthy shithole is in full affect.
Real property assets, business ventures and kids in school will keep me here for just a short time longer.
To immigrate to the U.S. legally and become a citizen you must learn to read and write in English.

It is not, nor has it ever been a requirement to become a U.S. citizen to speak fluent English.

To immigrate to the U.S. legally and become a citizen you must learn to read and write in English.

It is not, nor has it ever been a requirement to become a U.S. citizen to speak fluent English.

Yes it is, here you require some of these :itsok::itsok::itsok::itsok:

Fluent English? No. Pay attention.

Hahahaha....FUCK you people have zero credibility...learn some basic shit!

In order to be naturalized in the U.S. applicants must pass three English language tests, including speaking, reading, and writing, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.”

Yeah, and there is no requirement that they have to speak English fluently. In other words, your English can be lousy and you can still become a U.S. citizen.

From your link:

An applicant who does not qualify for a waiver of the English requirement must be able to communicate in English about his or her application and eligibility for naturalization. An applicant does not need to understand every word or phrase on the application.

To sufficiently demonstrate the ability to read in English, applicants must read one sentence out of three sentences. The reading test is administered by the officer using standardized reading test forms. Once the applicant reads one of the three sentences correctly, the officer stops the reading test.

So, yeah, it's not required that a person speak or read English fluently hence why you will have forums where the target audience is ESL.
as did that conference. can't get any more bigoted then to isolate the citizens of a country. too funny. you love it. go fking live in mehico jack!

Nah - I'll stay here for now and poke at you Trumpflakes :poke:
funny you can't understand we love our country and citizens. you not so much. you admit it. as Charles Barkley says, trrible. You need a bigger stick.

Let's be real, you love a certain portion of your country that just so happens looks like you.
how do you know who I love? project much? you're a fking lefttwit. you don't know shit.

I love all my countrymen accept rapists, and murderers. color of skin is your issue jack be little. get those cling-ons out of your mouth.

Sure buddy, I'm not the one currently throwing a tantrum in a thread started by a wingnut who doesn't understand why politicians would reach out to citizens in a language other than English. :badgrin:
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha
dam i know now and have known quite a few pot smokers who are pretty dam successful....and many still indulge...

Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
but your opinion is fact right?...we have plenty of examples proving you wrong too...does that mean you are twisted too?...
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha
dam i know now and have known quite a few pot smokers who are pretty dam successful....and many still indulge...

Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
but your opinion is fact right?...we have plenty of examples proving you wrong too...does that mean you are twisted too?...

Recorded statistics tend to be factual data...not sourced by ones opinion.
You do understand the difference between statistical facts and personal opinions...right?
Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.

Statistics? Do share!

Analysis | Trump’s claim that immigrants bring ‘tremendous crime’ is still wrong
Trump ad gives wrong impression on immigrants

Are you sure your bleeding heart is ready to hear the truth?
This data may cause you to roll up in the fetal may need to shower quickly where you’ll fall to the floor while screaming “WHY ME!” at the sky....hahah
(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)
Here goes...grab your straight jacket.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population

Vetted crime statistics from USDOJ, the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) are both clear and demonstrative that illegal immigrants who comprise only 3.5 percent of our nation’s population, are convicted and sentenced for the crime of murder at a rate of three times that of their American citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha
dam i know now and have known quite a few pot smokers who are pretty dam successful....and many still indulge...

Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
but your opinion is fact right?...we have plenty of examples proving you wrong too...does that mean you are twisted too?...

Recorded statistics tend to be factual data...not sourced by ones opinion.
You do understand the difference between statistical facts and personal opinions...right?
like i said there are plenty of examples of people who smoke pot who are pretty successful at what they do....that is factual data...and actual experience for most people anyways,will trump what some study says....if the study that you read says pot smokers never amount to anything,but yet the person reading that knows many who amounted to something,well that kinda makes your so called "factual" data,not so factual,its more like some biased statistic......but then you are not only broke,you say you are a loser i guess you are an ex smoker who falls into the stats you believe.....
Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.

Statistics? Do share!

