Mexifornia governor have to see this sh*t to believe it.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha
dam i know now and have known quite a few pot smokers who are pretty dam successful....and many still indulge...

Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
but your opinion is fact right?...we have plenty of examples proving you wrong too...does that mean you are twisted too?...

Recorded statistics tend to be factual data...not sourced by ones opinion.
You do understand the difference between statistical facts and personal opinions...right?
like i said there are plenty of examples of people who smoke pot who are pretty successful at what they do....that is factual data...and actual experience for most people anyways,will trump what some study says....if the study that you read says pot smokers never amount to anything,but yet the person reading that knows many who amounted to something,well that kinda makes your so called "factual" data,not so factual,its more like some biased statistic......but then you are not only broke,you say you are a loser i guess you are an ex smoker who falls into the stats you believe.....
Sorry’s really unmotivated, broke lowlifes driving the marijuana know this.

Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most
Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post

  • In 2005, 242,200 emergency room visits in the United States involved marijuana.
  • According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, a large percentage of those arrested for crimes test positive for marijuana. Nationwide, 40% of adult males tested positive at the time of their arrest.
  • Of adults 26 or older who used marijuana before age 15, 62% went on to use cocaine at some point in their lives; 9% went on to use heroin at least once; and 54% made some nonmedical use of mind-altering prescription drugs.
  • Next to alcohol, marijuana is the second most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents
Actually it’s not unsourced at all...try to follow along bud...I can’t lead you around by the nose micromanaging your learning.

The graphs are bogus and that site is Trumpy White Nationalism - Hard stop

Are undocumented immigrants less likely to commit crime?

There ya go....being a good obedient I said just a couple posts ago....
“(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)”
There ya go....being a good obedient I said just a couple posts ago....
“(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)”

You should move to your ranch in Bumfuck, Montana at the earliest opportunity. In transit, kindly don't stop in Boise, ID.
There ya go....being a good obedient I said just a couple posts ago....
“(If I were you I’d just call bullshit, fake news on the data and carry on with believing Mexicans are amazing fucking human beings.)”

You should move to your ranch in Bumfuck, Montana at the earliest opportunity. In transit, kindly don't stop in Boise, ID.

Funny, I have family in Twin Falls...I visit often.
The good people of Ada County really need to work on running the LefTard filth out...You should consider relocating to Southern’s that backward LefTard utopia you dream about.
Funny, I have family in Twin Falls...I visit often.
The good people of Ada County really need to work on running the LefTard filth out...You should consider relocating to Southern’s that backward LefTard utopia you dream about.

I grew up in Coastal SoCal. Moved to Portland in 1990 to experience something different in the world and to escape the traffic and urban sprawl.
Had nothing to do with Mexicans - Seek help .. ya got issues there son.
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha

YOU went to college? Maybe to use one of their toilets, you sure as heck didn't learn anything; well, maybe you learned you could flush a toilet and it was different than the out house.

Herein is the toilet offered to Trump by the Guggenheim Museum.


The inscription mocks Trump and his Billionaire Buddies.
dam i know now and have known quite a few pot smokers who are pretty dam successful....and many still indulge...

Haha...ofcourse you do....and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
but your opinion is fact right?...we have plenty of examples proving you wrong too...does that mean you are twisted too?...

Recorded statistics tend to be factual data...not sourced by ones opinion.
You do understand the difference between statistical facts and personal opinions...right?
like i said there are plenty of examples of people who smoke pot who are pretty successful at what they do....that is factual data...and actual experience for most people anyways,will trump what some study says....if the study that you read says pot smokers never amount to anything,but yet the person reading that knows many who amounted to something,well that kinda makes your so called "factual" data,not so factual,its more like some biased statistic......but then you are not only broke,you say you are a loser i guess you are an ex smoker who falls into the stats you believe.....
Sorry’s really unmotivated, broke lowlifes driving the marijuana know this.

Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most
Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population), according to the survey. This is similar to their 20 percent share of all cigarette use, but considerably higher than their 8 percent share of all alcohol use.

Similarly, Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use and 27 percent of all cigarette use, compared to only 13 percent of all alcohol use and 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.”
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post

  • In 2005, 242,200 emergency room visits in the United States involved marijuana.
  • According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, a large percentage of those arrested for crimes test positive for marijuana. Nationwide, 40% of adult males tested positive at the time of their arrest.
  • Of adults 26 or older who used marijuana before age 15, 62% went on to use cocaine at some point in their lives; 9% went on to use heroin at least once; and 54% made some nonmedical use of mind-altering prescription drugs.
  • Next to alcohol, marijuana is the second most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents
stats from a drug free ok.....thats a non biased source....
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha

YOU went to college? Maybe to use one of their toilets, you sure as heck didn't learn anything; well, maybe you learned you could flush a toilet and it was different than the out house.

