Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

guilty of what, a campaign donation violation? what is the penalty for that and how does it involve Russia?

It would be an unreported contribution in kind to the campaign if done for political purposes (which since Dennision boinking a porn star occurred in 2006 and the $130,000 paid just 11 days before the election it would be relevant to the campaign).

"FECA contains its own criminal sanctions, which in turn provide that, to be a crime, a FECA violation must have been committed knowingly and willfully and, except for campaign misrepresentations and certain coerced contributions, must have involved at least $2,000 in a calendar year. 2 U.S.C. § 437g(d). Prior to BCRA, all FECA crimes were one-year misdemeanors. However, for FECA crimes that occur on or after November 6, 2002 (when BCRA took effect), those aggregating $25,000 or more are five-year felonies, and those that involve illegal conduit contributions and aggregate over $10,000 are two-year felonies."​

so if Cohen did not properly document the payment he might get 5 years. What if he did properly document it? What happens to the FBI for breaking into his house, office, and hotel room? Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?
Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?

You dopes ask the dumbest questions ever.
Is there anything you understand about the world? Christ almighty.

It's called probable cause.

Neither Cohen nor the Trump campaign reported the payoff. How do we know? It's publicly available information.


Public Records Branch
The Public Records Branch is responsible for ensuring public access to federal campaign finance reports, data and other Commission documents on the public record, such as enforcement cases, advisory opinions, audits, and meeting documents. The branch also compiles and provides data from state election offices about election dates, candidates on the ballot and federal election results. The staff responds to public inquiries and provides research assistance to those who call, e-mail or visit the Public Records office.

yeah, ok. But why was Mueller looking into it? His charter was to look for Russian influence in the 2016 election. Is Cohen Russian? Is stormy Russian?

its a witch hunt trying to find a way to discredit trump. That's all it has ever been and you know it but cant admit it to even yourself.
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?
Easy for you to say now that it's happening to your side. Can you post a link to any post of yours expressing that sentiment prior to Mueller's investigation?

I don't think I was on this board back then, but that's always been my opinion. I don't give a shit if you believe it.
LOL yeah you do give one the belief you're a very fair guy, one who is willing to speak up when both sides mess up
guilty of what, a campaign donation violation? what is the penalty for that and how does it involve Russia?

It would be an unreported contribution in kind to the campaign if done for political purposes (which since Dennision boinking a porn star occurred in 2006 and the $130,000 paid just 11 days before the election it would be relevant to the campaign).

"FECA contains its own criminal sanctions, which in turn provide that, to be a crime, a FECA violation must have been committed knowingly and willfully and, except for campaign misrepresentations and certain coerced contributions, must have involved at least $2,000 in a calendar year. 2 U.S.C. § 437g(d). Prior to BCRA, all FECA crimes were one-year misdemeanors. However, for FECA crimes that occur on or after November 6, 2002 (when BCRA took effect), those aggregating $25,000 or more are five-year felonies, and those that involve illegal conduit contributions and aggregate over $10,000 are two-year felonies."​

so if Cohen did not properly document the payment he might get 5 years. What if he did properly document it? What happens to the FBI for breaking into his house, office, and hotel room? Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?
Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?

You dopes ask the dumbest questions ever.
Is there anything you understand about the world? Christ almighty.

It's called probable cause.

Neither Cohen nor the Trump campaign reported the payoff. How do we know? It's publicly available information.


Public Records Branch
The Public Records Branch is responsible for ensuring public access to federal campaign finance reports, data and other Commission documents on the public record, such as enforcement cases, advisory opinions, audits, and meeting documents. The branch also compiles and provides data from state election offices about election dates, candidates on the ballot and federal election results. The staff responds to public inquiries and provides research assistance to those who call, e-mail or visit the Public Records office.

yeah, ok. But why was Mueller looking into it? His charter was to look for Russian influence in the 2016 election. Is Cohen Russian? Is stormy Russian?

its a witch hunt trying to find a way to discredit trump. That's all it has ever been and you know it but cant admit it to even yourself.

In the course of the investigation, Mueller came upon potential crimes by Cohen. He referred it to Rosenstein who referred it to the federal prosecutors in the appropriate district. It was they who decided a warrant and raid were necessary to their investigation.
guilty of what, a campaign donation violation? what is the penalty for that and how does it involve Russia?

It would be an unreported contribution in kind to the campaign if done for political purposes (which since Dennision boinking a porn star occurred in 2006 and the $130,000 paid just 11 days before the election it would be relevant to the campaign).

"FECA contains its own criminal sanctions, which in turn provide that, to be a crime, a FECA violation must have been committed knowingly and willfully and, except for campaign misrepresentations and certain coerced contributions, must have involved at least $2,000 in a calendar year. 2 U.S.C. § 437g(d). Prior to BCRA, all FECA crimes were one-year misdemeanors. However, for FECA crimes that occur on or after November 6, 2002 (when BCRA took effect), those aggregating $25,000 or more are five-year felonies, and those that involve illegal conduit contributions and aggregate over $10,000 are two-year felonies."​

so if Cohen did not properly document the payment he might get 5 years. What if he did properly document it? What happens to the FBI for breaking into his house, office, and hotel room? Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?
Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?

