Mia Love - Her 2nd Try...God Bless Her.

So you are a moron.

She isn't a token because she is not being held up as a black woman.

She is being held up a stand-up conservative who values family and works for what she believes in.

That's the difference.

A token would be the DNC letting a pro-life woman speak at their convention.

She's a token like all the GOP blacks that end up on stage. There aren't enough of them to fill a booth at Denny's.

A few today, more tomorrow, and pretty soon you have a movement. Demographics is one thing, politics is another. Once Blacks and Browns realize that the Democrat party is doing them no favors, you and the Democrat party will be eating your demographics.
In the real world, but not the movies, demographics, like all math, trumps idealism, every time.
Then Mia Love You Long Time is right up you alley.

I am sure your boyfriend is right up yours.

faggot jokes, love 'em.

After a night of fag sex, gay Bob wakes up for work, goes into the kitchen only to find his "boyfriend" jerking off into a ziplock bag.

"What are you doing?" gay Bob says.

"Packing your lunch" says the boyfriend.

What do you call a Lesbian dinosaur?


How about a gay dinosaur?


do you know why? because fags and the idea of fags are very funny.......
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

Love, 39, is a Mormon mother of three who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. She locked up her party's nomination to vie for an open seat in Utah's 4th District at a state convention last month with an overwhelming 78 percent of the vote.

The seat became available when Jim Matheson retired after seven terms in Congress as the heavily conservative state's lone Democrat in Washington. Two years ago, the politically savvy son of a beloved Utah governor beat Love by fewer than 800 votes.

If Love wins this time, she would become an unlikely champion in Washington of staunchly conservative views - limited government, fiscal discipline and state's rights. The daughter of Haitian immigrants is pro-life, pro-gun and holds a concealed weapons permit.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public land from federal agency controls, a hot issue in the U.S. West among conservatives, and has said she would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

Read more: Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider


I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

I am upset she took out Mathenson, but she will be a great Congress-woman. I donated to her campaign

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so what will cause her not to win the election?

Having to speak without a teleprompter, if she follows the standard Tea Party pattern.

That is, whenever Tea Partiers go off script, they usually end up saying some shockingly stupid and/or offensive things.

Actually, they usually end up saying some shockingly stupid and/or offensive things when TPM candidates stay on script.

Actually, that would be your posts.

Except that they are no shocking anymore. We've come to expect stupid from you and you seem to deliver all the time.
Mia Love is a neat lady, should win easily, and then will move a bit toward the center. She will have a long time in Congress, particularly when she challenges Mike Lee in the GOP primary for senate in 2016. She will destroy him politically.
Mia Love is a neat lady, should win easily, and then will move a bit toward the center. She will have a long time in Congress, particularly when she challenges Mike Lee in the GOP primary for senate in 2016. She will destroy him politically.

She'll move to the center ?


And she won't bother Mike Lee.
Owens-Love race 'highly competitive,' poll says. Owens-Love race highly competitive poll says KSL.com

I still she will win, considering it is the 2d bi-election in the Obama administration, and historically the opposition party does well.

However, she should win by 10 points going away.

If she wins by less than 3 points, the troubling concern will be that the red meat forces in Utah are not nearly as powerful as once believed.
Such an outcome will make Mike Lee, who has been kissing the moderates ever since the deficit/budget debacle engineered by Cruz and him, absolutely crap in his pants.
I would like to see her win

Republicans can use some new blood. Have to see how she performs if she wins
The article @ Doug Owens ahead of Mia Love in new poll Deseret News says poll shows the Democrat "slightly ahead" of Mia. Interesting as Democrats have poured $90k into the Democrat campaign.

With the anti-Obama sentiment, her opponent is spouting off that he'll be an independent voice - meaning he's running away from Obama as fast as he can.

My gut tells me she'll win.
Hope she wins

She has a great porn star name. Reminds me of a stripper I once "heard about"
Love is clearly not qualified to hold public office, given her poor understanding of the issues and propensity to lie with regard to current laws and policies.

For example:

Government mandated health care goes against free market principles and personal liberties. The more socialized our health care becomes, the fewer choices people have.

Issue Position: Healthcre - Public Statements - Project Vote Smart

Lie: the ACA “socialized our health care.” The ACA is in no way ‘socialism,’ it’s ignorant and irresponsible to maintain otherwise.

Lie: the ACA “goes against free market principles and personal liberties.” Wrong. The ACA is in fact Constitutional as determined by the Supreme Court, where neither free market principles nor personal liberties have been ‘violated,’

For far too long we have been nudged from religious freedoms that formed underpinnings of our great nation to religious oppression. We cannot allow this fundamental liberty to continue to be trampled.

Issue Position: Religious Freedom - Public Statements - Project Vote Smart

Lie: that religious liberty is being “trampled.” In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. All Americans remain at liberty to practice their faith in any manner they wish, or practice no religion at all; to argue that religious liberty is being ‘trampled’ exhibits a comprehensive ignorance of, and contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence.

One fails to see why any intelligent voter knowledgeable of sound policies, Constitutional case law, and responsible governance would support Love, she’s yet another ignorant TPM extremist whose errant policy positions are predicated on lies and misinformation.

The last thing Congress and the American people need is another ignorant TPM extremist in the House.

Speaking of lies, The lie of the year award went to Obama.
So what is her plan? Please don't say "small government" or "freedom" or "states rights" or "support our troops" or any of that shit. The GOP has made those phrases completely meaningless with their hypocritical lip service to them while their actions demonstrate everything but those things.

What will she actually DO if she gets to Washington? What are her plans? Is she just going to vote the GOP way 99.9 percent of the time? If so, then that is less than impressive, and actually a reason not to vote for her.

I want to see a firebrand who is ready to take out the trash that is cluttering up the GOP.

Pretty much.

Her policy positions are vacuous, inane TPM talking points, devoid of fact or evidence in support.

Just another mindless TPM clone.

Harry Reid belongs to the TPM ??????????
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

I have to wonder how much self-loathing a black woman has to have to join a whacked out cult that calls her skin color a curse from God in the Faux Bible.

Say what you want about Ben Carson and other Republican Uncle Toms, at least they know they are scamming people.
Republican star Mia Love gets second chance to make political history - Business Insider

I'll wait to hear the names people will call her for being so traditional and black.

I could care less if she was gay and muslim.

She's for what I want.......

I have to wonder how much self-loathing a black woman has to have to join a whacked out cult that calls her skin color a curse from God in the Faux Bible.

Say what you want about Ben Carson and other Republican Uncle Toms, at least they know they are scamming people.

We have much fewer Tom's in our party, yours is filled with white ones.
I don't particularly like her politics but at least she presents herself well - unlike most of the hayseed buffoons this state likes to elect.

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