Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

So what? That doesn't protect against crimes.

Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.
Well he had Hill as SoS, which is something I never figured out why
this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.
Cohen paying Stormy for her silence has nothing to do with Russia and is not a crime.

Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.
Well he had Hill as SoS, which is something I never figured out why
Because she's smart--and politically..it made sense.
Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.

ROFL! Who are you trying to kid? One thing we know is that HIllary's bimbos were all paid off to smear Trump. According to all you douchebags, that counts as a campaign contribution, doesn't it? Why isn't Herr Mewler ransacking Hillary's home and offices?

You got nothing but a BIG MOUTH.....post it if you got it...

The story of Lisa Bloom admitting she offered money to women to smear Trump is well known by all except the dumbest of snowflakes.
Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.
You don't get to see all the evidence...who do you think you are? After the Grand Jury sits and the trial starts..then you get to see the evidence.
Except for the NDA with a porn star.
Which is not illegal for Trump to enter or pay.

It is however, illegal to not disclose it as a campaign expense. There is no question that the payment was made to benefit the campaign.
Bullshit. Benefitting Trump is not the same as benefitting the campaign. Even if he wasn't running for President, he wouldn't want a hooker running around claiming he slept for her.

That dog don't hunt.
Well, if that were the case, then the NDA would have been proposed back in 2006 when the one night stand was over or in 2011 when she had her magazine interview....The timing indicates it was for hiding it from constituents during the election...

But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!

Also, this does not involve trump imo, or they would not have sent it outside the beltway to do.
But there is no way this was done simply for breaking campaign finance laws....it takes nearly an act of God to get a no knock warrant, let alone one on the president 's personal lawyer with attorney/client privilege!!!
Nothing to do with Trump? Did Cohen do anything that wasn't somehow related to Trump?
Nothing to do with criminal actions of Trump involved with this Stormy Daniel case..... Mueller would have kept that closer to his vest.... as with this entire investigation of the special counsel involved with the President himself.....

I am speculating, but it appears that Mueller passed on the case to the Southern district of New York as a strategic move.....let them do the dirty work.....

In order to get a no knock search, prosecutors have to have tried to get the information first by request, then possibly by subpoena....

apparently, Cohen had to have ignored those requests, or had not been so forthcoming....in other words, Cohen did not give them all that was subpoenaed or just asked for by the prosecutors..... and the prosecutors have information collected through other means, that indicates Cohen is holding back on what was requested.....maybe even asserting the excuse of Attorney / Client privilege.

and, they had to show the Judge, that there was a good reason to believe that Cohen would NOT give the investigators the information they requested and would either destroy or hide it, if a normal, pre-planned knock search, was initiated.
sending the case over to the Southern District of New York has done a couple of things....

Removes it from Mueller


Puts it in to the hand of a Donald trump FRIEND. The prosecutor donated to Donald Trump and was Republican, and was personally interviewed by the president for this position, which is unprecedented!!!! We all thought it was dirtier than dirty for the president to personally choose the prosecutors that involved where he lived or had businesses and pick them himself..... it has never ever been done before by any President, ever!!!

Also, this prosecutor is the longtime ex law partner with Rudy Giuliani, who divested in Rudy's firm when appointed by Trump.

It smelled and appeared as mafioso as it comes!!!

By Rosenstein passing the case on to him in NYC,... put the case in to the hands of a Prosecutor that was "all those things" that Trump wanted, and not like some on the Special Counsel that Trump complains about all the time....'they were democrats, or they donated to Hillary, or donated to the DNC etc etc etc.....it's unfair, it's a witch hunt....blah blah blah'.

The prosecutor in the NYC district was unable to get the information he needed from Cohen.

Cohen and the president could try to hold strong and make their "patsy" do as "they" want....and drop the case or cover their asses.

And the prosecutor was faced with letting Cohen get away with it because he's a "friend" of the President, (while being watched by Rosenstein more than likely)....or the prosecutor could do what was needed to pursue justice and lawbreakers.

When sh*t hit the fan, the prosecutor went with truth and justice, and wanted to show upfront, that he was NOT bought and paid for, by the president.

My second option is backhandedly, Mueller wants Cohen to sing like a canary on other crooked business deals involved with Russia, and this case pressure is the pressure needed for Cohen to eventually....do just that.....?
Last edited:
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

Aww, poor baby. You’re still stuck on Hillary?

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein personally gave the green light for the FBI to raid the hotel room and office of President Donald Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen on Monday, The New York Times first reported.

Rosenstein oversees special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election. The Cohen raid came, in part, from a referral from Mueller’s team.

The raid was executed by the office of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. The man running that office, interim U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman, is a Trump appointee whom the president personally met with when he was up for the job. Berman also donated $5,400 to Trump’s presidential campaign.

