Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.
Hey look! An Obama deflection--how...predictable?
Mueller is charged with Russia baloney and not to peruse some side jobs that he can send elsewhere for some more fly sh*t in a cattle pasture witch hunting

He sees a crime. He is legally required to report that crime. The question remains is how that crime relates to the Liar in Chief. If he was aware of the Stormy payoffs...as the records will or will not show...his problems just begin and he is getting deeper and deeper.
So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.
Hey look! An Obama deflection--how...predictable?
Just inserting logic and reality into this debate.
Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.
Hey look! An Obama deflection--how...predictable?
Just inserting logic and reality into this debate.
I'm afraid you're ill-equipped for the task you've set yourself. Logic would say..that person A's actions cannot excuse person B's.

Reality..is that the Trump house of cards is falling....simple as that.
Though Mueller was empowered to investigate Russians? Did not know he was charged with investigating possible sexual peccadillos from over 10 years ago? Next up I guess is looking into how Trump pays his credit card bills?
Cohen was his lawyer during the treason, dummy. I doubt Mueller will care at all about the Stormy business
All that shows is that Herr mewler is a fucking Nazi who wipes his ass on the Constitution. Have you ever heard of a thing called atorney-client privilegeprivilege? Of course, we know you don't care because you're a fucking Nazi just like Herr Mewler. Anything he obtains from this raid will be thrown out of court.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Thrown out of court? You wouldn't want to bet on that would you? Because Cohen is toast as is your liar-in-chief. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple of assholes. Cohen with his threatening letters to anyone who dares stand up to the yellow scourge. He's a disgrace to the legal profession and that's a pretty high bar considering how many scumbags practice law in DC. He should have held onto that 130K because he's gonna need it for his scumbag lawyer to try to defend the indefensible.

Remember this gem from Trump's "Fixer"? :)

"I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we're in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don't have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know," Cohen said. "So I'm warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I'm going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?"

"You write a story that has Mr. Trump's name in it, with the word rape, and I'm going to mess your life up … for as long as you're on this frickin' planet … you're going to have judgments against you, so much money, you'll never know how to get out from underneath it," he added.​

He also claimed that it wasn't possible for a man to rape his wife. LoL - The fuktard probably went to The Donald J Trump School of Law :)

Donald Trump's lawyer goes nuts on reporters for writing controversial story about Trump and his ex-wife
this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,


That is not a NY Times link. You should be banned for posting false information. I am considering whether to report you...
If they started banning folks for false links...we'd be short a few regs, for sure! I wouldn't bother, just reflect on the desperation and sense of futility these tin-foil hats must feel..as their little alt/right world comes crumbling down.

Thanks for admitting that you are a Liar and a distributor of false information. Are your initials DJT?
Huh?? Was that directed at me? If so, why?
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occurred to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.
In your opinion of course--which is not really backed up by all the facts known to Mueller.
So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.

ROFL! Who are you trying to kid? One thing we know is that HIllary's bimbos were all paid off to smear Trump. According to all you douchebags, that counts as a campaign contribution, doesn't it? Why isn't Herr Mewler ransacking Hillary's home and offices?
this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occurred to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.
In your opinion of course--which is not really backed up by all the facts known to Mueller.

What "facts?"
Didn't you get the RNC talking point? When the heat is too much to bear.....just say HILLARY. It worked well during the campaign....but it is beginning to fade away.

It still works on Trumptards -

Guess they've been fooled into believing that it works outside of their ever-shrinking circle.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occurred to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.
In your opinion of course--which is not really backed up by all the facts known to Mueller.

What "facts?"
LoL! That's my point--you and I don't know..what facts..now do we?
Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.

ROFL! Who are you trying to kid? One thing we know is that HIllary's bimbos were all paid off to smear Trump. According to all you douchebags, that counts as a campaign contribution, doesn't it? Why isn't Herr Mewler ransacking Hillary's home and offices?

You got nothing but a BIG MOUTH.....post it if you got it...

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