Michael Cohen could and should be disbarred if he violates client privilege

it comes from Schweitzer's and Briebart's produced Book, Clinton Cash.... which has been DEBUNKED!
Really? When was it debunked?
Shit, even rightwing news has debunked that bullshit. You fucking morons are always the last to find out.

Shep Smith is a Trump hater and a homosexual.

Your lust for him aside, that still appeared on Fox News, which would not have been allowed to air if it wasn’t factual.

You are so naive. Are you saying the FOX News is a credible news source?

They are when they’re reporting the same news as all other major news outlets.

I also note, you can’t demonstrate one single word is innacurate. All you did was call Smith names. That alone proves you lost this argument.
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I'd call his treatment entrapment.
He's being squezzed but not entrapped. It's no different than a guy arrested for narcotics who is told that he could still have a life if he's got someone bigger to give up. It's not creating any crime that wouldn't be there without the squeeze.

You are forgetting he is a lawyer.
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.

That's Comey, not Cohen you stupid libtard!

Retard, when was Comey's office raided? I must've missed that.

Comey was fired when he wasn't in the office...... so no "raiding" was required.
The payoff was 100 percent legal unless Trump used campaign funds. Since he was trying to keep the issue quiet he used his own money thru a lawyer. Lawyers do this every day, really

There are no boundaries to your ignorance on campaign finance laws.

No, it does not have to be campaign funds to be illegal. Anything of value to the campaign must be reported, even if the funds come from the candidate.
He knows, he's just doing the loyal tRumpkin thing and turning a blind eye.
True you are turning a blind eye to the 150 million that Putin donated to Hillaries charity
For rosie's edification
CFIUS is comprised of representatives of nine government agencies, including Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, which Clinton headed from 2009 to 2013. The deal was approved, and Clinton could have objected, but officials privy to the deal have repeatedly stated that Clinton and other secretaries of state typically did not delve into CFIUS deals, which are usually handled below the top levels.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.
And almost all of that $145 million came from a Canadian, not from Russia. @Rosy’s an idiot who actually trolls her own threads.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Little faun admits that the hildebeast was paid off but the money came from a Canadian that was used as a conduit to funnel the cash to her so it's OOOOOOKKK!

There are no boundaries to your ignorance on campaign finance laws.

No, it does not have to be campaign funds to be illegal. Anything of value to the campaign must be reported, even if the funds come from the candidate.
He knows, he's just doing the loyal tRumpkin thing and turning a blind eye.
True you are turning a blind eye to the 150 million that Putin donated to Hillaries charity
For rosie's edification
CFIUS is comprised of representatives of nine government agencies, including Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, which Clinton headed from 2009 to 2013. The deal was approved, and Clinton could have objected, but officials privy to the deal have repeatedly stated that Clinton and other secretaries of state typically did not delve into CFIUS deals, which are usually handled below the top levels.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.
And almost all of that $145 million came from a Canadian, not from Russia. @Rosy’s an idiot who actually trolls her own threads.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Little faun admits that the hildebeast was paid off but the money came from a Canadian that was used as a conduit to funnel the cash to her so it's OOOOOOKKK!
Dayam, you are one mentally ill patient. :cuckoo:

In reality, something you’re impervious to, I actually said most of the money stemmed from a partnership between Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra. I also showed how none of the money had anything to do with the Rosatom deal and how it was arranged before Hillary was even Secretary of State.

And again, for all the flaming rightards who still don’t know any better, it didn’t come from Russia nor did it have anything to do with Russia.
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.

That's Comey, not Cohen you stupid libtard!

Retard, when was Comey's office raided? I must've missed that.

Comey was fired when he wasn't in the office...... so no "raiding" was required.
Yeah...pretty cowardly of the orange trumpkin.
How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.

That's Comey, not Cohen you stupid libtard!

Retard, when was Comey's office raided? I must've missed that.

Comey was fired when he wasn't in the office...... so no "raiding" was required.
Yeah...pretty cowardly of the orange trumpkin.

No, bannedecea, it was a smart move so Comey couldn't stash shit or delete shit like the Hildebeast did...no hammers for hard-drives and Blackberrys. I tweeted James Comey after he got the boot. I tweeted "6'10" are ya? I never knew that they could stack shit that high".......got some serious love for that one.

Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.
He "played a part in it?" You mean he was a target of the thoroughly discredited dossier? Hillary playe a far biigger part in creatning If anyone should be facing charges it's her.

You Trump hatng douchbags are a bunch of despicable irrational pieces of shit

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Discredited by who? Link to the discrediting.

It was discredited by McCabe, dumbass. He testified that none of it hade been verified. It was also proven that Cohen never went to Prague as the dossier claims.

Unverified isn't discredited. Huge difference between the two. And parts HAVE been verified, none of it discredited. None. Cohen saying he never went to Prague is not evidence of him not going to Prague.

Which parts? That is blacked out. So there is no way to know whether it's some of the anodyne background aspects of the file — or the more infamous passages.

All the same, it is significant that the Justice Department has established for its own purposes that at least some of the contents of the dossier aren't either simply false or Russian disinformation.
What You Need To Know About Russia Memo Mania: Minority Report Edition
Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.

That's Comey, not Cohen you stupid libtard!

Retard, when was Comey's office raided? I must've missed that.

Comey was fired when he wasn't in the office...... so no "raiding" was required.
Yeah...pretty cowardly of the orange trumpkin.

No, bannedecea, it was a smart move so Comey couldn't stash shit or delete shit like the Hildebeast did...no hammers for hard-drives and Blackberrys. I tweeted James Comey after he got the boot. I tweeted "6'10" are ya? I never knew that they could stack shit that high".......got some serious love for that one.