ABC News reported Tuesday that Berman, however, has been recused from the Cohen matter.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was?
Get over it.
Yeah because we all know the Left would give Trump a pass too. Lol
Get. Over. It.
Will do, when you get-over-Trump.
Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occurred to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.
In your opinion of course--which is not really backed up by all the facts known to Mueller.

What "facts?"
LoL! That's my point--you and I don't know..what facts..now do we?

But you just said "In your opinion of course--which is not really backed up by all the facts known to Mueller."

Are you now admitting you have no idea whether anything Herr Mewler has done is backep up by any credible evidence?
This coming from the same retard who doesn't comprehend that illegals invading the US has actually TRIPLED since this time last year and yet you claim they are at an all time low.....typical demtard voter.

Yeah, just like the thousands of folks who supposedly cheered as the towers fell or the millions of illegals who vote. Just a hallucination by the king of all nutjobs.
Yeah millions didn't vote that's why Marxistfornia and Libtarded New York REFUSED to turn over the information proving they did! Oh and people did dance in the streets as the towers fell. EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

this may have already been addressed in the 150 pages of comments, but Mueller was put in place to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 election. He was not hired to investigate everything related to Trump trying to find some criminal activity. He has found no Russian collusion, except the collusion between Russia and the Clintons.

He has greatly exceeded his charter and his job should be terminated. His investigation has become nothing but a partisan witch hunt staffed by democrat operatives and Clinton contributors.

this is what we see in third world and banana republics.

End it now.

Its actually pretty simple. During the investigation, Mueller found a potential crime that I felt did not fall with in his purview. He referred it to the correct jurisdiction to examine. He had nothing to do with this search, other than referring the crime. The person who referred the crime is a registered Repub. The person who approved the referral is a registered Repub. The person who directed the search warrant is not only a registered Repub....he is also a trump appointee awaiting approval by the Senate.

So this is a witch hunt? :th_believecrap:

Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

Aww, poor baby. You’re still stuck on Hillary?

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein personally gave the green light for the FBI to raid the hotel room and office of President Donald Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen on Monday, The New York Times first reported.

Rosenstein oversees special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election. The Cohen raid came, in part, from a referral from Mueller’s team.

The raid was executed by the office of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. The man running that office, interim U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman, is a Trump appointee whom the president personally met with when he was up for the job. Berman also donated $5,400 to Trump’s presidential campaign.

ABC News reported Tuesday that Berman, however, has been recused from the Cohen matter.
Makes sense. I had wondered about that.
Of course it is:

Hillary Clinton was directly involved in what the New York Times has called “the biggest campaign finance fraud in the history of the United States. Yet her attorney's office was not ransacked by the FBI,

This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.
You don't get to see all the evidence...who do you think you are? After the Grand Jury sits and the trial starts..then you get to see the evidence.

So now you're admitting you have no idea what evidence Herr Mewler has?
Nothing will come out of this, just as nothing has come out of the 100s of other "investigations", raids, and subpoenas.

In two weeks they left will be making a claim that something else is the end of Trump. They are the true definition of insanity.

Sooooo....you wanna compare indictments, charges and guilty pleas between Benghazi and the trump-Russia investigation? Naw....I doubt that you do.
Don't bother.
Trump can't get away with interference in a government investigation like Obama could.

Obama never had the crime and corruption around him that the Liar and Chief has.
Well he had Hill as SoS, which is something I never figured out why
Because she's smart--and politically..it made sense.
No it made zero sense if Obama was looking to be succeeded by a dem.
If he wants to go to federal pen for decades....then he will not snitch on his daddy wannabe. Cohen is going to have to make a HUGE decision very soon.

Ditto with Crooked Paul!

Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.

That's because Bob's investigation is tight as a drum. You're such an impatient lil feller!
Then you have no idea what evidence he has. Yet you keep claiming that hard evidence backs up everything he does.

You don't understand that you're only proving that you're an idiot.
This is not about Clinton..it is about Trump--has it occurred to you that the raid on Cohen's office was backed by evidence of wrongdoing..and that said evidence was lacking in Clinton's case? Perhaps she was just smart enough not to make her attorney a co-conspirator?

No, that hasn't occured to me because nothing in this entire snipe hunt is backed by any credible evidence.

WOW! So you got all the inside scoop huh? Tell us what Mueller knows and doesn't know. You are my HERO!
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.
You don't get to see all the evidence...who do you think you are? After the Grand Jury sits and the trial starts..then you get to see the evidence.

So now you're admitting you have no idea what evidence Herr Mewler has?

Is that an admission? Of course I don't know..and neither do you. All this is speculation--based on appearance and some logic.
Snowflakes like you keep telling us that Herr Mewler has all this evidence. So what is it? So far what we've seen is bupkis.

That's because Bob's investigation is tight as a drum. You're such an impatient lil feller!
Then you have no idea what evidence he has. Yet you keep claiming that hard evidence backs up everything he does.

You don't understand that you're only proving that you're an idiot.
Well..someone is....might want to think that one over..or not.

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