Mia Love - Her 2nd Try...God Bless Her.

Libturd PMH makes a racist statement. Will his fellow USMB Libturds call him out? Probably not.

I wonder how long the NAACP hacks and the CBC hacks chime in with their hypocritical crap.
Saying blacks in the Party of White are tokens isn't racist. Calling her a stupid ****** for doing so would be racist. See how that works?

Pretty sad when you have to start making up shit to justify what you say.
I'm not making anything up. I can do the math. In this case it's called Demographics.
What I've done I'm not allowed to talk about, but you paid for it, and I was never anyone's token.

No, you were somebody's failed abortion.
Actually I'm here because of a spontaneous abortion. Had my older sibling not been aborted he'd be telling you that you're a moron right now instead of me.

It's not too late bed wetter, you can correct the mistakes of the past merely by ingesting a large quantity of pills or throwing your genetic garbage off a bridge.

I suggest the pills though, it will save tax payers the cost of recovering your otherwise useless remains.
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

Saying blacks in the Party of White are tokens isn't racist. Calling her a stupid ****** for doing so would be racist. See how that works?

Only in your own disturbed mind.
Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.
Good luck to her. I just hope she doesn't lose her soul in Washington like so many before her.
Only in your own disturbed mind.
Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.
Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.

She has to be a token to you. Because if she's the real thing, you'd have to face the truth about where the real racism lies in this country.
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

Nah. She's just an opportunistic nutcase.

And who are you ?

Answer: Nothing.

Please back up your claim with some links or STFU.

Why'd you welch on our bet?
Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.

And there would be none of them if they were not qualified.

As I said.....a token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

Or someone who is smart (and whose husband isn't a world famous womanizer).

You really are a moron.
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So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.

She has to be a token to you. Because if she's the real thing, you'd have to face the truth about where the real racism lies in this country.
Real racism is everywhere. We're a racist nation.
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

Jim Matheson, the Democrat who has held that seat, is a conservative. He voted against raising the debt limit. He has voted against both GOP and Democratic budgets which did not reduce the deficit. He is pro-life. He has voted "pro war" (for lack of a better phrase) with the Republicans all the way down the line. He voted to extend the Patriot Act provisions which were expiring.

He also voted against ObamaCare, even after Obama appointed his brother to a federal court in what appeared to be a naked attempt to win his vote.
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......
Token Tries Twice.

Why don't you just call her a house ****** you fucking racist ****.
She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

Oh, really? Then why did you feel it necessary to say:

I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

You went out of your way to hold her up as black while simultaneously trying to poison the well!

"I'm not prejudiced. Some of my best friends are black!"
So what is her plan? Please don't say "small government" or "freedom" or "states rights" or "support our troops" or any of that shit. The GOP has made those phrases completely meaningless with their hypocritical lip service to them while their actions demonstrate everything but those things.

What will she actually DO if she gets to Washington? What are her plans? Is she just going to vote the GOP way 99.9 percent of the time? If so, then that is less than impressive, and actually a reason not to vote for her.

I want to see a firebrand who is ready to take out the trash that is cluttering up the GOP.
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