Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

I said he was still charging when the final round hit him, that automatically means he was still charging when the three before that one him him.

Was Wilson supposed to shit him just a few time and then if he kept charging say fuck it and let the guy either get a hold of him, or get away?
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
Ayup, and Brown was still charging until that final round hit him
You mean the final four shots. Two to the chest two to the head.

I said he was still charging when the final round hit him, that automatically means he was still charging when the three before that one him him.

Was Wilson supposed to shit him just a few time and then if he kept charging say fuck it and let the guy either get a hold of him, or get away?
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?


Only if you were the one wearing the badge, ravtard.
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.
You mean the final four shots. Two to the chest two to the head.

I said he was still charging when the final round hit him, that automatically means he was still charging when the three before that one him him.

Was Wilson supposed to shit him just a few time and then if he kept charging say fuck it and let the guy either get a hold of him, or get away?
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
I'm an adrenaline junky.. got so much of it when I was younger that I learned the ability to turn it on anytime I want. Clench jaw half breath hold and .. here comes the adrenaline... Not as easy to turn off in a fight though.
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
Which is my point. A guy like Barney Fife in that neighborhood, running solo, was a really, really, bad idea. Another Zimmerman who can't fight for shit kills someone cause he's scared. If you or I were at that shop earlier this story ends there too. Bad ass walks off with a puffy chest from his take. He needed to be taken down a notch at the shop.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I said he was still charging when the final round hit him, that automatically means he was still charging when the three before that one him him.

Was Wilson supposed to shit him just a few time and then if he kept charging say fuck it and let the guy either get a hold of him, or get away?
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
I'm an adrenaline junky.. got so much of it when I was younger that I learned the ability to turn it on anytime I want. Clench jaw half breath hold and .. here comes the adrenaline... Not as easy to turn off in a fight though.

Exactly, now imagine you'd already been in a fight, and got your ass kicked, AND that you've already shot this guy 4 fucking times and he's barreling down on you.

You and I both know that it would be nearly impossible for a highly trained marksman (which most cops aren't and certainly Wilson isn't) to ascertain that the threat was over after the 6th round hit him.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I'm right, but it's all legal like. The cops have the right to execute you if they are afraid for their lives.
I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.

So, only retards ever need pull their guns? That's just ignorant Ravi.

I'm a 9th dan in Akido dear, and even at that I guarantee you there are situations where I would use my gun. I can fight, and fight well, but that means knowing there is ALWAYS someone out there who can kick your ass.

Nowhere in a cop's job description does it say "can defend self unless deadly force is needed"

Now, as I've said before I wouldn't have had to have used deadly force to stop Brown, I would have destroyed his knee and then cuffed him to his walker he would need for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean Wilson was capable of doing the same.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I'm right, but it's all legal like. The cops have the right to execute you if they are afraid for their lives.

No different than you Mike, if you fear for your life, you may kill your attacker. True or not true?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.

So, only retards ever need pull their guns? That's just ignorant Ravi.

I'm a 9th dan in Akido dear, and even at that I guarantee you there are situations where I would use my gun. I can fight, and fight well, but that means knowing there is ALWAYS someone out there who can kick your ass.

Nowhere in a cop's job description does it say "can defend self unless deadly force is needed"

Now, as I've said before I wouldn't have had to have used deadly force to stop Brown, I would have destroyed his knee and then cuffed him to his walker he would need for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean Wilson was capable of doing the same.
Blah, blah, blah. Wilson should not have ever been a cop.
no not necessarily... I think it's important to mention it was four shots in rapid succession as he fell to the ground. The two to the chest where frontal. The two to the top of the head that occurred as he was falling down went into the top of his head. In translation... he was not charging on the last four shots he was going down on the first two of the last four shots. The last two were "overkill."

I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
I'm an adrenaline junky.. got so much of it when I was younger that I learned the ability to turn it on anytime I want. Clench jaw half breath hold and .. here comes the adrenaline... Not as easy to turn off in a fight though.

Exactly, now imagine you'd already been in a fight, and got your ass kicked, AND that you've already shot this guy 4 fucking times and he's barreling down on you.

You and I both know that it would be nearly impossible for a highly trained marksman (which most cops aren't and certainly Wilson isn't) to ascertain that the threat was over after the 6th round hit him.
Hmm... so that's you stance and it's an interesting argument.

But let's sum up.

1) he's an excellent marksman or not
2) brown is moving forward or "barreling down..." at a run

I put it to you that if brown is "barreling down" then Wilson would have to be an excellent marksman to hit 4 shots in 1.7 seconds at a running target including two to the dome...

