Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Mueller instigated it, don't be so naïve. CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. pick one, they all said it.
So? Who said Mueller can’t refer a potential crime it to another jurisdiction? The bottom line is that Mueller is not investigating it.

bullshit, the raid came as a result of his investigation (of Russian collusion). Face reality dude, or dudette, Mueller is on a partisan witch hunt trying to bring Trump down. Until you can deal with that reality, you are wasting our time here.
Cries the forum liar. :eusa_doh:

Mueller may not be allowed to investigate it -- but he's not. He referred the case to another jurisdiction.
but mueller can investigate it if he had the time or wanted to...his federal mandate included ANY crimes he comes across while conducting his Russian interference investigation.... he CAN NOT turn a blind eye to other crimes not related to the Russians.... so he really has no choice but to investigate those crimes or pass them on to someone else....

This is a State Investigation now. Mueller just turned over info. This is not Federal.

They do that you know when they find info.
No MaryAnne, that's not true....it is a FEDERAL COURT.

The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (in case citations, S.D.N.Y.) is a federal district court.
She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.

there is nothing illegal about paying a person to sign an NDA.

It becomes illegal when it's done to benefit a campaign and is not reported. Do you think Cohen believed he was helping Trump's campaign by doing this?

Types of contributions

Contributions are the most common source of campaign support.

A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. It is important to understand which receipts are considered contributions because:

  • Contributions count toward the thresholdthat determines whether an individual has qualified as a candidate under the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act).
  • Contributions are subject to the Act’s prohibitions against contributions from certain sources.
  • Contributions are subject to the Act’s limits on the amount of contributions.

Like all receipts, contributions are also subject to the Act’s recordkeeping andreporting requirements.

Read more.

Types of contributions - FEC.gov

even if true, what is the penalty and how does it relate to Russian collusion? Is Stormy a Russian secret agent? WTF ?

It's quite true.
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
Just in case anyone still has any remaining doubts that bripat9643 is the biggest fucking moron on the forum, allow me to squash all doubts for ya...

Pardon Information and Instructions | PARDON | Department of Justice

2. Federal convictions only

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. In addition, the President's pardon power extends to convictions adjudicated in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and military court-martial proceedings. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense.
She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.
Then you agree he didn't work for the Trump campaign.

It doesn't matter, fool. If I had given the Trump campaign a $130k benefit without reporting it, I'd be just as guilty.
Cohen didn't give Trump $130K

A "130k benefit", dope.

Do you think Cohen believed he was helping Trump's campaign by paying hush money?
She wasn't working for Clinton or on behalf of the Clinton campaign.
Not officially. Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign. All you delusional snowflakes are saying Cohen should go to prison, but when Lisa Bloom is mentioned you can barely stifle a big yawn.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Neither was Michael Cohen working for the Trump campaign.

He just worked for Trump directly who also happened to be the Republican nominee, fool.
Then you agree he didn't work for the Trump campaign.

It doesn't matter, fool. If I had given the Trump campaign a $130k benefit without reporting it, I'd be just as guilty.

guilty of what, a campaign donation violation? what is the penalty for that and how does it involve Russia?
Who says it needs to involve Russia?
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
President Trump has skirted the law his whole life, and now it seems KARMA has caught up with him....:eek:
I wonder if Peter Struck and his girlfriend are on the 'clean team'?
NOBODY "pushed" Clinton to lie under oath about fucking an intern.
Bill did it all by himself.
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
They "pushed him into lying about it?" You mean mean by testifying in a legal proceeding under oath? How dare they demand that he tell the truth!

Those bastards!

Actually, lying is an individual right. That is the only way to avoid self incrimination, which is listed in the Bill of Rights.
{... … no persons shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. ... }
And that does not mean that the person can refuse to testify, because that would still mean you would have to admit your crimes every time they asked you about everything, and then they would know by everything you refuse to talk about.

