Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of President Trump, is under federal investigation for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case.

FBI agents on Monday raided Cohen’s Manhattan office, home and hotel room as part of the investigation, seizing records about Cohen’s clients and personal finances. Among the records taken were those related to a 2016 payment Cohen made to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a fourth person familiar with the investigation.

Investigators took Cohen’s computer, phone and personal financial records, including tax returns, as part of the search of his office at Rockefeller Center, that person said.

In a dramatic and broad seizure, federal prosecutors collected communications between Cohen and his clients — including those between the lawyer and Trump, according to both people.

The raids — part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York — point to escalating legal jeopardy for a longtime Trump confidant who is deeply intertwined in the president’s business and personal matters.
Obviously an illegal search and siezure.
Moron thinks he knows more than the judge.
This must be the RW media’s talking point.
And you come spreading it here.
The judge knows the warrant is illegal. He just doesn't care because he's probably an Obama appointed douchebag.

That's not how the law works.

You all have known that Trump has been above the law for decades. You liked that about him. And now that his crimes are starting to come to light, all of a sudden "Crimes? What crimes? We don't see no stinkin crimes."

you really think lawyers have never been under FBI investigation before?
Sure. Has there ever been a raid on the lawyer's office, etc. gathering confidential attorney-client communications of multiple clients? I have never heard of that, and I surely suspect that most lawyers would find such action wholly intolerable. Especially criminal defense lawyers.
Hmm? Today I feel Travelers from Russia will be down 96% for the next few years.

I don't know why I feel this way.
Oh? On what grounds did they obtain their warrant?

I'm sure the grounds were incredibly flimsy, just like everything else Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler does. However, that doesn't alter the fact that any communication between Trump and his lawyer are privileged. Anything Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler learns will be thrown out of court.
Hey fuctard. The judge wouldn’t have issued a warrant unless there was much evidence that crimes were committed.
What a gullible fucking retard you are.
Yes anyone who rules against trump has to be an Obama drone or a “ gullible fucking retard.”
I so love it when you kick your own fat ass.
We all know that the attorney went judge shopping to get what he wanted.

Psychotic conspiracy theorists know. The rest of the world does not.
Mueller does not want to convict Trump of anything. What he wants to do is isolate him and make his life intolerable and his ability to govern impossible. NOT because of Trump. Oh no. Trump is just the one in the barrel. This is a lesson to be taught to every republican. Don't run for office or you will get the same.


Mueller has a deep state agenda:

Robert Mueller, Deep State Cover-Up Man

Mueller did such a good job of covering up all the crimes of the Obama administration, including Hillary Clinton’s crimes and the IRS assault on conservative and Tea Party 501(C)(3) organizations, that Obama appointed him for another two years after his ten-year term as FBI director expired, having been originally appointed by George W. Bush, presumably as a reward for covering up daddy Bush’s crimes. As FBI director he was an aggressive defender of the government’s illegal and unconstitutional spying on the phone and email correspondence of millions of Americans. His new deep state assignment is apparently to “do a Noriega” on President Trump."

just a bunch of hock-tooey!!! :D
Like the analogy I heard on MSNBC earlier tonight: The surgeon opened up the patient and realized he was full of cancer. That's probably what Mueller uncovered when he opened up the Trump investigation - that the Trump organization is full of crime. Crime everywhere.
Hmm? Today I feel Travelers from Russia will be down 96% for the next few years.

I don't know why I feel this way.

Of the 4% of Russians let out to travel outside of Russia.
You seem to be missing the point.
Who will Trump fire tonight?

He's gonna light up another empty runway in Syria.

Possibly - but many experts are worried that he'll go apeshit tonight and fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller.

If he tries a Nixon Saturday Night massacre--that would be the most direct path to impeachment. Lindsey Graham warned Trump about that one.
What was the Saturday Night Massacre?

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday that if President Donald Trump moved to fire the special counsel Robert Mueller, it would "probably" be an impeachable offense and would precipitate a constitutional crisis.
A top Republican senator just delivered a big warning to Trump on firing Mueller

Trump is really pissed off at Rod Rosenstein & Robert Mueller tonight. We can expect another 3: a.m. tweety rampage--once it sets in--:auiqs.jpg:

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Like giving Cohen $150,000.
Paying for fees and costs is not a criminal act in and of itself. And that creates an even bigger privilege hurdle.

Like paying your lawyer, to pay your hit man. That way the cash can't be traced back to you. It's attorney client privilege.

As I said, that's why Michael Cohen violated NY bar ethics rules which prohibits lawyers from paying his clients bills, unless the client is indigent.
Like the analogy I heard on MSNBC earlier tonight: The surgeon opened up the patient and realized he was full of cancer. That's probably what Mueller uncovered when he opened up the Trump investigation - that the Trump organization is full of crime. Crime everywhere.
Except they didn't find any cancer. They just suspected cancer, and kept digging and digging for hours and hours until the patient died on the operating table.

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