MI Moving to a Right to Work State!!! Congrats!!!

What this boils down to is that the unions are pissed that workers GET TO CHOOSE if they want to join the union or not.

You get to choose whether or not to join a union in every state.

The only difference is in RTW states the state dictates to business and unions what kinds of contracts they can sign with each other, rather than allowing business and unions to determine between themselves what is in their mutual interests.
Anything in politics that is given a nice sounding name has vast potential to eat your lunch.

Like CAIR or the Affordable Healthcare Act or the Wall Street Reform Act? You do have a point, but in this case the product lives up to the name!

Your dumb enough to believe this helps MI.

There's really no point in making a point in this thread.

2014 MI will flush the turds who voted for this down the toilet to the sewers of TX.

You idiot this wasn't even a priority for the Gov. but the stupid unions thugs attempted to enshrine in the MI constitution collective bargaining rights, it failed miserably even though MI went for Obama and the unions spent tons of money in an attempt to pass it we still voted against that referendum

Message sent': Collective bargaining measure fails


Lansing — Michigan voters rejected a controversial measure to enshrine collective bargaining in the state Constitution.

The union-backed measure mustered only 42 percent support with most precincts reporting. Voter approval would have made Michigan the first state in the nation with such a constitutional guarantee of collective bargaining rights.

The proposed amendment known as Proposal 2 would have prohibited the Legislature from approving any new laws to restrict collective bargaining.

Proposals 3-6 — dealing with alternative energy, home health care, tax increase safeguards and bridge voting requirements — also failed.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, in a 2:15 a.m. tweet that noted Republicans kept control of the Michigan House and defeated Proposals 2-6, said, "Thank you voters for your affirmation of our work."

Other allies were more blunt.

"Michigan union bosses were more interested in attacking job providers and the state's reinvention effort than in representing their members best interest," Michigan Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rich Studley said in a Tuesday night statement, "and today at the ballot box union members themselves stood up to their bosses and overwhelmingly rejected their divisive approach."

'Message sent': Collective bargaining measure fails | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
Nice little try but you just cannot answer the question now can you.

Will one of you American worker haters explain to me why all you do is bash workers while the CEO's sit on their asses and rip of companies and when this go south for the company they get a big pay out and this bothers you not?
What a large group of hypocritical lying Worker haters.
Maybe it is because you could not get a raise or hold a job and this pisses you off, while the workers who have negotiated a decent wage make you jealous. IS that it?
Who said that doesn't bother folks? Oh, that was you who said that.

I'll leave you to keep arguing with yourself.


I'll answer that sort of irrelevance whenever you let me know when you are going to stop beating your dog, animal hater.
What this boils down to is that the unions are pissed that workers GET TO CHOOSE if they want to join the union or not.

You get to choose whether or not to join a union in every state.

The only difference is in RTW states the state dictates to business and unions what kinds of contracts they can sign with each other, rather than allowing business and unions to determine between themselves what is in their mutual interests.

I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

You do not know that in a union shop state EVERYONE is required to join the union before they can get a job in a union company?

That isn't true.
That's a CLOSED SHOP. Those aren't legal anywhere.

In a union shop you are only required to join the union (or pay dues) within a certain time period AFTER you begin work. You do not need to be a member to get the job in the first place.

And you are of course free to choose to work at a place with no union shop agreement, just as you're free to choose to work at a place that doesn't require you to wear a tie or shave. To suggest its a violation of your freedom because not every potential job is suited to your liking is just absurd.
Had dinner with my son. He drives a 2000 Nissan Sentra as he saved his $$$ and just bought a 175K home.
Does not work for a union, age 25, makes 50K a year in Georgia and worked for everything he has and TRAINED HIMSELF FOR WHAT THE MARKET DEMANDS.
Unions? Fine, no problem but NO ONE should be forced to join a damn union to work ANYWHERE.
What this boils down to is that the unions are pissed that workers GET TO CHOOSE if they want to join the union or not.

You get to choose whether or not to join a union in every state.

The only difference is in RTW states the state dictates to business and unions what kinds of contracts they can sign with each other, rather than allowing business and unions to determine between themselves what is in their mutual interests.


Are you following along at all here? The definition of a RTW law is one that forbids union shop agreements.
I was in 1971. The first meeting I went to, this dirty old man got up in front of all us office girls and told us to wear miniskirts up to our navels if we wanted to to defy a 4-inches-above-the-knee limit set down by the company. What they were aiming at was to have Union office gals busting up Management marriages.

