Michael Cohen office raided by FBI


Mark my words......

NOTHING significant will come of this.....it's a desperate end game.
Remember not long ago that Mueller publicly all but cleared Trump of the Russian witch hunt.
They are desperately trying to fulfill an agenda that Trump is not fully complying with.
Trump has not done anything reaching anywhere near a threshold for prosecution even if the
Left swears he's Satan. MANY procedural mistakes have been made. This will bring all this BS to a conclusion soon.

(You can come back to this and point fingers at me and snicker if later proven wrong if it makes you feel good)

It is my understanding that if this attempt fails they will splatter his brain all over Dealey Plaza.

Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of President Trump, is under federal investigation for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations, according to three people with knowledge of the case.

FBI agents on Monday raided Cohen’s Manhattan office, home and hotel room as part of the investigation, seizing records about Cohen’s clients and personal finances. Among the records taken were those related to a 2016 payment Cohen made to adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a fourth person familiar with the investigation.

Investigators took Cohen’s computer, phone and personal financial records, including tax returns, as part of the search of his office at Rockefeller Center, that person said.

In a dramatic and broad seizure, federal prosecutors collected communications between Cohen and his clients — including those between the lawyer and Trump, according to both people.

The raids — part of an investigation referred by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to federal prosecutors in New York — point to escalating legal jeopardy for a longtime Trump confidant who is deeply intertwined in the president’s business and personal matters.
Obviously an illegal search and siezure.
Moron thinks he knows more than the judge.
This must be the RW media’s talking point.
And you come spreading it here.
The judge knows the warrant is illegal. He just doesn't care because he's probably an Obama appointed douchebag.
It’s hilarious listening to the trump whores try to rationalize that the FBI raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... no big thing.
Like this happens to all presidents.

It’s hilarious listening to the demo_rats try to rationalize that a highly POLITICIZED FBI and DOJ raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... a big thing.
Like this doesn't happen in all tyrannies.

The only one saying the FBI and DOJ are politicized is the criminal that knows these agencies have a lot of dirt on him.
The fact you believe this pathological liar over our intelligence agencies shows you might be a deplorable.
...and that the power to create, define, and punish such other crimes is reserved, and, of right, appertains solely and exclusively to the respective States, each within its own territory.

Thomas Jefferson

You're right. The raid was done by the US Attorney for the southern district of New York.

Does the US Attorney for the southern district of New York has the authority to amend or ignore the Constitution?

Sometimes it takes years to establish a case against a private citizen. This is a billionaire/POTUS. He could serve the rest of his term, and it doesn't mean he's out of the woods.
So, they have nothing even close to a slam-dunk, it's-all-over-but-the-crying case, right?

There is never a slam dunk. There are confessed mass murderers free today. If nobody sees jail time it doesn't mean they aren't guilty.
It’s hilarious listening to the trump whores try to rationalize that the FBI raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... no big thing.
Like this happens to all presidents.

It’s hilarious listening to the demo_rats try to rationalize that a highly POLITICIZED FBI and DOJ raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... a big thing.
Like this doesn't happen in all tyrannies.

The only one saying the FBI and DOJ are politicized is the criminal that knows these agencies have a lot of dirt on him.
The fact you believe this pathological liar over our intelligence agencies shows you might be a deplorable.

Fuck it! Send in the 82nd to sort them out. JAG officers rule. Over those that live, that is.
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

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Oh? On what grounds did they obtain their warrant?

I'm sure the grounds were incredibly flimsy, just like everything else Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler does. However, that doesn't alter the fact that any communication between Trump and his lawyer are privileged. Anything Herr Obergruppenfuher Mewler learns will be thrown out of court.
Hey fuctard. The judge wouldn’t have issued a warrant unless there was much evidence that crimes were committed.
What a gullible fucking retard you are.
Yes anyone who rules against trump has to be an Obama drone or a “ gullible fucking retard.”
I so love it when you kick your own fat ass.
We all know that the attorney went judge shopping to get what he wanted.
Of course not. The attorney client relationship is sacred. An attorney can never, should never be forced to divulge communications between the attorney and client. No client would ever be honest with the lawyer knowing their records could be seized.
How unprepared would every lawyer be when his/her client is afraid to tell him bad facts so he can prepare to deal with them. I bet all lawyers love those surprises right in the middle of cross-examination.
Actually this should please every HONEST lawyer out there.
Of course not. The attorney client relationship is sacred. An attorney can never, should never be forced to divulge communications between the attorney and client. No client would ever be honest with the lawyer knowing their records could be seized.
This is why attorneys tell their clients, they can defend them, but they can't help them in either carrying out, or covering up their crimes. Such as advising clients what they need to do in order to get away with a crime. It would be like a criminal being able to hide the gun, by giving it to his lawyer.
This is WAY too personal. And the noise from all the off-topic media reviews and other Trump news is deafening.

Discuss the topic -- not each other. FIVE mods worked this thread today. The warnings and thread bans are going out..
Mueller does not want to convict Trump of anything. What he wants to do is isolate him and make his life intolerable and his ability to govern impossible. NOT because of Trump. Oh no. Trump is just the one in the barrel. This is a lesson to be taught to every republican. Don't run for office or you will get the same.
It’s hilarious listening to the trump whores try to rationalize that the FBI raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... no big thing.
Like this happens to all presidents.

It’s hilarious listening to the demo_rats try to rationalize that a highly POLITICIZED FBI and DOJ raiding the president’s long time lawyer is... a big thing.
Like this doesn't happen in all tyrannies.

The only one saying the FBI and DOJ are politicized is the criminal that knows these agencies have a lot of dirt on him.
The fact you believe this pathological liar over our intelligence agencies shows you might be a deplorable.

Yo Dingleberry

Ask the surviving Davidians if "our intelligence agencies " lie like a rug with IMPUNITY when procuring Search Warrants:


This is WAY too personal. And the noise from all the off-topic media reviews and other Trump news is deafening.

Discuss the topic -- not each other. FIVE mods worked this thread today. The warnings and thread bans are going out..

How about giving examples of the no-no's. Show the red line that people crossed. The generic warnings don't give guidance.
Mueller does not want to convict Trump of anything. What he wants to do is isolate him and make his life intolerable and his ability to govern impossible. NOT because of Trump. Oh no. Trump is just the one in the barrel. This is a lesson to be taught to every republican. Don't run for office or you will get the same.

This Republican appointed by Republicans obviously hates Republicans.
No, it's just a motherfucking HUGE brick in the wall.

The case is still being built. Now how long did it take them to put Watergate together? If you need a rough idea.

Building an ironclad case takes time.
Then, idiots on here should shut the fuck up about slam-dunk, this is it, Trump is going down, bullshit.

It is far from done. It's most likely a witch hunt.
For what purpose would an honest ace like Mueller with his whole career in pursuit of truth and Justice, change his spots to become a Witch in a witch hunt, in the very latter part of his life, when he will soon be meeting his maker?

There is no purpose or advantage in any way, for Mueller to do something like that..... me thinks Trump' repeating of his own lies, has made you brainwashed to believe his lies....

Please screw your head back on, and use the brain in it, that God gave you!

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