Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.

Big line of bull, why was the fight through the window of the SUV if Wilson was the one attacking. You are making it up and if you think you are correct , then you are an ignorant nut job.
Cause wilson was in an uncontrollable rage after getting cursed at and ignored.... wilson tried to kill him with his suv, Mr. Brown nicely holds the cops door shut so the enraged white guy didn't get out of the car and embarass himself further, then the enraged cop says I'm gonna shoot you and reaches for his gun. Mr. Brown had no choice but to try to stop this cray cray white boy from killing someone.

To bad you have no proof, it's your fantasy with no proof.
What part is fantasy? All I did was use writer's license with the facts.

"Writer's license"? LOL!

Wilson was not in an uncontrollable rage, nothing suggests that. Brown was found to be doing more than hold the door shut. No proof Wilson said "I'm gonna shot you.".
Nothing suggest that... other than the dead teen, the twelve shots fired, the trying to drive over the teen, and all the mistakes he made, right?
What's this "drive over the teen" business? Did Wilson testify to that like he testified he premeditated the killing of Michael Brown? You really do live in a different universe than the rest of us, don't you?
What's this "drive over the teen" business? Did Wilson testify to that like he testified he premeditated the killing of Michael Brown? You really do live in a different universe than the rest of us, don't you?

The two were walking down the middle of the street so the officer wasn't trying to protect them from cars running them over, he must have been trying to kill them. And get this:

He did so at noon, on a residential street, with 40 people watching.

The story they try to tell is seriously funny.
nice to know Wilson was such a good shot. we need more officers with excellent marksmanship skills on our police forces
Yeah. You do seem kind of sexist when you excuse Wilson's stupidity that way. It's got nothing to do with out~fighting.

Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
All your assumptions IGNORE the fact Wilson called for back up and only followed Brown. But you claim other wise you moron.
Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
All your assumptions IGNORE the fact Wilson called for back up and only followed Brown. But you claim other wise you moron.

He's trolling you lol he knows the facts and he knows it was a legit shoot.
Dear, I really fear you have brain damage

But go ahead, explain to us in your own words what Wilson did specifically that you think is stupid.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
All your assumptions IGNORE the fact Wilson called for back up and only followed Brown. But you claim other wise you moron.
bullshit.. he called it in... then backed up his car almost running them over and got in a fight instead of waiting.. then as the boys ran away told them on the radio that he had fired his weapon... then instead of waiting for backup he got out of his car and ran off after the fleeing teen.
Frankly, if Wilson was able to shoot him from 148 feet, I'm impressed ... 50 yards with a pistol is a hell of shot.

it is unlikely but it can happen

Police Officer in TX Shoots Suspect At 104 yds, Holding Horses, With Handgun -

Police Officer in TX Shoots Suspect At 104yds Holding Horses With Handgun - The Firearm Blog

That's not shooting .... that's luck.

certainly however it did prevent a mass shooting

another good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun story
And still, no one has gotten the very simple mathematical point presented in the OP that can only lead to one logical conclusion. Almost 700 postings, bitching like schoolchildren, but very little cogent thought.

What a shame.

you did not even get the title of the youtube correct

which is

Mike Brown was killed over 130 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV


Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

which is an obvious falsehood given the facts of the case
Obviously you did not see the math in the OP. The youtube title is faulty.

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if you are claiming that the cop shot brown while he was a 148 ft away from brown

you are absolutely incorrect

almost all of the casings from the officer

are down range from the SUV
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.

Big line of bull, why was the fight through the window of the SUV if Wilson was the one attacking. You are making it up and if you think you are correct , then you are an ignorant nut job.
Cause wilson was in an uncontrollable rage after getting cursed at and ignored.... wilson tried to kill him with his suv, Mr. Brown nicely holds the cops door shut so the enraged white guy didn't get out of the car and embarass himself further, then the enraged cop says I'm gonna shoot you and reaches for his gun. Mr. Brown had no choice but to try to stop this cray cray white boy from killing someone.

To bad you have no proof, it's your fantasy with no proof.
What part is fantasy? All I did was use writer's license with the facts.

"Writer's license"? LOL!

Wilson was not in an uncontrollable rage, nothing suggests that. Brown was found to be doing more than hold the door shut. No proof Wilson said "I'm gonna shot you.".

"Writer's license"? LOL!

true LOL

others call it "media evidence" the stuff cnn and such make up to sell the story line

not meant to be used in a court of law
Big line of bull, why was the fight through the window of the SUV if Wilson was the one attacking. You are making it up and if you think you are correct , then you are an ignorant nut job.
Cause wilson was in an uncontrollable rage after getting cursed at and ignored.... wilson tried to kill him with his suv, Mr. Brown nicely holds the cops door shut so the enraged white guy didn't get out of the car and embarass himself further, then the enraged cop says I'm gonna shoot you and reaches for his gun. Mr. Brown had no choice but to try to stop this cray cray white boy from killing someone.