The meeting pissed me off after I had to give up 8% of my wages which were the lowest in the company on the ground floor, and I had a family to support all by myself. And I refused to bust up coworkers' marriages by dressing shamefully like the idiots wanted.

Don't lecture me about how people aren't forced to join a union. I was pulled aside by 2 ladies when I balked about joining before that meeting. They said they'd be forced to make my life hell on earth if I didn't sign pay and join. they had to answer for whether I joined the damn union.

You don't think that smells to high heaven?

It's called Omerta Union shenannigans. Nobody can prove anything because it just didn't happen the way (intimidated secretly) witnesses said. :evil:

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

If a union wants a union shop and the business they work for agrees to that condition in writing, then being made to pay union dues as a condition of employment is no different than any other condition an employer may make on employment.

"Right to work" laws don't give you any more a right to work than you did before - rather, instead, those laws infringe on the rights of business and labor to determine between themselves what kind of contract they would like to have with each other.

Union shop is STATE LAW. That is why it took the legislature TO CHANGE THAT LAW.
NOTHING to do with businesses and unions negotiating together. That is THE LAW of the state, MANDATORY! NO EXCEPTIONS.
Until now, freedom for workers as they now have a right to work.

Its everything to do with what kind of agreements unions and business may make. It FORBIDS the agreement of a union shop. A union shop can only form when business and the union sign a contract agreeing to that condition - RTW states FORBID that kind of contract. Its nothing more than the state dictating what sorts of contracts business and unions may sign, it has absolutely nothing to do with your "right to work".
You get to choose whether or not to join a union in every state.

The only difference is in RTW states the state dictates to business and unions what kinds of contracts they can sign with each other, rather than allowing business and unions to determine between themselves what is in their mutual interests.


Are you following along at all here? The definition of a RTW law is one that forbids union shop agreements.

There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

You do not know that in a union shop state EVERYONE is required to join the union before they can get a job in a union company?

That isn't true.
That's a CLOSED SHOP. Those aren't legal anywhere.

In a union shop you are only required to join the union (or pay dues) within a certain time period AFTER you begin work. You do not need to be a member to get the job in the first place.

And you are of course free to choose to work at a place with no union shop agreement, just as you're free to choose to work at a place that doesn't require you to wear a tie or shave. To suggest its a violation of your freedom because not every potential job is suited to your liking is just absurd.

No, wrong again
Sure, they can hire non union members in a union shop state.
Closed shop is worse than that.

Are you following along at all here? The definition of a RTW law is one that forbids union shop agreements.


You are fucking LAZY
A right-to-work law is a statute in the United States of America that prohibits union security agreements, or agreements between labor unions and employers that govern the extent to which an established union can require employees' membership, payment of union dues, or fees as a condition of employment, either before or after hiring.

Right-to-work law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are laws against intimidating people into joining a union. If you didn't report the crime that's your problem. Its hardly fair to pass laws prohibiting what kinds of agreements unions and business can make with one another just because some folks are too chicken to report crimes against them.

If a union wants a union shop and the business they work for agrees to that condition in writing, then being made to pay union dues as a condition of employment is no different than any other condition an employer may make on employment.

"Right to work" laws don't give you any more a right to work than you did before - rather, instead, those laws infringe on the rights of business and labor to determine between themselves what kind of contract they would like to have with each other.

Union shop is STATE LAW. That is why it took the legislature TO CHANGE THAT LAW.
NOTHING to do with businesses and unions negotiating together. That is THE LAW of the state, MANDATORY! NO EXCEPTIONS.
Until now, freedom for workers as they now have a right to work.

Its everything to do with what kind of agreements unions and business may make. It FORBIDS the agreement of a union shop. A union shop can only form when business and the union sign a contract agreeing to that condition - RTW states FORBID that kind of contract. Its nothing more than the state dictating what sorts of contracts business and unions may sign, it has absolutely nothing to do with your "right to work".

Dream on, if you work in a union shop YOU HAVE TO JOIN THE DAMN UNION.
Wake the hell up. Why are the unions fighting the new law then if non union members could work in a union shop?
Look it up. The contract allows them TO HIRE who they want to but THEN AFTER THEY ARE HIRED THEY HAVE TO JOIN THE UNION.
Closed shop union state the God Damn union decides who the damn business can hire.

Wake the fuck up dude. This was decided in the damn 30s.
What this boils down to is that the unions are pissed that workers GET TO CHOOSE if they want to join the union or not.

You get to choose whether or not to join a union in every state.