So either he's a great marksman, god was helping him shoot straight, or ... brown was barely starting to move forward one last time ...

If barely moving wilson had more time... if running wilson is one helluva shot.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I'm right, but it's all legal like. The cops have the right to execute you if they are afraid for their lives.

No different than you Mike, if you fear for your life, you may kill your attacker. True or not true?
Define fear for my life. What brown did... no.. That kid was big but not scary. Now if brown had a gun, a knife, bat etc. and indicated he was gonna use it to kill me.. ok yeah I'll put one in ya. Then I'll see if that slowed ya down. Course I'll put the slug in a place that changes the game significantly. I doubt I'd ever need to fire 12 times on an unarmed teenage punk.
We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.

So, only retards ever need pull their guns? That's just ignorant Ravi.

I'm a 9th dan in Akido dear, and even at that I guarantee you there are situations where I would use my gun. I can fight, and fight well, but that means knowing there is ALWAYS someone out there who can kick your ass.

Nowhere in a cop's job description does it say "can defend self unless deadly force is needed"

Now, as I've said before I wouldn't have had to have used deadly force to stop Brown, I would have destroyed his knee and then cuffed him to his walker he would need for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean Wilson was capable of doing the same.
Blah, blah, blah. Wilson should not have ever been a cop.

I don't disagree with you, in fact Mike and I agreed on that what at least a week ago.

But "Wilson shouldn't have been a cop " doesn't equal "Wilson shouldn't have shot Brown"

I of course don't expect you to honest enogh to admit that.

PS - If every person who couldn't physically outfight a M Brown shouldn't be a cop, then you'd rarely see a female cop.

Seems kinda sexist to me.
I am willing to concede that as a possibility , but what does that change?

And do you understand why a shooter might fire off four rounds in that situation when 2 would have done the job?
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
I'm an adrenaline junky.. got so much of it when I was younger that I learned the ability to turn it on anytime I want. Clench jaw half breath hold and .. here comes the adrenaline... Not as easy to turn off in a fight though.

Exactly, now imagine you'd already been in a fight, and got your ass kicked, AND that you've already shot this guy 4 fucking times and he's barreling down on you.

You and I both know that it would be nearly impossible for a highly trained marksman (which most cops aren't and certainly Wilson isn't) to ascertain that the threat was over after the 6th round hit him.
Hmm... so that's you stance and it's an interesting argument.

But let's sum up.

1) he's an excellent marksman or not
2) brown is moving forward or "barreling down..." at a run

I put it to you that if brown is "barreling down" then Wilson would have to be an excellent marksman to hit 4 shots in 1.7 seconds at a running target including two to the dome...

So either he's a great marksman, god was helping him shoot straight, or ... brown was barely starting to move forward one last time ...

If barely moving wilson had more time... if running wilson is one helluva shot.

Your "expert marksman" theory is only viable IF Wilson's last four rounds all hit where Wilson was aiming.

First of all, they didn't hit where he was aiming, because we KNOW that LEOs are trained to fire for center mass, not the top of the head, or an arm.

Second of all, I've seen no evidence to suggest that Wilson's last 4 rounds even hit Brown. For all we know he fired 7 rounds and 4 were of those were the last 4 hit that hit Brown. There were shell casings everywhere.
Sure I know. So should have Wilson since he fucking got paid to know.

Were you a trigger happy mp?

No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.

So, only retards ever need pull their guns? That's just ignorant Ravi.

I'm a 9th dan in Akido dear, and even at that I guarantee you there are situations where I would use my gun. I can fight, and fight well, but that means knowing there is ALWAYS someone out there who can kick your ass.

Nowhere in a cop's job description does it say "can defend self unless deadly force is needed"

Now, as I've said before I wouldn't have had to have used deadly force to stop Brown, I would have destroyed his knee and then cuffed him to his walker he would need for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean Wilson was capable of doing the same.
Blah, blah, blah. Wilson should not have ever been a cop.

I don't disagree with you, in fact Mike and I agreed on that what at least a week ago.

But "Wilson shouldn't have been a cop " doesn't equal "Wilson shouldn't have shot Brown"

I of course don't expect you to honest enogh to admit that.

PS - If every person who couldn't physically outfight a M Brown shouldn't be a cop, then you'd rarely see a female cop.

Seems kinda sexist to me.
I've known some bad ass women. My daughter would've beat the shit out of Brown. ROFL There's a place for cops like wilson, but that beat, ... by himself,... recipe for disaster.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I'm right, but it's all legal like. The cops have the right to execute you if they are afraid for their lives.