You dopes ask the dumbest questions ever.
Is there anything you understand about the world? Christ almighty.

It's called probable cause.

Neither Cohen nor the Trump campaign reported the payoff. How do we know? It's publicly available information.


Public Records Branch
The Public Records Branch is responsible for ensuring public access to federal campaign finance reports, data and other Commission documents on the public record, such as enforcement cases, advisory opinions, audits, and meeting documents. The branch also compiles and provides data from state election offices about election dates, candidates on the ballot and federal election results. The staff responds to public inquiries and provides research assistance to those who call, e-mail or visit the Public Records office.

yeah, ok. But why was Mueller looking into it? His charter was to look for Russian influence in the 2016 election. Is Cohen Russian? Is stormy Russian?

its a witch hunt trying to find a way to discredit trump. That's all it has ever been and you know it but cant admit it to even yourself.

In the course of the investigation, Mueller came upon potential crimes by Cohen. He referred it to Rosenstein who referred it to the federal prosecutors in the appropriate district. It was they who decided a warrant and raid were necessary to their investigation.

what if they find nothing? are Mueller, Rosenstein and the FBI raiders liable for damages? this is what the gestapo did during the third reich. Do you seriously want America to go down that path?
Where is the nobility that was touted about this investigation-to make sure that no foreign nation can influence our elections?

Instead we are dealing with porn stars and the incredible leap that having her not blab was a campaign financing violation and undermined Hillarys ability to win

Wow. What a rudderless ship of shit
Mueller didn’t conduct the raid. :eusa_doh:

Now where’s that link proving you heard in the media Stormy he to have been paid with campaign funds for this to have been a crime...?

Mueller instigated it, don't be so naïve. CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. pick one, they all said it.
So? Who said Mueller can’t refer a potential crime it to another jurisdiction? The bottom line is that Mueller is not investigating it.

bullshit, the raid came as a result of his investigation (of Russian collusion). Face reality dude, or dudette, Mueller is on a partisan witch hunt trying to bring Trump down. Until you can deal with that reality, you are wasting our time here.
Cries the forum liar. :eusa_doh:

Mueller may not be allowed to investigate it -- but he's not. He referred the case to another jurisdiction.

don't be so fricklen stupid. How did he find the case if he did not investigate it?

you are making a fool of yourself.
What case? There was no case. That’s what the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York is investigating.
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.

worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a hundred Times worse than any President we ever had.

A baseless excuse since Cohen gave an asset valued at $130K to Trump.
He gave nothing to the Trump campaign. Please show a photocopy of the check he wrote.

He provided a benefit to the campaign. Period. There's no getting around it.

and the penalty for violating campaign finance laws is-------------------------? and how this makes Trump guilty of something is------------------------------?

Who cares and who said anything about Trump?

Oh, so Trump is not the target of Mueller's investigation? Is everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump a target? Where does this shit end? When we become El Salvador?

Yes, if they are crooks, connected to Trump.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.

worse than perjury? worse than assaulting women? worse than using a young girl in the oval office? worse than making a deal with Russians to give them 20% of our uranium? worse than lying to the American people "if you like your plan you can keep it" ? worse than illegally transmitting classified data?

You fools are so fricken desperate that you are destroying the dem party. Kennedy and Truman would be pissed.

Half of your post is right wing lies that have been fact checked,, proven wrong.

Yes, Trump is a humpndred Times worse than any President we ever had.
See that's how children, governed by feelings over not getting their way, speak
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?
Easy for you to say now that it's happening to your side. Can you post a link to any post of yours expressing that sentiment prior to Mueller's investigation?

I don't think I was on this board back then, but that's always been my opinion. I don't give a shit if you believe it.

Why would anyone believe you? You lie more than Stormy Daniels. Shit, just this morning, I caught you telling another lie. First you said to be a violation of campaign finance laws, the payoff had to be made with campaign funds. Then when that lie failed you, you blamed the left wing media for saying that. Then when challenged for proof the left wing media said that, you ran like liars do.
It would be an unreported contribution in kind to the campaign if done for political purposes (which since Dennision boinking a porn star occurred in 2006 and the $130,000 paid just 11 days before the election it would be relevant to the campaign).

"FECA contains its own criminal sanctions, which in turn provide that, to be a crime, a FECA violation must have been committed knowingly and willfully and, except for campaign misrepresentations and certain coerced contributions, must have involved at least $2,000 in a calendar year. 2 U.S.C. § 437g(d). Prior to BCRA, all FECA crimes were one-year misdemeanors. However, for FECA crimes that occur on or after November 6, 2002 (when BCRA took effect), those aggregating $25,000 or more are five-year felonies, and those that involve illegal conduit contributions and aggregate over $10,000 are two-year felonies."​

so if Cohen did not properly document the payment he might get 5 years. What if he did properly document it? What happens to the FBI for breaking into his house, office, and hotel room? Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?
Are they allowed to do that to any citizens because they think he might have done something wrong?

