Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

Why do you continue to jump the shark on contextual aspects of basic concepts? The term "premeditated" means that it was specifically planned and orchestrated, not that Wilson thought about his actions in the heat of the moment. The definition you've applied to "premeditated" would mean that any shooting that isn't accidental would be premeditated. Obviously, we are all smart enough to realize that cannot be the case.

There is nothing in any Missouri law or any other constitutional law about executing citizens. Obviously, you're not mature enough to discuss this topic with the understanding that grown ups understand what our laws say and you can't pretend our laws are allowing something they don't allow and can't allow under the constitution.
Wilson said it was premeditated ya dumb ass.
You know what I say to that?

Tough shit

If that kid is too stupid to know not to charge a man who has a gun, tough shit.
of course it's tough shit... and it's all legal like... and welcome to the next generation of domestic terrorists

Sorry you feel a cop using whatever tools are necessary to protect himself equals domestic terrorism, but you are wrong.

no... my point was guy's like Fife killing guys like brown... creates domestic terrorists... Fife's no terrorist but his actions, and our defense of them are creating more mike browns than the fife's can kill.

Hey , my preferred method is hiring guys like me and turning a blind eye when a few guys get the shit beat out of them.

That's how it was in the 60s and you didn't see people resisting arrest, especially over minor things, and you didn't see as many officer related shootings either.

What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)
They might learn to shoot first. Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

I already told you. In 22 years, I never drew my weapon (I did carry a weapon for a short time in Iraq, but unrelated to MP duty)

Why would I need to do so as a civilian police officer?

Just don't come complaining when I'm beating the shit out of people instead of shooting them.
of course it's tough shit... and it's all legal like... and welcome to the next generation of domestic terrorists

Sorry you feel a cop using whatever tools are necessary to protect himself equals domestic terrorism, but you are wrong.

no... my point was guy's like Fife killing guys like brown... creates domestic terrorists... Fife's no terrorist but his actions, and our defense of them are creating more mike browns than the fife's can kill.

Hey , my preferred method is hiring guys like me and turning a blind eye when a few guys get the shit beat out of them.

That's how it was in the 60s and you didn't see people resisting arrest, especially over minor things, and you didn't see as many officer related shootings either.

What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)
They might learn to shoot first. Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

I already told you. In 22 years, I never drew my weapon (I did carry a weapon for a short time in Iraq, but unrelated to MP duty)

Why would I need to do so as a civilian police officer?

Just don't come complaining when I'm beating the shit out of people instead of shooting them.
hint when I say they I'm not talking about you...
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

Why do you continue to jump the shark on contextual aspects of basic concepts? The term "premeditated" means that it was specifically planned and orchestrated, not that Wilson thought about his actions in the heat of the moment. The definition you've applied to "premeditated" would mean that any shooting that isn't accidental would be premeditated. Obviously, we are all smart enough to realize that cannot be the case.

There is nothing in any Missouri law or any other constitutional law about executing citizens. Obviously, you're not mature enough to discuss this topic with the understanding that grown ups understand what our laws say and you can't pretend our laws are allowing something they don't allow and can't allow under the constitution.
Wilson said it was premeditated ya dumb ass.

Please stop calling it an execution, it makes you look childish
Sorry you feel a cop using whatever tools are necessary to protect himself equals domestic terrorism, but you are wrong.

no... my point was guy's like Fife killing guys like brown... creates domestic terrorists... Fife's no terrorist but his actions, and our defense of them are creating more mike browns than the fife's can kill.

Hey , my preferred method is hiring guys like me and turning a blind eye when a few guys get the shit beat out of them.

That's how it was in the 60s and you didn't see people resisting arrest, especially over minor things, and you didn't see as many officer related shootings either.

What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)
They might learn to shoot first. Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

I already told you. In 22 years, I never drew my weapon (I did carry a weapon for a short time in Iraq, but unrelated to MP duty)

Why would I need to do so as a civilian police officer?

Just don't come complaining when I'm beating the shit out of people instead of shooting them.
hint when I say they I'm not talking about you...

but I said to hire guys LIKE me.
no... my point was guy's like Fife killing guys like brown... creates domestic terrorists... Fife's no terrorist but his actions, and our defense of them are creating more mike browns than the fife's can kill.

Hey , my preferred method is hiring guys like me and turning a blind eye when a few guys get the shit beat out of them.

That's how it was in the 60s and you didn't see people resisting arrest, especially over minor things, and you didn't see as many officer related shootings either.

What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)
They might learn to shoot first. Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

I already told you. In 22 years, I never drew my weapon (I did carry a weapon for a short time in Iraq, but unrelated to MP duty)

Why would I need to do so as a civilian police officer?

Just don't come complaining when I'm beating the shit out of people instead of shooting them.
hint when I say they I'm not talking about you...

but I said to hire guys LIKE me.
You asked: "What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)"

My response: They might learn to shoot first (as in hide in the shadows to lay in wait and shoot you.). Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.
Hey , my preferred method is hiring guys like me and turning a blind eye when a few guys get the shit beat out of them.

That's how it was in the 60s and you didn't see people resisting arrest, especially over minor things, and you didn't see as many officer related shootings either.

What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)
They might learn to shoot first. Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

I already told you. In 22 years, I never drew my weapon (I did carry a weapon for a short time in Iraq, but unrelated to MP duty)

Why would I need to do so as a civilian police officer?

Just don't come complaining when I'm beating the shit out of people instead of shooting them.
hint when I say they I'm not talking about you...

but I said to hire guys LIKE me.
You asked: "What do you think happens though if I get hired as a LEO and I beat the shit out of the first 10 punks that I come across (other than pretty soon punks in my neighborhood get the message not to fuck with me?)"