So if they allegedly got the "goods" on Comey, where are the charges? What's his alleged crime?

Comedy managed to retain the contemporaneous notes he took after his conversations with Tweety Amin. Mueller has them though, don't worry.
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

Not exactly. If Cohen was a coconspirator with Trump in illegal activities, he can be compelled to testify.

Conspired to do what, little Joe? Expose the corruption and criminality of the DNC via Wikileaks?

Yeah, you roll with that....


Said this before and will say it again...

What are you waiting for... All control is with the Trump and lackies... Where is the investigation?

There is no investigation because if it gets to court it would be laughed at...

There is a difference between Propaganda and Truth...

You are the gullible one they need to defeat the truth. You don't do evidence, you don't do facts... You will believe a rumour over a sworn testimony...

If Trump is always so right, let him take the stand and get over this... He is afraid...

Enemies of America wanted to create this discord and in you they got a willing ally... You actively try and destroy America for there enemies...

There are no boundaries to your ignorance on campaign finance laws.

No, it does not have to be campaign funds to be illegal. Anything of value to the campaign must be reported, even if the funds come from the candidate.
He knows, he's just doing the loyal tRumpkin thing and turning a blind eye.
True you are turning a blind eye to the 150 million that Putin donated to Hillaries charity
For rosie's edification
CFIUS is comprised of representatives of nine government agencies, including Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, which Clinton headed from 2009 to 2013. The deal was approved, and Clinton could have objected, but officials privy to the deal have repeatedly stated that Clinton and other secretaries of state typically did not delve into CFIUS deals, which are usually handled below the top levels.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.
And almost all of that $145 million came from a Canadian, not from Russia. @Rosy’s an idiot who actually trolls her own threads.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Little faun admits that the hildebeast was paid off but the money came from a Canadian that was used as a conduit to funnel the cash to her so it's OOOOOOKKK!
Where did he say that?
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

Not exactly. If Cohen was a coconspirator with Trump in illegal activities, he can be compelled to testify.

Conspired to do what, little Joe? Expose the corruption and criminality of the DNC via Wikileaks?

Yeah, you roll with that....


Said this before and will say it again...

What are you waiting for... All control is with the Trump and lackies... Where is the investigation?

There is no investigation because if it gets to court it would be laughed at...

There is a difference between Propaganda and Truth...

You are the gullible one they need to defeat the truth. You don't do evidence, you don't do facts... You will believe a rumour over a sworn testimony...

If Trump is always so right, let him take the stand and get over this... He is afraid...

Enemies of America wanted to create this discord and in you they got a willing ally... You actively try and destroy America for there enemies...

Trump is just as much a pariah to the establishment neocons as much as he is to the fabian socialist left. I do indeed wonder as to why the only fallout from the data dump of leaked e-mails has been simply humiliation and a black eye for the leftards. Floor Seven? Media complicity to carry Cankles over the finish line, the obstruction of a Sanders nomination?Dirty tactics like trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies? Is it not those revelations that are being blamed for her loss? And that it HAD to be the Rooskies conspiring with Trump?

I agree that there is a difference between propaganda and truth but the question is do you? As far as sowing discord, it's the leftists, their antifa commie thug pals, the Hollyweird elites and the lamestream media doing it.

BTW, leftards are and have always been my enemy and the bane of this country....a parasitic cancer for sure. The chasm is to deep and wide for there ever to be a reconciliation. Honestly, those of your ilk turn my stomach.

Are we clear?
He knows, he's just doing the loyal tRumpkin thing and turning a blind eye.
True you are turning a blind eye to the 150 million that Putin donated to Hillaries charity
For rosie's edification
CFIUS is comprised of representatives of nine government agencies, including Defense, Homeland Security, Justice and State, which Clinton headed from 2009 to 2013. The deal was approved, and Clinton could have objected, but officials privy to the deal have repeatedly stated that Clinton and other secretaries of state typically did not delve into CFIUS deals, which are usually handled below the top levels.

The main question is: At the time of the deal’s consummation, did the Clinton Foundation and the former president himself, receive money from the Russians to grease the wheels for the deal?

Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.
And almost all of that $145 million came from a Canadian, not from Russia. @Rosy’s an idiot who actually trolls her own threads.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Little faun admits that the hildebeast was paid off but the money came from a Canadian that was used as a conduit to funnel the cash to her so it's OOOOOOKKK!
Where did he say that?
I didn’t.

Delusional dale is simply batshit crazy. :cuckoo:
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.
What university do you attend to become a "rocket surgeon"?
Stop making yourself look like a fucking idiot every time you post.
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.
What university do you attend to become a "rocket surgeon"?
Stop making yourself look like a fucking idiot every time you post.
danny boy ,,the pipes are calling
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.
What university do you attend to become a "rocket surgeon"?
Stop making yourself look like a fucking idiot every time you post.

Not sure about university requirements, but it is possible. Who knew?
rocket surgeon - Bing video
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.
He "played a part in it?" You mean he was a target of the thoroughly discredited dossier? Hillary playe a far biigger part in creatning If anyone should be facing charges it's her.

You Trump hatng douchbags are a bunch of despicable irrational pieces of shit

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

the dossier has been verified for the most part--- names, dates,& locations because of previously known intel that the FBI already had EXCEPT for the pee pee tapes which is only unsubstantiated. that doesn't mean it exists or maybe it doesn't.

ROFL! That's a complete fucking lie. Precisely the opposite is the case. McCabe in testimony to the Intelligence committee that virtually none of it had been verified, and what had been verified was common knowledge.

You're the sleaziest kind of liar. You keep posting the same lies over and over and over - lies that have already been debunked in this forum 1000 times.

Who do you think you're fooling?


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