Herein is the toilet offered to Trump by the Guggenheim Museum.


The inscription mocks Trump and his Billionaire Buddies.

When you say “I didn’t learn anything” do you mean I wasn’t indoctrinated and brain washed by fucked up and twisted LefTard professors?
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha

YOU went to college? Maybe to use one of their toilets, you sure as heck didn't learn anything; well, maybe you learned you could flush a toilet and it was different than the out house.

Herein is the toilet offered to Trump by the Guggenheim Museum.


The inscription mocks Trump and his Billionaire Buddies.

When you say “I didn’t learn anything” do you mean I wasn’t indoctrinated and brain washed by fucked up and twisted LefTard professors?

No, I meant you seem to be incapable of learning, because in your formative years your were taught to hate people different than you, and thus, you became a bigot on steroids. That is, a bigot who literally hates people because of their race, creed, color, ethnicity or beliefs.
Nah - I'll stay here for now and poke at you Trumpflakes :poke:
funny you can't understand we love our country and citizens. you not so much. you admit it. as Charles Barkley says, trrible. You need a bigger stick.

Let's be real, you love a certain portion of your country that just so happens looks like you.
how do you know who I love? project much? you're a fking lefttwit. you don't know shit.

I love all my countrymen accept rapists, and murderers. color of skin is your issue jack be little. get those cling-ons out of your mouth.

Sure buddy, I'm not the one currently throwing a tantrum in a thread started by a wingnut who doesn't understand why politicians would reach out to citizens in a language other than English. :badgrin:
I fight for my country, i don't cave to foreigners.

You don't appear to do shit for your country and you're obviously afraid of foreigners.
The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha

YOU went to college? Maybe to use one of their toilets, you sure as heck didn't learn anything; well, maybe you learned you could flush a toilet and it was different than the out house.

Herein is the toilet offered to Trump by the Guggenheim Museum.


The inscription mocks Trump and his Billionaire Buddies.

When you say “I didn’t learn anything” do you mean I wasn’t indoctrinated and brain washed by fucked up and twisted LefTard professors?

No, I meant you seem to be incapable of learning, because in your formative years your were taught to hate people different than you, and thus, you became a bigot on steroids. That is, a bigot who literally hates people because of their race, creed, color, ethnicity or beliefs.

I find it awfully odd that you people can’t wrap your head around the simplest of shit.
Why is it always about ethnicity with you?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again....I HATE all piece of shit human beings...PERIOD. I hate filthy Whites just as much as I hate filthy Blacks and Mexicans...I don’t discriminate.
I don’t prefer to live among lowlife pieces of you?
If not are you a bigot?
You've never smoked pot? That kind of makes you the odd one out.

Oh, hell yes I did...daily through college...then I grew the fuck up and became enthusiastic to succeed.
No classy adult...or classy potential governor would be proud to say “I’m a lethargic, unmotivated stoner”
Only in the Beanerized world of Mexifornia will you see this shit....haha

YOU went to college? Maybe to use one of their toilets, you sure as heck didn't learn anything; well, maybe you learned you could flush a toilet and it was different than the out house.

Herein is the toilet offered to Trump by the Guggenheim Museum.


The inscription mocks Trump and his Billionaire Buddies.

When you say “I didn’t learn anything” do you mean I wasn’t indoctrinated and brain washed by fucked up and twisted LefTard professors?

No, I meant you seem to be incapable of learning, because in your formative years your were taught to hate people different than you, and thus, you became a bigot on steroids. That is, a bigot who literally hates people because of their race, creed, color, ethnicity or beliefs.

I find it awfully odd that you people can’t wrap your head around the simplest of shit.
Why is it always about ethnicity with you?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again....I HATE all piece of shit human beings...PERIOD. I hate filthy Whites just as much as I hate filthy Blacks and Mexicans...I don’t discriminate.
I don’t prefer to live among lowlife pieces of you?
If not are you a bigot?

Why is it always ethnicity with you?

Maybe because you posted this, dipshit.

The candidates were asked if they had ever smoked marijuana...the dirty beaner, Antonio Villaraigosa proudly raised his hand and held it high while the predominantly beaner crowd clapped and went ape-shit crazy....hahaha....Only in filthy Mexifornia. This shit is fucking comical.

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