Analysis | Trump’s claim that immigrants bring ‘tremendous crime’ is still wrong
Trump ad gives wrong impression on immigrants

Go ahead and connect the dots bud...don’t be scared.




as did that conference. can't get any more bigoted then to isolate the citizens of a country. too funny. you love it. go fking live in mehico jack!

Nah - I'll stay here for now and poke at you Trumpflakes :poke:
funny you can't understand we love our country and citizens. you not so much. you admit it. as Charles Barkley says, trrible. You need a bigger stick.

Let's be real, you love a certain portion of your country that just so happens looks like you.
how do you know who I love? project much? you're a fking lefttwit. you don't know shit.

I love all my countrymen accept rapists, and murderers. color of skin is your issue jack be little. get those cling-ons out of your mouth.

Sure buddy, I'm not the one currently throwing a tantrum in a thread started by a wingnut who doesn't understand why politicians would reach out to citizens in a language other than English. :badgrin:
I fight for my country, i don't cave to foreigners.
Are you sure your bleeding heart is ready to hear the truth?
This data may cause you to roll up in the fetal may need to shower quickly where you’ll fall to the floor while screaming “WHY ME!” at the sky....hahah
(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)
Here goes...grab your straight jacket.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population

Vetted crime statistics from USDOJ, the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) are both clear and demonstrative that illegal immigrants who comprise only 3.5 percent of our nation’s population, are convicted and sentenced for the crime of murder at a rate of three times that of their American citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

The silver lining is that the vast majority of the illegal immigrant crimes cause suffering in the lives of the imbecile Liberal Leftists who coddle them. Poetic justice?

Every time a drunken illegal immigrant runs down a Commiefornian, a Unicorn sheds a tear.
Every time a Leftist OD's on smuggled heroin, a rainbow crosses the sky.
Last edited:
Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.

Statistics? Do share!

Analysis | Trump’s claim that immigrants bring ‘tremendous crime’ is still wrong
Trump ad gives wrong impression on immigrants

Go ahead and connect the dots bud...don’t be scared.

Unsourced graphs from "Occidental Dissent"?

Occidental Dissent Nationalism, Populism, Reaction
Are you sure your bleeding heart is ready to hear the truth?
This data may cause you to roll up in the fetal may need to shower quickly where you’ll fall to the floor while screaming “WHY ME!” at the sky....hahah
(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)
Here goes...grab your straight jacket.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population

Vetted crime statistics from USDOJ, the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) are both clear and demonstrative that illegal immigrants who comprise only 3.5 percent of our nation’s population, are convicted and sentenced for the crime of murder at a rate of three times that of their American citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

The silver lining is that the vast majority of the illegal immigrant crimes cause suffering in the lives of the imbecile Liberal Leftists who coddle them. Poetic justice?

Hahaha...good point.
LefTards are just plain ignorant human beings...PERIOD.
They refuse to see how they purge themselves through abortion, murder...etc.
It’s actually quite fascinating.
Are you sure your bleeding heart is ready to hear the truth?
This data may cause you to roll up in the fetal may need to shower quickly where you’ll fall to the floor while screaming “WHY ME!” at the sky....hahah
(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)
Here goes...grab your straight jacket.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population

Vetted crime statistics from USDOJ, the U.S. Sentencing Commission and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) are both clear and demonstrative that illegal immigrants who comprise only 3.5 percent of our nation’s population, are convicted and sentenced for the crime of murder at a rate of three times that of their American citizen and legal immigrant counterparts.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

The silver lining is that the vast majority of the illegal immigrant crimes cause suffering in the lives of the imbecile Liberal Leftists who coddle them. Poetic justice?

Hahaha...good point.
LefTards are just plain ignorant human beings...PERIOD.
They refuse to see how they purge themselves through abortion, murder...etc.
It’s actually quite fascinating.
the left hate humanity.
Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.

Statistics? Do share!

Analysis | Trump’s claim that immigrants bring ‘tremendous crime’ is still wrong
Trump ad gives wrong impression on immigrants

Go ahead and connect the dots bud...don’t be scared.

Unsourced graphs from "Occidental Dissent"?

Occidental Dissent Nationalism, Populism, Reaction

Actually it’s not unsourced at all...try to follow along bud...I can’t lead you around by the nose micromanaging your learning.

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