You dopes ask the dumbest questions ever.
Is there anything you understand about the world? Christ almighty.

It's called probable cause.

Neither Cohen nor the Trump campaign reported the payoff. How do we know? It's publicly available information.


Public Records Branch
The Public Records Branch is responsible for ensuring public access to federal campaign finance reports, data and other Commission documents on the public record, such as enforcement cases, advisory opinions, audits, and meeting documents. The branch also compiles and provides data from state election offices about election dates, candidates on the ballot and federal election results. The staff responds to public inquiries and provides research assistance to those who call, e-mail or visit the Public Records office.

yeah, ok. But why was Mueller looking into it? His charter was to look for Russian influence in the 2016 election. Is Cohen Russian? Is stormy Russian?

its a witch hunt trying to find a way to discredit trump. That's all it has ever been and you know it but cant admit it to even yourself.

In the course of the investigation, Mueller came upon potential crimes by Cohen. He referred it to Rosenstein who referred it to the federal prosecutors in the appropriate district. It was they who decided a warrant and raid were necessary to their investigation.

what if they find nothing? are Mueller, Rosenstein and the FBI raiders liable for damages? this is what the gestapo did during the third reich. Do you seriously want America to go down that path?

Neither Mueller nor Rosenstein sought the warrant, fool.
Mueller instigated it, don't be so naïve. CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. pick one, they all said it.
So? Who said Mueller can’t refer a potential crime it to another jurisdiction? The bottom line is that Mueller is not investigating it.

bullshit, the raid came as a result of his investigation (of Russian collusion). Face reality dude, or dudette, Mueller is on a partisan witch hunt trying to bring Trump down. Until you can deal with that reality, you are wasting our time here.
Cries the forum liar. :eusa_doh:

Mueller may not be allowed to investigate it -- but he's not. He referred the case to another jurisdiction.

don't be so fricklen stupid. How did he find the case if he did not investigate it?

you are making a fool of yourself.
What case? There was no case. That’s what the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York is investigating.

So freaking clueless. SmH.

A baseless excuse since Cohen gave an asset valued at $130K to Trump.
He gave nothing to the Trump campaign. Please show a photocopy of the check he wrote.

He provided a benefit to the campaign. Period. There's no getting around it.

and the penalty for violating campaign finance laws is-------------------------? and how this makes Trump guilty of something is------------------------------?

Who cares and who said anything about Trump?

Oh, so Trump is not the target of Mueller's investigation? Is everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump a target? Where does this shit end? When we become El Salvador?
Again, dumbfuck, this is not Mueller’s investigation. How many times do you need to be informed of that until you learn?
He gave nothing to the Trump campaign. Please show a photocopy of the check he wrote.

He provided a benefit to the campaign. Period. There's no getting around it.

and the penalty for violating campaign finance laws is-------------------------? and how this makes Trump guilty of something is------------------------------?

Who cares and who said anything about Trump?

Oh, so Trump is not the target of Mueller's investigation? Is everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump a target? Where does this shit end? When we become El Salvador?

Yes, if they are crooks, connected to Trump.
trump has always dealt with crooks and grifters Why would anyone think he'd stop now?
Where is the nobility that was touted about this investigation-to make sure that no foreign nation can influence our elections?

Instead we are dealing with porn stars and the incredible leap that having her not blab was a campaign financing violation and undermined Hillarys ability to win

Wow. What a rudderless ship of shit
The Stormy-Cohen thing is not being investigated by Mueller. Rather Cohen is a person the NY FBI office is looking at, probably because of financial payoffs and bank withdrawls.

Just because Trump possibly conspired with the Ruskies to fkc with people's information, doesn't mean his lawyer gets a free pass, or that Trump does either if he told his lawyer to break laws.

Hey, it may end with a bj. There are worse ways to end. (-:
He gave nothing to the Trump campaign. Please show a photocopy of the check he wrote.

He provided a benefit to the campaign. Period. There's no getting around it.

and the penalty for violating campaign finance laws is-------------------------? and how this makes Trump guilty of something is------------------------------?

Who cares and who said anything about Trump?

Oh, so Trump is not the target of Mueller's investigation? Is everyone who ever had any dealings with Trump a target? Where does this shit end? When we become El Salvador?
Again, dumbfuck, this is not Mueller’s investigation. How many times do you need to be informed of that until you learn?
You could draw them a picture ..... nevermind, it wouldn't help. LOL
Cohen fixed the porn star problem

What else has he had to fix?

you are the fricken expert, you tell us.

Why don’t we let Mueller tell us

If he had anything, he would already have told us. Its been over a year and NOTHING except wasting taxpayer money.

It has not even been 1 year. Ken Starr investigation went on for about 5 1/2 to 6 years. Buckle up it is gonna get jiggy!!!!

so the goal is for Mueller to waste as much money as Starr, and focus on sexual improprieties? What a great way to spend taxpayer money.
No, the goal is to fully investigate this and to get it right, even if that takes years

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