The facts are that lying has to always be legal as long as it is not fraud that harms someone else.
Courts so not have standing to deal with perjury again a court because a court is not an individual and has no rights.
Tell me who would be harmed by the Daniels pay off, and only then can you prosecute.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
President Trump has skirted the law his whole life, and now it seems KARMA has caught up with him....:eek:
I wonder if Peter Struck and his girlfriend are on the 'clean team'?
NOBODY "pushed" Clinton to lie under oath about fucking an intern.
Bill did it all by himself.

Actually that is not true.
Lewinski should never have been forced to testify in the Paula Jones case, and the goal was to get Clinton to look bad over what had nothing at all to do with the Paula Jones case. And technically he did not lie because he got the prosecutor to define sex as vaginal, leaving out oral.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
They "pushed him into lying about it?" You mean mean by testifying in a legal proceeding under oath? How dare they demand that he tell the truth!

Those bastards!

Actually, lying is an individual right. That is the only way to avoid self incrimination, which is listed in the Bill of Rights.
{... … no persons shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. ... }
And that does not mean that the person can refuse to testify, because that would still mean you would have to admit your crimes every time they asked you about everything, and then they would know by everything you refuse to talk about.

The facts are that lying has to always be legal as long as it is not fraud that harms someone else.
Courts so not have standing to deal with perjury again a court because a court is not an individual and has no rights.
Tell me who would be harmed by the Daniels pay off, and only then can you prosecute.
A LIB will claim that the entire country was harmed when Trump was elected President.
They will also claim that Trump and his Russian puppet masters somehow were able to hide the state of Wisconsin so Hillary couldn't campaign there.
Do you really understand the philosophy of fascism?
As you try to quote it all the time...look it up once.
Hell, let me do it for you, you lazy follower of "the peemeister."
Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political ideology that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often claims to be concerned with notions of cultural decline or decadence, and seeks to achieve a national rebirth by suppressing the interests of the individual, and instead promoting cults of unity, energy and purity.

This sure sounds like your guild.
Stop trying to pretend how intelligent you are it only digs the hole deeper for you. Soon you will never see the light of day.
All history is only one long story to this effect: men have struggled for power over their fellow-men in order that they might win the joys of earth at the expense of others and might shift the burdens of life from their own shoulders upon those of others.

William Graham Sumner

Progressives will soon rue their fascist overreach
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
Just in case anyone still has any remaining doubts that bripat9643 is the biggest fucking moron on the forum, allow me to squash all doubts for ya...

Pardon Information and Instructions | PARDON | Department of Justice

2. Federal convictions only

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. In addition, the President's pardon power extends to convictions adjudicated in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and military court-martial proceedings. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense.
it is a federal district court, Trump CAN pardon him, if charged or convicted. Rosenstein passed it on to the Southern District of New York, which is a FEDERAL district.

The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (in case citations, S.D.N.Y.) is a federal district court.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
They "pushed him into lying about it?" You mean mean by testifying in a legal proceeding under oath? How dare they demand that he tell the truth!

Those bastards!

Actually, lying is an individual right. That is the only way to avoid self incrimination, which is listed in the Bill of Rights.
{... … no persons shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself. ... }
And that does not mean that the person can refuse to testify, because that would still mean you would have to admit your crimes every time they asked you about everything, and then they would know by everything you refuse to talk about.

The facts are that lying has to always be legal as long as it is not fraud that harms someone else.


NO. Not even close but no cigar....

And ridiculously funny the lengths you Trumpsters will go to defend your god.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?

The only thing they found on Clinton was sex, then pushed him into lying about it. Even the judge said it was border line. Could be interpreted 2 ways.

Trump’s problems are much, much worse and he knows it. That is why he is screeching like a stuck pig.
President Trump has skirted the law his whole life, and now it seems KARMA has caught up with him....:eek:
I wonder if Peter Struck and his girlfriend are on the 'clean team'?
NOBODY "pushed" Clinton to lie under oath about fucking an intern.
Bill did it all by himself.
Actually they DID set him up, and this is why Clinton was acquitted for it.

