Michael Brown family's church burned to the ground. Pastor blames white people

If he can blame white people for burning his church down with no supporting evidence than I can
accuse him of burning his own church down for the insurance money.
The pastor had been giving virulent anti white sermons he could not see Ferguson burn without being part of it.
As if these poor people haven't had enough injustice. I think its possible for the scum sucking white supremacists to take us right back to what we used to see in the south.

I hope they catch those responsible and put them asses in jail.

Right up there with black supremacists...


Does the pastor of the church have the slightest shred of evidence that so-called White Supremacists did this?

Would so-called White Supremacists have even traveled into such Black-dominated areas of town on a hot-and-heavy Protest or Rioting night?

Would so-called White Supremacists have even been aware of this church, or the membership of Brown's newly-baptized step-father - a new arrival into that church?

Those 'White Supremacists' must be highly organized and possessing an extraordinary operational intelligence system - rather atypical for such home-spun groups, isn't it?

Who knows?

Maybe White Supremacists did, indeed, do it.

But we don't know that yet... hell, it could have been the pastor, sniffing-around for insurance money... all of that is 'unknown' at this point.

Meanwhile... I think I'll wait for the local and Federal investigation findings, before going-off half-cocked and playing Trash-the-White-Folk.
They hate civilization
They hate laws
They hate Police
They hate evidence

SO yeah, they hate whites. Racist bastards.
Racists come in all colors.

"They" don't exist.

Learn to judge individuals, not groups.

Life will be easier.
Not a shred of evidence for this conspiracy theory but libs don't care.
Church attended by Michael Brown s family destroyed during Monday night s protests Daily Mail Online

nov 25 2014
The Missouri church attended by Michael Brown’s father and his family was one of a dozen or so buildings burned to the ground during Monday night’s protests in the wake of a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson.

Pastor Carlton Lee, who has been a vocal advocate for the Browns since their son was shot in August, has said he believes that white supremacists rather than protesters were to blame for the destruction.

Rev. Lee told NBC News that he believes his church was targeted because he has repeatedly called for the arrest of Officer Wilson.

'I'm very vocal in regards to the Michael Brown case,' said Lee, who has participated in rallies and press conferences with Michael Brown Sr. and claims to have received 71 death threats

and remember Bush and Cheney blew up the dams in N.O.
Levees, not dams.

Levees controlled by the Landrieu machine for decades before they failed the first good test.
As if these poor people haven't had enough injustice. I think its possible for the scum sucking white supremacists to take us right back to what we used to see in the south.

I hope they catch those responsible and put them asses in jail.

It should be rather easy to catch a group of white guys in a town where a majority of the people are black. With the National Guard presence, 100 FBI agents, LEO from surrounding towns as well as the Missouri Highway Patrol in town, they would be easy to catch. Of course if they were black thugs, not so easy.

The Pastor has no problem, since even if they didn't have insurance, the sympathy factor will make that one of the richest Churches in town after the donations are collected.
Then you're an idiot because anyone can see whites are superior. Why are nearly all white countries advanced and all black countries in the stone age.? THINK

The human species has been around for 500,000 years. just because one tribe got to the gunpowder a few centuries earlier and abused all the others is nothing to be proud of.

If anything, White Folks have a real evolutionary problem. We are dying out. We are an increasingly smaller portion of the world's population.
Then you're an idiot because anyone can see whites are superior. Why are nearly all white countries advanced and all black countries in the stone age.? THINK

The human species has been around for 500,000 years. just because one tribe got to the gunpowder a few centuries earlier and abused all the others is nothing to be proud of.


HAHAHA. So the existence of gunpowder explains why whites are able to build computers and cell phones while blacks can't? Get help please.
The headline says -
Protestors torched Michael Brown family's church during Monday night's Ferguson protests as pastor blames white supremacists

Read more: Church attended by Michael Brown s family destroyed during Monday night s protests Daily Mail Online
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The OP left out white supremacists, it's key.

Why, its almost like the OP lied in order to further his white supremacist agenda.

The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. Address the issue - why is this pastor blaming white people when he has no evidence.
I think the answer is obvious. Its just too embarrassing to admit that his own people did it. Even the pastors in Ferguson are dishonest. What a shame.
I think the answer is obvious. Its just too embarrassing to admit that his own people did it. Even the pastors in Ferguson are dishonest. What a shame.

And he knows the media won't call him on his groundless accusation. Blacks are always free to blame every problem on whitey.
As if these poor people haven't had enough injustice. I think its possible for the scum sucking white supremacists to take us right back to what we used to see in the south.

I hope they catch those responsible and put them asses in jail.
These poor people incited riots. Where is the sympathy for the innocent business owners who lost their property because of it? There is still no excuse for burning down the church.

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