Mia Love - Her 2nd Try...God Bless Her.

Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......
Token Tries Twice.

Why don't you just call her a house ****** you fucking racist ****.

All humans are racist and I had no need to say she's down on the GOP plantation.
She could have a great political career if she didn't have a Stripper Name
I had high hopes for Mary Carey.


Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......
Token Tries Twice.

Why don't you just call her a house ****** you fucking racist ****.
I don't think PaintMyHouse is saying that Mia Love sees herself as a token.
I'd like to see her win....maybe bring some sanity to the Republican Party
Maybe up-close exposure to brave men like John Lewis will change some of the views she was raise with in homogenized Utah.

John Lewis is a great American Patriot

He could tell her stories about what it really means to grow up black in America
I'd like to see her win....maybe bring some sanity to the Republican Party
Maybe up-close exposure to brave men like John Lewis will change some of the views she was raise with in homogenized Utah.

John Lewis is a great American Patriot

He could tell her stories about what it really means to grow up black in America
I would hope that some of the senior leaders would reach out to her. Conyers, Waters, Bishop, Brown, Cleaver, Clyburn, Cummings . . . there's a lot of history that probably wasn't taught in the Utah Home Schooling groups.
Love is clearly not qualified to hold public office, given her poor understanding of the issues and propensity to lie with regard to current laws and policies.

For example:

Government mandated health care goes against free market principles and personal liberties. The more socialized our health care becomes, the fewer choices people have.

Issue Position: Healthcre - Public Statements - Project Vote Smart

Lie: the ACA “socialized our health care.” The ACA is in no way ‘socialism,’ it’s ignorant and irresponsible to maintain otherwise.

Lie: the ACA “goes against free market principles and personal liberties.” Wrong. The ACA is in fact Constitutional as determined by the Supreme Court, where neither free market principles nor personal liberties have been ‘violated,’

For far too long we have been nudged from religious freedoms that formed underpinnings of our great nation to religious oppression. We cannot allow this fundamental liberty to continue to be trampled.

Issue Position: Religious Freedom - Public Statements - Project Vote Smart

Lie: that religious liberty is being “trampled.” In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. All Americans remain at liberty to practice their faith in any manner they wish, or practice no religion at all; to argue that religious liberty is being ‘trampled’ exhibits a comprehensive ignorance of, and contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence.

One fails to see why any intelligent voter knowledgeable of sound policies, Constitutional case law, and responsible governance would support Love, she’s yet another ignorant TPM extremist whose errant policy positions are predicated on lies and misinformation.

The last thing Congress and the American people need is another ignorant TPM extremist in the House.
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So what is her plan? Please don't say "small government" or "freedom" or "states rights" or "support our troops" or any of that shit. The GOP has made those phrases completely meaningless with their hypocritical lip service to them while their actions demonstrate everything but those things.

What will she actually DO if she gets to Washington? What are her plans? Is she just going to vote the GOP way 99.9 percent of the time? If so, then that is less than impressive, and actually a reason not to vote for her.

I want to see a firebrand who is ready to take out the trash that is cluttering up the GOP.

Pretty much.

Her policy positions are vacuous, inane TPM talking points, devoid of fact or evidence in support.

Just another mindless TPM clone.
She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

Oh, really? Then why did you feel it necessary to say:

I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

You went out of your way to hold her up as black while simultaneously trying to poison the well!

"I'm not prejudiced. Some of my best friends are black!"

Well, if that means telling people to focus on what she is in terms of her poltics and not the type of melanin in her skin.
Lie: that religious liberty is being “trampled.” In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. All Americans remain at liberty to practice their faith in any manner they wish, or practice no religion at all; to argue that religious liberty is being ‘trampled’ exhibits a comprehensive ignorance of, and contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence.

Our resident wannabe constitutional scholar has arrived.

The constitution allowed for the "practice" of religion in the public arena. This has been clearly established time and time again.

That liberty has been severely curtailed by several activist courts in recent years and people cannot collectively practice religion in the public arena...

Or are you suggesting we could put statues of the ten commandmetns BACK in public courthouses ?

Oh, yes....now we'll hear Activism = Don't Agree

How about TPM = Don't Agree

You are no better than those you claim to besmirch.
Lie: the ACA “goes against free market principles and personal liberties.” Wrong. The ACA is in fact Constitutional as determined by the Supreme Court, where neither free market principles nor personal liberties have been ‘violated,’

Anytime you require someone to purchase something you've violated free market principles.

Get a clue.

Oh, and BTW...your definition of constitutional is not universally accepted. If it were, then rendered decisions would not be challenged and sometimes reversed.
One fails to see why any intelligent voter knowledgeable of sound policies, Constitutional case law, and responsible governance would support Love, she’s yet another ignorant TPM extremist whose errant policy positions are predicated on lies and misinformation.

The last thing Congress and the American people need is another ignorant TPM extremist in the House.

Well, get ready cause here she comes.

It certainly must suck to be you.

Not that I care how many kids you are raising (well actually for the sake of the gene pool I hope it zero), but how many times have you served in public office ?
Only in your own disturbed mind.
Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

Alan West would. Not a Mia and not a Cain.
So what is her plan? Please don't say "small government" or "freedom" or "states rights" or "support our troops" or any of that shit. The GOP has made those phrases completely meaningless with their hypocritical lip service to them while their actions demonstrate everything but those things.

What will she actually DO if she gets to Washington? What are her plans? Is she just going to vote the GOP way 99.9 percent of the time? If so, then that is less than impressive, and actually a reason not to vote for her.

I want to see a firebrand who is ready to take out the trash that is cluttering up the GOP.

The whole firebrand thing is what she was told to tone down.

And one firebrand is easily extinquished.

I'ts when you get about 150 of them in there together that they can cover each others backs and get something done.

For now, I'll be happy to have someone in there who is latently capable of joining to a critical mass to do just what you describe.

Don't forget HOPE AND CHANGE turned out to be MORE OF THE SAME and I don't blame it all on Obama...he never had the power to do what he promised and somehow forgot the establishment committment to corruption on both sides.
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Nope. Learn to call a spade a spade. It's what grownups do.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.

Enough of the nonsense, PMH.
And she will call out folks like Lonestar and Road Virus and Vigilante when they go racist. She won't tolerate it in a heart beat.

Leave my name out of your stupid ass comments.

Where you are legitimately in a thread in context, yeah, I will bring you up.

Do you still deny public access to your business?

Hey stupid, leave me out of your comments. You don't know what the fuck your even talking about. I supported Mia back in 2012 you fuckwad!!

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