The only difference is in RTW states the state dictates to business and unions what kinds of contracts they can sign with each other, rather than allowing business and unions to determine between themselves what is in their mutual interests.

Like bayou rats know much about what MI does.

Yes, one is forced to pay union dues. I went to grad school in MI and the fucking unions unionized grad students. The dues came out of my stipend check every month and there was NOTHING I could do about it. I left grad school in 2003, FYI. The union did ZERO for me, except to take my money.

You are just not informed in this Michigan matter at all.

Here's another example of automatically deducted union dues. While some of that bullshit has been reversed, much of it is still in the courts. No more forced union dues for Mich. home-based child-care workers | First Amendment Center

And, looking federally, Obama pushed to change National Labor Relations laws and now union members have a right to get the personal contact info (address, phone number, etc.) of those workers who refuse to join the union.
You do not know that in a union shop state EVERYONE is required to join the union before they can get a job in a union company?

That isn't true.
That's a CLOSED SHOP. Those aren't legal anywhere.

In a union shop you are only required to join the union (or pay dues) within a certain time period AFTER you begin work. You do not need to be a member to get the job in the first place.

And you are of course free to choose to work at a place with no union shop agreement, just as you're free to choose to work at a place that doesn't require you to wear a tie or shave. To suggest its a violation of your freedom because not every potential job is suited to your liking is just absurd.

No, wrong again
Sure, they can hire non union members in a union shop state.
Closed shop is worse than that.

You are not forced. You are free to not apply for jobs at businesses where you do not like the conditions of employment. That's like saying your boss "forced" you to take a drug test. No he did not. You are free to quit.
Yes, one is forced to pay union dues. I went to grad school in MI and the fucking unions unionized grad students. The dues came out of my stipend check every month and there was NOTHING I could do about it. I left grad school in 2003, FYI. The union did ZERO for me, except to take my money.

Then you should have exercised a little something called "personal responsibility" and applied for graduate school at an institution without a union shop instead of expecting the nanny state to force employers to have a job to your liking.

Of course the assistantship stipends available at the non-union schools were probably a bit lower. But hey - its your choice.
Yes, one is forced to pay union dues. I went to grad school in MI and the fucking unions unionized grad students. The dues came out of my stipend check every month and there was NOTHING I could do about it. I left grad school in 2003, FYI. The union did ZERO for me, except to take my money.

Then you should have exercised a little something called "personal responsibility" and applied for graduate school at an institution without a union shop instead of expecting the nanny state to force employers to have a job to your liking.

Of course the assistantship stipends available at the non-union schools were probably a bit lower. But hey - its your choice.

MI actually now gives a choice.. to your bitter consternation. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_boohoo:
lets see, Mich state gop has a 26-12 majority in the Senate and a 64-46 majority in the state House and the Gov. is a Rep..

Elections have consequences, sounds like a mandate to me...:eusa_whistle:

So, do the democrats in the senate and state house pull a Wisconsin and lam it? :eusa_think:
Because union workers want to sabotage their own jobs, sure.

The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.
The hatred of the American workers hasn't been this high in decades.

That just isn't true, Doctor Doh. The American worker is not hated, but valued when they work hard and pull their weight in order to justify their pay. When that doesn't happen, or if some idiot sells American technology down the river like a President giving China a present of used government computers loaded with technological secrets, that information is used to take away American jobs by teaching the tricks to their own workers and shoving our workers under the bus.

Hiding the facts or blaming someone else did not work when Clinton did this, yet, people didn't think it was worth worrying about at the time. China gives its all to whoever it chooses.

It would've helped if Clinton hadn't been a dummy giv-a-mint to people who kissed his ass.

Ha yes free dumb becki speaks, i love it when you open your mouth, it makes me feel like climaxing!
So happy to hear you are having some kind of a pleasant experience at my expense in your poor, forlorn little lifey. :redface:
"A union shop requires all employees to become members of the union usually within 30 days of hiring, and to retain their membership AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT in the firm."
Yes, one is forced to pay union dues. I went to grad school in MI and the fucking unions unionized grad students. The dues came out of my stipend check every month and there was NOTHING I could do about it. I left grad school in 2003, FYI. The union did ZERO for me, except to take my money.

Then you should have exercised a little something called "personal responsibility" and applied for graduate school at an institution without a union shop instead of expecting the nanny state to force employers to have a job to your liking.

Of course the assistantship stipends available at the non-union schools were probably a bit lower. But hey - its your choice.
It was unionized during the time I was there...my last year, as a matter of fact.


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