It is correct and it was legal. The Grand Jury got this one right. The weighed the evidence, they saw far more than you, they interviewed witnesses one on one, more than you. They saw the forensics and saw that Brown was charging, brown presented a dangerous threat and he was shot with in the law. You have nothing but assumptions based on limited evidence.
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

If what you claim is the case, then the Feds might try coming in but I doubt it since you are absolutely wrong.
I'm right, but it's all legal like. The cops have the right to execute you if they are afraid for their lives.

No different than you Mike, if you fear for your life, you may kill your attacker. True or not true?
Define fear for my life. What brown did... no.. That kid was big but not scary. Now if brown had a gun, a knife, bat etc. and indicated he was gonna use it to kill me.. ok yeah I'll put one in ya. Then I'll see if that slowed ya down. Course I'll put the slug in a place that changes the game significantly. I doubt I'd ever need to fire 12 times on an unarmed teenage punk.

Mike, I'm not that big 6' 200 lbs . If I beat your ass the way the Brown beat Wilson's ass in the car and then back for more, you'd be scared.

If the situation were reversed, I'd be scared. Fear is natural. Fear is no reason to say someone shouldn't be a cop.
No, I never even drew my weapon. But, I'm not Wilson.
So you aren't a retard. Good to know.

So, only retards ever need pull their guns? That's just ignorant Ravi.

I'm a 9th dan in Akido dear, and even at that I guarantee you there are situations where I would use my gun. I can fight, and fight well, but that means knowing there is ALWAYS someone out there who can kick your ass.

Nowhere in a cop's job description does it say "can defend self unless deadly force is needed"

Now, as I've said before I wouldn't have had to have used deadly force to stop Brown, I would have destroyed his knee and then cuffed him to his walker he would need for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean Wilson was capable of doing the same.
Blah, blah, blah. Wilson should not have ever been a cop.

I don't disagree with you, in fact Mike and I agreed on that what at least a week ago.

But "Wilson shouldn't have been a cop " doesn't equal "Wilson shouldn't have shot Brown"

I of course don't expect you to honest enogh to admit that.

PS - If every person who couldn't physically outfight a M Brown shouldn't be a cop, then you'd rarely see a female cop.

Seems kinda sexist to me.
I've known some bad ass women. My daughter would've beat the shit out of Brown. ROFL There's a place for cops like wilson, but that beat, ... by himself,... recipe for disaster.

I've known some bad ass women to, as a rule a 6'5 300' man is going to kick the shit out of a woman though.

And yes, I think it was a mistake to have him out there solo.
Poor training?

We're talking about Wilson here dear, not you.

Do you know what adrenaline does to a body? If not, go away the adults are talking.
I'm an adrenaline junky.. got so much of it when I was younger that I learned the ability to turn it on anytime I want. Clench jaw half breath hold and .. here comes the adrenaline... Not as easy to turn off in a fight though.

Exactly, now imagine you'd already been in a fight, and got your ass kicked, AND that you've already shot this guy 4 fucking times and he's barreling down on you.

You and I both know that it would be nearly impossible for a highly trained marksman (which most cops aren't and certainly Wilson isn't) to ascertain that the threat was over after the 6th round hit him.
Hmm... so that's you stance and it's an interesting argument.

But let's sum up.

1) he's an excellent marksman or not
2) brown is moving forward or "barreling down..." at a run

I put it to you that if brown is "barreling down" then Wilson would have to be an excellent marksman to hit 4 shots in 1.7 seconds at a running target including two to the dome...

So either he's a great marksman, god was helping him shoot straight, or ... brown was barely starting to move forward one last time ...

If barely moving wilson had more time... if running wilson is one helluva shot.

Your "expert marksman" theory is only viable IF Wilson's last four rounds all hit where Wilson was aiming.

First of all, they didn't hit where he was aiming, because we KNOW that LEOs are trained to fire for center mass, not the top of the head, or an arm.

Second of all, I've seen no evidence to suggest that Wilson's last 4 rounds even hit Brown. For all we know he fired 7 rounds and 4 were of those were the last 4 hit that hit Brown. There were shell casings everywhere.

See more information needed. Not really clear what happened is it? There are a number of very "plausible" scenarios for the last shots. Either way does not matter the law is clear the cop unloads 12 bullets at an unarmed scary looking teen and goes skate free cause he was scared. Citizen does that.. and they go to jail, directly to jail..

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