It came out that the Grand Jury gave Starr's team permission to ask the question directly, no matter how vulgar it may have been....

BUT, he chose to ask the question of whether President Clinton got a blow job from Monica,

and asked in some convoluted way like, Did you have 'sexual relations' with Monica Lewinsky....

Because Starr was not direct and did not do as the Grand Jury allowed him to do, Clinton saw that as his way out....to him.... sexual relations was having intercourse with that 'woman'....not a blow job.
This spells the end of the FBI. Personally IDGAF. All I've seen them do is shut down Napster, wtf ever that thing is that Kim Dot Com ran, and backpage.

They don't do shit. Liquidate those fucks. Oops, they catch all the bank robbers. Keep that division.

All government agencies need a review and efficiency report.
We shall see if Cohen is willing to die in prison for Trump. Trump can't save Cohen with a pardon - because the New York AG is also after him.
Cohen will never go to prison as long as Trump is president. He can afford to take the fall even if Trump was involved because at the end of the day, the president still has pardoning power.

The AG of New York State is looking at state charges for Cohen and Manafort because Trump’s power to pardon only applies to federal crimes. Both men could be charged with state crimes and sent to prison and there’s nothing Trump could do to stop it.
Trump can pardon any crime. Read what the Constitution actually says:

"he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
^^^ a fucking moron who doesn’t know the difference between the United States and the individual states. :eusa_doh:

Faun calling someone a moron, priceless!

I'll give you this, you're somewhere in between Timmy, Billy000, and Statistikenheist.

It's still the derp area, but you're not as dumb as Billy000 and Timmy.
It doesn't matter, fool. If I had given the Trump campaign a $130k benefit without reporting it, I'd be just as guilty.
Cohen didn't give Trump $130K
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re just gonna flounder from one baseless excuse to the next, huh?
That's a fact, not a baseless accusation.

A baseless excuse since Cohen gave an asset valued at $130K to Trump.
He gave nothing to the Trump campaign. Please show a photocopy of the check he wrote.

He provided a benefit to the campaign. Period. There's no getting around it.
Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
Mueller didn’t conduct the raid. :eusa_doh:

Now where’s that link proving you heard in the media Stormy he to have been paid with campaign funds for this to have been a crime...?

Mueller instigated it, don't be so naïve. CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. pick one, they all said it.
So? Who said Mueller can’t refer a potential crime it to another jurisdiction? The bottom line is that Mueller is not investigating it.

bullshit, the raid came as a result of his investigation (of Russian collusion). Face reality dude, or dudette, Mueller is on a partisan witch hunt trying to bring Trump down. Until you can deal with that reality, you are wasting our time here.
Cries the forum liar. :eusa_doh:

Mueller may not be allowed to investigate it -- but he's not. He referred the case to another jurisdiction.

don't be so fricklen stupid. How did he find the case if he did not investigate it?

you are making a fool of yourself.
even if true, what is the penalty and how does it relate to Russian collusion? Is Stormy a Russian secret agent? WTF ?
Do you post anything but bullshit? Who said it was related to Russian collusion?

Muellers charter was to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election, not everything Trump or any of his friends, family, or employees did for the last 50 years.

Liberal lawyer Dershowitz has laid out the unconstitutional aspects of this several times. But I get it, you know more than he does.
And BEFORE they nailed Clinton what were they looking for ??? Nothing like what they eventually did get him on

yes, I agree, the Starr investigation was also a witch hunt and it should never have happened. Does repeating a mistake somehow get even?
Easy for you to say now that it's happening to your side. Can you post a link to any post of yours expressing that sentiment prior to Mueller's investigation?

I don't think I was on this board back then, but that's always been my opinion. I don't give a shit if you believe it.

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