To bad you have no proof, it's your fantasy with no proof.
What part is fantasy? All I did was use writer's license with the facts.

"Writer's license"? LOL!

Wilson was not in an uncontrollable rage, nothing suggests that. Brown was found to be doing more than hold the door shut. No proof Wilson said "I'm gonna shot you.".

"Writer's license"? LOL!

true LOL

others call it "media evidence" the stuff cnn and such make up to sell the story line

not meant to be used in a court of law
With no witness to badger, I'm left with nothing but this stupid thread.
Big line of bull, why was the fight through the window of the SUV if Wilson was the one attacking. You are making it up and if you think you are correct , then you are an ignorant nut job.
Cause wilson was in an uncontrollable rage after getting cursed at and ignored.... wilson tried to kill him with his suv, Mr. Brown nicely holds the cops door shut so the enraged white guy didn't get out of the car and embarass himself further, then the enraged cop says I'm gonna shoot you and reaches for his gun. Mr. Brown had no choice but to try to stop this cray cray white boy from killing someone.

To bad you have no proof, it's your fantasy with no proof.
What part is fantasy? All I did was use writer's license with the facts.

"Writer's license"? LOL!

Wilson was not in an uncontrollable rage, nothing suggests that. Brown was found to be doing more than hold the door shut. No proof Wilson said "I'm gonna shot you.".
Nothing suggest that... other than the dead teen, the twelve shots fired, the trying to drive over the teen, and all the mistakes he made, right?
Wow talk about doubling down on stupid.
Nobody cares about the 148 thing.........the whole nation has moved on. The protests have become a joke.......mostly hipsters who just need something to do and don't know shit about shit. Some leave because their phones die!!!

Like I said 10 days ago........nobody gives a flying fuck if it was Wilson firing at 148 miles!!! Most Americans decided long ago that Wilson displayed damn good shooting skills, particularly knocking the hat off at that distance!!:rock:
bullshit.. he called it in... then backed up his car almost running them over and got in a fight instead of waiting.. then as the boys ran away told them on the radio that he had fired his weapon... then instead of waiting for backup he got out of his car and ran off after the fleeing teen.

Waiting for backup? What was that supposed to accomplish? Backup would have simply been another evil racist cop with an evil gun and evil SUV! Then you'd have a vigilante hoard of evil racist cops gunning poor little Mikey down in cold blood.

See, I think you may be having a brain fart here... Darren Wilson wasn't some neighborhood watch guy on patrol. Cops aren't obligated to stay in their car and wait for more cops to arrive. It's also not called "getting into a fight" when you are attacked.
Killed an unarmed man that was already collapsing from shots to his chest.

Dear, that's not stupid.

That's training. IF you fire, you fire until the threat is gone. Not until "okay that's enough"

And that is EXACTLY what wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

I said I never drew my weapon, I didn't say I've not been involved with investigating shootings.

Investigated a case once were a soldier killed his wife in their home. The wife also killed him.

Picture this.

Two average sized people, him dead of lead poisoning, her dead of strangulation.

Evidence proved that she shot him twice at 18' away, one in the stomach one in the leg. She hit again at around 10' away, this time in the chest.

She shot him again this time at point blank range right into the shoulder. He still got a hold of her and strangled her.

Bullets are not some magical device that stops an attacker.

And that is EXACTLY what Wilson did. He fired until the kid stopped charging him, then the kid started charging again and Wilson resumed firing.

yes exactly was witnesses reported

FED Int Witness 48
AYUP... but he did not charge first. Let's be honest about that. The cop came after him with his SUV, then after the fight at the SUV started by the cop... Brown runs off and again Wilson comes after him with gun drawn ready to kill him, but not ready to wait for backup, or willing to back up fast enough to keep distance between them.
All your assumptions IGNORE the fact Wilson called for back up and only followed Brown. But you claim other wise you moron.
bullshit.. he called it in... then backed up his car almost running them over and got in a fight instead of waiting.. then as the boys ran away told them on the radio that he had fired his weapon... then instead of waiting for backup he got out of his car and ran off after the fleeing teen.
Well of course our cops are taught to allow perps to get away, No one teaches them to chase them, no one teaches them to follow them or keep sight of them and of course no one teaches them to defend themselves. Remind us again how Wilson shot Brown from 148 feet again.

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