My response: They might learn to shoot first (as in hide in the shadows to lay in wait and shoot you.). Or they'll move off to easier pickings. Not much honor among men these days.

Got that right
Words mean something.
The difference is just as Boss said. It's when a death sentence is carried out.

"Execution-style" killings that are conducted outside of the law involve the pre-meditated decision that someone needs to die, for whatever reason.

There's no pre-meditation in this case, and there certainly was no conviction or death sentence. It wasn't an execution. It was an idiot getting shot because he attacked a cop. The world is better off without this moron terrorizing people.
Watch the video interview for Wilson. He quite literally admits to pre-mediated thought regarding the killing of Brown.

Wilson had plenty of time to consider his actions. The last two bullets were quite literally an execution. Legal execution, but execution nonetheless. The GJ was read an incorrect explanation regarding the law. The GJ was told that it is legal for a cop to execute a fleeing suspect.

Why do you continue to jump the shark on contextual aspects of basic concepts? The term "premeditated" means that it was specifically planned and orchestrated, not that Wilson thought about his actions in the heat of the moment. The definition you've applied to "premeditated" would mean that any shooting that isn't accidental would be premeditated. Obviously, we are all smart enough to realize that cannot be the case.

There is nothing in any Missouri law or any other constitutional law about executing citizens. Obviously, you're not mature enough to discuss this topic with the understanding that grown ups understand what our laws say and you can't pretend our laws are allowing something they don't allow and can't allow under the constitution.
Wilson said it was premeditated ya dumb ass.

No Wilson certainly did not say he premeditated the killing of Michael Brown, I don't care what you believe you read somewhere or heard. Why do you just keep on telling one lie after another? Is that an Alinsky tactic?
Welp, I guess there was no need for a grand jury, judge, or prosecutor since it was all already figured out.
I've never seen a chicken run over 30 feet after it's head was chopped off. Most don't go over 15.
It's really simple to measure the distance, and quite accurately:

Those who measured started at the fire-hydrant that was near the police car from which officer Wilson fired the deadly shots:


Distance from the driver's side door (when officer Wilson claims he fired the shots) to the fire hydrant: 17 feet.

Distance from the fire hydrant to the spot where Michael Brown was standing when he was shot: 131 feet.

131 +17 = 148.

Now, there is an angle involved between the cop car and the hydrant, which means that actual distance of 17 feet, calculated as a straight line, will be somewhat less, maybe one third less. So, the true distance may be 140 to 141 feet. The angle represented by the yellow line looks to be about 35 degrees to the plain, if you consider the straight path of the sidewalk next to the hydrant to be the plain.

The police report says 35 feet. And a police officer said TWICE in a press conference that the distance was 35 feet:

(1:13 and 6:01)

35 feet and 148 are nowhere close to each other in terms of distance. 148 feet = 49 yards, or just about one-half of a football field.

The film clearly documents the start and end points, and they can be confirmed by police photos and photos shot by witnesses on that day.

35 feet could be an argument for immediate danger for a police officer. But 148 feet? No way.

Why did the Ferguson police lie about this detail?

And if the Ferguson police have lied about this, then we must ask what else they have lied about?

You know, sometimes it's all about simple math. The Ferguson police can lie for a while, but they cannot change geography and they cannot undo so many photos and videos.


Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Good post. Thanks.
Blah, blah, blah. Wilson should not have ever been a cop.

I don't disagree with you, in fact Mike and I agreed on that what at least a week ago.

But "Wilson shouldn't have been a cop " doesn't equal "Wilson shouldn't have shot Brown"

I of course don't expect you to honest enogh to admit that.

PS - If every person who couldn't physically outfight a M Brown shouldn't be a cop, then you'd rarely see a female cop.

Seems kinda sexist to me.
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
I don't disagree with you, in fact Mike and I agreed on that what at least a week ago.

But "Wilson shouldn't have been a cop " doesn't equal "Wilson shouldn't have shot Brown"

I of course don't expect you to honest enogh to admit that.

PS - If every person who couldn't physically outfight a M Brown shouldn't be a cop, then you'd rarely see a female cop.

Seems kinda sexist to me.
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
Damn cops just need to leave people alone so that they don't start confrontations like that.
Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
Damn cops just need to leave people alone so that they don't start confrontations like that.

You people are whacked!!! Big Thug Mike Brown, his mother Leslie McSpadden & step father Louis Head are all extremely violent criminals. Officer Darren Wilson did his job correctly & did society a huge favor eliminating that thug.
I'm happy the cop "quit" and got stripped of his pension. IMO that is a good step toward the St. Louis PD reviewing their procedures.
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.

Why are the idiots protesting a legitimate Mike Brown shooting & not these other wrongful shootings?

  • Salt Lake City Colored Cop for killing Dillon Taylor for no reason?
  • Police shot to death John Crawford for shopping for a BB gun in Walmart?
  • State trooper Sean Groubert shooting Levar Jones for following orders getting his license?
Why are the idiots protesting a legitimate Mike Brown shooting & not these other wrongful shootings?

  • Salt Lake City Colored Cop for killing Dillon Taylor for no reason?
  • Police shot to death John Crawford for shopping for a BB gun in Walmart?
  • State trooper Sean Groubert shooting Levar Jones for following orders getting his license?
All those cops should be fired.
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.

Big line of bull, why was the fight through the window of the SUV if Wilson was the one attacking. You are making it up and if you think you are correct , then you are an ignorant nut job.
Why are the idiots protesting a legitimate Mike Brown shooting & not these other wrongful shootings?

  • Salt Lake City Colored Cop for killing Dillon Taylor for no reason?
  • Police shot to death John Crawford for shopping for a BB gun in Walmart?
  • State trooper Sean Groubert shooting Levar Jones for following orders getting his license?
OMFG that bb gun thing was nutz.

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